RT info:eu-repo/semantics/other T1 PID_19_20_145_Anexo 1. Comunicación EDULEARN.pdf T2 Comunicación Congreso Innovación Educativa A1 Urbano López de Meneses, Beatriz K1 Proyecto innovación docente 145 AB The Bologna process and the European Higher Education Area (HEA) aim to align the evaluation withthe competences that the student needs to acquire during the teaching-learning process. In thissense, in previous projects we observed that G15 competence of critical thinking needs to bestrengthened in the Agriculture students at the University of Valladolid in Spain. On the one hand, tostrengthen the G15 competence, the teachers have confirmed that social media, due to students’familiarity and interest, can be used to create students’ own innovative recommendations and critiquesand to improve students’ critical thinking. In this line, the young people in Spain recognise an intensiveuse of electronics and the 90% of them own 2-5 electronic devices. The most popular social mediaare, Facebook with 2,271 million users in 2019, Youtube with 1,900 million, WhatsApp with 1,500million and Instagram with 1,000 million. On the other hand, there is unanimity in the scientificcommunity on the need to improve the quality of the assessment in Higher Education, revising andrevamping the evaluation by means of diverse, varied and innovative assessment tools aligned withcompetences that the students need to acquire. In this sense, rubrics are recognized tools thatevaluate the learning process aligned with the competences-based learning model. Rubrics allowstudents to self-monitoring their learning process contributing to their teaching responsibility and toself-evaluate their work quality and possible improvement. In this sense, CoRubrics is a digital toolthat allows obtained the students self-evaluation, teachers-evaluation and students co-evaluation. Thispaper presents a Teaching Innovation Project that aims to strengthen the G15 competence of criticalthinking by means of social media and its evaluation using the CoRubrics tool in the Higher EducationAgriculture students at University of Valladolid. The methodology of the project included, i) theinclusion of an activity of critical thinking using social media in the subject practices, ii) the creation ofa rubric for the assessment of the competences needed to acquire by students, iii) the implementationof the activities and rubric by the Higher Education of Agriculture students of Valladolid University, iv)the teachers evaluation and students co-evaluation and v) the comparison, discussion of the resultsand conclusions by teachers. The results showed the students’ high interest in activities using socialmedia enhancing the G15 competence of critical thinking within the improvement of the students’ selfevaluationand evaluation of their own progress. Moreover, it was proved the consciousness-raising ofthe teachers to align the evaluation with the competences to be acquired by the students. YR 2020 FD 2020 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/42414 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/42414 LA spa NO Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola y Forestal DS UVaDOC RD 19-sep-2024