RT info:eu-repo/semantics/other T1 Practical learning on computational fluid dynamics at undergraduate level A1 Parra Santos, María Teresa A2 ASME K1 PID 2015-2016 K1 Modelado numérico de sistemas sólidos y fluidos AB This work involves a methodology for MechanicalEngineering students to learn Computational Fluid Dynamicsplaying an active role. Students carry out a fluid mechanicsdown scaled projects with the steps of sensibility of mesh,convergence of numerical algorithm, validation of turbulencemodel and description of flow patterns. Furthermore, theydevelop their critical thought when they identify weak pointssusceptible for improvement.The offer of benchmark test cases ranges from head loses,driven cavities, swirling flows, to external aerodynamics.Simplifications to the level of undergraduate courses imply twodimensional simulations and a limited number of grid points.Hence, the assessment is based in coherence of decisions andefficient use of limited resources.A review of the offer of workshops is supplied, such as theAhmed car, the Roback and Johnson burner, aerodynamics ofdifferent NACA airfoils, and different geometries of drivencavities. These are classical test cases of numerical researchand a sample of applications in wind energy, industrialfurnaces, and lubrication.Parametrization based in geometry, Reynolds number, Pitchangle among other, let simulate different flow patterns withsimilar degree of difficulty.There is a deeper understanding of the topic when studentsneed to discuss the strategies to accomplish the project, theyneed to write a technical report and finally they need to justifythe evaluation of other works. Also, it is important to link thesimplified projects of the workshop with the real world and theindustrial applications YR 2016 FD 2016 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/18758 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/18758 LA spa DS UVaDOC RD 19-sep-2024