Publications using this dataset (or any part of it) should cite this dataset as follows: Álvarez de la Fuente, E., R. Fernández Fuertes, and Ó. Arratia García (2019) Bilingual children as interpreters in everyday life: how natural interpreting reinforces minority languages. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40 (4): 338-355. NICs_ANNOTATIONS Ronjat (1913) (1) [1;02] Father: Dis merci. Louis: Danke. LOU / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / FR-GER / IN-PA-Min L FA / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (2) [1;08] Mother: Was hat Papa im Mund? Louis: Pfeife . Father: Qu´est-ce que c´est que ça? Louis: Pipe. LOU / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / GER-FR / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (3) [1;08] Louis points his eye and says: oeil Auge. LOU / COMPL / PAIRING / FR-GER / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (4) [1;08] Louis sees a ship and says to himself: Schiff bateau . LOU / COMPL / PAIRING / FR-GER / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (5) [2;04] Louis: Deda, un singe, das heisst ein Äffchen. LOU / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-GER / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (6) [2;06] Louis repeats in the conversation with his parents with oui ja, without a pause. LOU / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-GER / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (7) [2;06] Father: Non, ne reste pas ici, il fait trop froid, va voir Deda. Louis (to Deda): Papas Zimmer ist zu kalt. LOU / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / GER-FR / OI / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (8) [3;00] Father (to Mother): …approbation (in German) Louis (to Father): Qu´est-ce que c´est approbation? (French pronunciation) LOU / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / GER-FR / OI / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (9) [3;02] Father: l´oncle Marc. Louis: Et aussi timbre (adapted from German Marke). LOU / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / GER-FR / OI / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (10) [3;02] Louis has used champignons in a German sentence: Father (to Mother): Er darf nich champinons sagen, wenn er deutsch spricht. Louis: Pilze. Mother: Er soll Pilze sagen. LOU / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / FR-GER / OI / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (11) [3;03] Louis: ça s´appelle un rossignol y añade: s´apelle aussi Nachtigall LOU / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / FR-GER / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (12) [3;06] Louis: comment s´appellent? Father: Demande à maman. Louis: Mami, wie heißen die Blumen? Mother: Schlüsselblumen. Louis: comment tu les appelles, toi? Father: Je ne sais pas d´autre nom que celui que maman t´a dit. Louis: Maman a dit un nom qui est comme une clef. LOU / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / GER-FR / OI / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (13) [4;01] German maid: Was bedeutet tiens? Louis: Tiens! Das heißt Ach! LOU / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-GER / IN-ADULT-Com L ADULT / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) Leopold (1939-1949) (1) [1;04] Father: Aufstehen! Hildegard: up. HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / GER-EN / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (2) [1;06] Mother: What did Mama tell you? Hildegard: No, no. Mother: Don´t you know what ´no, no´ means? Hildegard: Nein, nein. HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-GER / IN-PA / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (3) [1;09] Hildegard is said no more and she answers back saying no meihr. HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-GER / OI / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (4) [1;10] Mother (to Father): Look at the cars! Hildegard (without seeing the cars): Auto(s). HIL / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO (no CN) / EN-GER / OI / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (5) [1;11] Father: Alle kleinen Kinder sind jetzt im Bett. Hildegard: All babies Bett. HIL / INCOMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / GER-EN / OI / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (6) [2;04] Hildegard asks for a pencil in English and as her father does not understand her, she says Bleistift. HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-GER / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (7) [2;06] Hildegard: What is in you, Papa? Father: Knochen. Hildegard: Beans? Father: Nein, bones. Hildegard: Bohnen. HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-GER / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (8) [2;11] Father (to Mother): Der Balg kann wohl noch etwas aufbleiben. Hildegard (to Mother): Mama, Papa says you can keep me up (she does not want to leave). HIL / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / GER-EN / OI / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (9) [3;00] Hildegard: nose. Father: Wie heist das auf deutsch? Hildegard: Nase. HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-GER / IN-PA-Min L FA / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (10) [3;03] Hildegard: Put this shoe on. Father: Sag´s auf deutsch! Hildegard: Bitte, put this (1). Father: what? Hildegard: Schuh on (2). (1) HIL/INCOMPL/NON EQ-ECO (no CN)/EN-GER/IN-PA-Min L FA /AUTOTRANS/SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (2) HIL/INCOMPL/NON EQ-ECO (no CN)/EN-GER/IN-PA-Min L FA /AUTOTRANS/SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (11) [3;03] Hildegard (repeating what her father said): Schreibaby. Schreibaby. Squeal. Baby. HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / GER-EN / OI / OTHER-PA / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (12) [3;04] Hildegard (to her cousin, who does not know German): This is a Wasser. Water. HIL / COMPL / PAIRING / GER-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (13) [3;04] Father: Du bist mein grüner Junge. Hildegard: No, a red Junge (her father does not understand her), rot. HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-GER / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (14) [4;01] Father: Hast du geschlafen? Hildegard’s cousin would like to know what her father said and so she repeats it in German with an English accent (1) and then says Have you been sleeping? (2) (1) HIL / NULL / SS / 1-4 / GER-EN / IN-OTHER / OTHER-ADULT-Com L ADULT / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (2) HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / GER-EN / OI / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (15) [4;03] Hildegard (on a chair making fun of her father): My seat. Meinen seat (1). Meinen Setz. (1) HIL / INCOMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-GER / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (2) HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-GER / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (16) [4;10] Her father asks her to translate I am learning German and Hildegard responds: Ich lerne Hamburg! HIL / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-GER / IN-PA_Min L FA / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (17) [4;10] Hildegard: Beine kann´s nicht. Mother: What does that mean? Hildegard: Legs can´t do anything. HIL / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / GER-EN / IN-PA-Com L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (18) [4;10] Hildegard does not know how to say Vase in English and says flower pot. HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / GER-EN / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) (19) [5;03] Mother: Tell him I like it. Hildegard: Mutti mag das gerne. HIL / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-GER / IN-PA / OTHER-ADULT-Com L MO / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (20) [5;07] Hildegard: I thought you wouldn´t care. Ich hab mir gedacht, du wolltest mich nicht aussschimpfen. HIL / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP/ EN-GER / OI/ AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (21) [5;07] Hildegard: She wanted to come over now. Sie wollte mich zu…, das ich rubberkommen soll nun. HIL / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-GER / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) (22) [5;09] Hildegard: Bonnie, you are my darling Bettelmann (she is asked to say it in German) Du bist mein Liebchen und mein Bettelmann. HIL / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-GER / IN-PA-MIN L FA / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) Swain (1972) (1) [3;01] If: …venir avec lui. S: …come too. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (2) [3;01] Ie: Tell If that Pierre [a doll] is crying because he can´t find his nose. S: Est-ce que Pierre est fui…? His nose is hurt? Where´s his nose? If: Hah? S: He can´t find his nose. Ie: He can´t find his nose. S: Y è perdu.(1) If: Il a perdu quoi? Son nez? S: Oui. If: Oh! Qu´est-ce qu´il fait, Pierre? S: Il pleure.(2) (1) MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (2) MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (3) [3;01] If: Qu´est-ce qu´un dog? S: Un chien. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (4) [3;01] If: Qui c´est ça, Santa Claus? S: Père Noël. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (5) [3;02-3;03] E: Tell Céline that I have a TV at my house. S: C´est… est-ce que… uhm… qu´est-ce que Merrill… il est…il a une télevision chez elle? MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (6) [3;02-3;03] E: Tell her that I have a bed too. S: Est-ce que… est-ce que… est-ce que… est-ce que Merrill… est-ce que Merrill l´a… attends! MIC / NULL / SS / 5 / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (7) [3;02] S: Two mamans, deux mamans. MIC / COMPL / PAIRING / EN-FR / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPER (8) [3;02] Ie: Ask her if she has any eggs. S: T´as-tu des oeufs? MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (9) [3;02] Ie: Tell her that she owes me five cents. S: Tu vas payer ça. MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (10) [3;02] Ie: Ask her what kind of soup she wants. S: Quelle couleur tu veux? MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (11) [3;03] Ie: It´s yours. S: C´est à toi. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (12) [3;03] If: …rien dedans. S: …empty. MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (13) [3;03] Adult: Ask Helen to turn on all the lights, OK? Child: Veux-tu tourne the lights?(1) Adult: Je ne comprends pas. Child: Veux-tu ouvrir les lumières?(2) (1) MIC / INCOMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR/IN-INV/OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (2) MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (14) [3;03] Ie: Ask her if she´s strong enough to open it. S: T´es-tu grande, toi? MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO/ EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (15) [3;05] If: J´ai perdu mes lunettes. S: I lost my glasses. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (16) [3;05-3;10] Adult: Ask Helen if she´ll turn off the lights, OK? Child: Veux-tu fermer la lumière? MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (17) [3;05-3;10] Adult: Demande à Merrill si elle veut ouvrir les lumières, OK? Child: Do you want to open the… the… the… oh, I can´t. Adult: Demande-lui. MIC / NULL / SS / 5 / FR-EN / IN-INV /OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (18) [3;05-3;10] Adult: Demande-lui de fermer les lumières. Child: Close the lights. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (19) [3;06-3;07] E: Ask her if she wants to go to the store today. S: You want to go to the store? A: Pardon? S: Tu veux aller au magasin? (1) A: Oui. Est-ce que Merrill veut y aller aussi? S: Do you want to go au mag… Tu veux ti aller au magasin?(2) (1)&(2) MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN)/EN-FR/ IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (20) [3;06-3;07] S: Do you see the glasses? A: Pardon? S: Tu vois ti les lunettes? MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (21) [3;06] If: A fait manger son chien. S: He feeding his dog. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (22) [3;06] If: La maison rose. S: The pink house. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (23) [3;06] If: Une grande maison. S: A big house. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (24) [3;06] If: Demande si elle peut l´ôter. S: You can take it off? MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (25) [3;06] If: Dis-lui de ne pas ouvrir. S: Close it, close it! MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (26) [3;06] Ie: Phone my dad, and ask him to come repair the door. S: Allo. Bonjour. Vas-tu venire ranger la porte? Oui, cet après-midi. Vien le réparer tantôt. Dis, tantôt. MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (27) [3;07] If: Trois. S: Two. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT/ EXPER (28) [3;07] S: …au magasin… in the grocery store. MIC/ COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / OI / AUTOTRANSL / EXPER (29) [3;07] Child: Marcel´s going to be… Marcel va être le payeur. Adult: What? Child: Marcel´s go-… Marcel va êtrer le payeur. Adult: What? Child: Marcel´s going to be the payeur.(1) Let´s wait. Adult: Why? Child: Because Marcel´s going to be the man who… who pay.(2) (1) MIC / INCOMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPER (2) MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / FR-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS/ EXPER (30) [3;07] Ie: It´s raining now. S: La neige s´en va para terre. MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (31) [3;07] Ie: The wolf knocked on the door. S: A fait ça, pis après y a entrè. MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (32) [3;08] Ie: It still works. S: A marche. MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (33) [3;08] If: le bon pied. S: The right foot. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (34) [3;08] If: J´en ai deux petits doigts. S: You got two of them, two little fingers. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (35) [3;08] If: Cette boutelle, c´est pour cet oeil-la. L´autre, c´est pour cet œil-la.. S: That bottle is for that eye… this one is for that one. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (36) [3;08] Ie: ...the same colour as his eyes. S: …la même chose que ses yeux. MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (37) [3;08] If: Je veux qu´elle me le redonne tout a l´heure. S: When my mommy is going to get back, you got to give it to her. MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (38) [3;09] If: … chez toi… au magasin. S: … at home… at store. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / EXPER (39) [3;09] Ie: What are they called? S: Des bonbons. A candy. MIC / COMPL / PAIRING / FR-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPER (40) [3;09] Ie: Ask if she has any coffee left. S: T´en as-tu, du café? MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (41) [3;09] S: I have just two… on a juste deux… I got just two… MIC / COMPL / PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPER (42) [3;09] S: Veux-tu jouer? Do you want to play? MIC / COMPL / PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPER (43) [3;09] If: Je reste avec les petits oiseaux. S: She live with the birds. MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (44) [3;09] Ie: Ask if she wants one. S: Veux-tu une gomme? MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (45) [3;09] If: J´ai apporté mes lunettes. S: Your glasses for eye. MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (46) [3;09] Ie: Ask her why she called you chef. S: Pourquoi tu m´as appelé chef? MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (47) [4;00-4;01] M: Il joue au ballon. E: How do you say that in English? M: Ca veut dire… une baloune. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (48) [4;00-4;01] A: Est-ce qu´elle va la laver, sa bourse, Merrill? M: You gon to… you gon to… you gon to… gon to wash it, your purse? E: Yes, I´m gonna wash it. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (49) [4;00-4;01] M: When Mommy going to come? E: What? M: Comment ma maman va venir, Hélène? A: Ta maman va revenir dans une heure, je pense. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (50) [N/A] S: I told you he´s Marcel. If: C´est ton ours, oui. S: Non, c´est à Marcel. MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPER (51) [N/A] Ie: Tell her a blue piece of paper is what you need… If: Tu veux un morceau de papier vert? S: Oh, oui, paper. MIC / NULL / CS / 9 / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (52) [N/A] If: Il ne faut pas le casser. S: Pourquoi? Why? MIC / COMPL / PAIRING / FR-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPER (53) [3;02] Ie (a Marcel): You cut your finger? Marcel: Yes. Ie (a Marcel): What did you cut them with? Marcel: Avec a knife. No, it´s not like that. S (to Mother): Maman, comment que Marcel s´est coupé? MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-FR / OI / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (54) [N/A] Michael está intentando que su muñeco coma una zanahoria Investigador: Put it in his mouth. That´s where he eats from. Michael (al investigador francés): Moi vais mettre dans sa mouth. MIC / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (55) [N/A] S: Je suis plus beau quand je n´ai pas de lunettes? Ie: Can you say that in English? S (susurrando): J´ai perdu ma voix. MIC / NULL / CS / 10 / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (56) [N/A] S: T´aimes- tu danser? Ie: Ask me in English. S: I don´t know. MIC / NULL / SS / 1-4 / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (57) [N/A] If: Demande à [Ie] si elle veut une réglisse. S: Veux-tu, veux-tu une… ça, ça, c´est quoi? If: une réglisse. S: Comment t´appelles ça? C´est-tu un bonbon?(1) If: Oui. Demande à [Ie] si elle en veut un. S: Do you want a candy?(2) (1) MIC / NULL / SS / 1-4 / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (2) MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (58) [N/A] Child: Un autre Johnnie. Another one. MIC / COMPL / PAIRING / FR-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPER (59) [N/A] Ie: Ask what´s in the bag. S: Qu´est-ce qui a dans le bag? MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (60) [N/A] S: The man was squash. If: Quoi? S: Le monsieur.(1) If: Qu´est-ce que ça veut dire squash? S: Squash ça veut dire comme ça. (1) MIC / INCOMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPER (2) MIC / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-FR / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPER (61) [N/A] Ie: What do I do with them? Show me what to do. S: Qu´est-ce qui a do? C´est ski-doo. MIC / INCOMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-FR / IN-INV / OTHER-ADULT / EXPER (62) [N/A] Child: Y veut le man-… He want to eat him? MIC / PAIRING / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / FR-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPER Lanza (1988, 1997, 2001) (1) [1;11] Father: Hvem var-var det da? (who was-was it then?) Siri: woman. Father: woman. Hva sier Papa da? (what does Papa say?) Siri: damen (the lady). Father: en dame. Ja (a lady, yes). SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-NOR / IN-PA-Com L FA / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / BMI (2) [casi 2;00] Siri (acaba de terminarse la leche): Empty. Mother: Empty. Siri: Daddy, daddy. Mother: Daddy says… Siri: Tom (vacío). SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-NOR / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / BMI (3) [2;01] Mother (looking at a book): What´s right here? Siri, what´s this right here? Hm? It´s a hot dog. Siri: Mm. Mother: Mm. Do you remember what Daddy calls a hot dog? Hm? What does Daddy call a hot dog? Hm? Siri: pølse (hot dog). Mother: pølse. Mm.. SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-NOR / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 1 / BMI (4) [2;02] Siri (que acaba de dar palmas): Klappe hand. Mother: Hm? Siri: Clap hand. Mother: Did you clap your hands? Siri: mm. SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / EN-NOR / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / BMI (5) [2;02] Siri: Jeg mett, jeg mett (I’m full). Mother: You´re mett? What does Mama say? Siri: F:ull. Mother: Full. That´s a girl! SIR / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / NOR-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / BMI (6) [2;02] Siri: Jeg full (I full). Mother: You´re full. Mm. Siri: Daddy full? Father: Pappa er mett. Siri: Huh? Father: Pappa mett. Siri: Mett, jeg mett (full, I full). Mother: What does Mama say? Siri: Finished.(1) Mother: Well, I´m finished, I´m… Siri (hesitating): finished. Mother: Full. (…) Siri: Daddy full? Mother: Mm. Daddy´s full. Siri: Nei mett (no “mett”)! (Mother laughs) (2) (1) SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / NOR-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / BMI (2) SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-NOR / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / BMI (7) [2;02] Mother: We´ll have to buy more [salami] tomorrow. Siri: yes, kjøpe (buy). SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING/ECO / EN-NOR / OI / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 1 / BMI (8) [2;02] Siri: Mama løpe (mama run), Mama løpe, Mama løpe. Mother: What do you want Mama to do? Siri: run. Mother: run. Siri: Mama run. SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / NOR-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / BMI (9) [2;02] Father: Å varmt (Oh, hot). Siri: varmt. Father: Om der var varmt, ja (sure it´s hot). Siri: ja. Hot, hot. Mother: Yeah, hot. Father: Papa sier ´varm´. Var varm (Papa says hot. Is hot). Siri: varm. SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / NOR-EN / OI / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 2 / BMI (10) [2;02-2;03] Father: Sånn. Og så skal vi få på deg smekken (Like that. And then we will put your bib on). Siri: ja. Smekke. Father: Mm. Siri: Smekke. Father: Smekke. Skall du- Mother: What does Mama call it? Siri: bib. Mother: bib. Siri: smekke. Father: Smekke, sier Pappa (Papa says bib). SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / NOR-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / BMI (11) [2;02-2;03] Siri has just “bought” an orange for her father and he asks her to tell her mother if she can “buy” an orange. Siri pays it with the money she used to “buy” her father the orange. Siri: kjøpe, buy. Mother: Buy. Mama says ´buy´. Siri: buy. SIR / COMPL / PAIRING / NOR-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / BMI (12) [2;02-2;03] Mother: What does Mama say for ´skitten´? Siri: dirty. SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / NOR-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 2 / BMI (13) [2;02-2;03] Father: Kjørte bil? (Drove the car?) Siri: carriage! SIR / COMPL / NON EQ- ECO / NOR-EN / OI / OTHER-ADULT/ SPONT / 2 / BMI (14) [2;03] Siri: jeg falt (I fell). Father: Ja, du falt du óg (Yes, you fell, you too). Mother: You went all the way back past our house and to the garage. On skis today. Siri: fall. SIR / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / NOR-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / BMI (15) [2;03] Father (a Siri): hard re kjørt spark? (have you ridden the kick sled?) Mother: Yeha, properly too. With her one foot up there. Father: Ja? Siri: den::fot (that foot). Father: den- Mother: that foot. SIR / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-NOR / OI / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 1 / BMI (16) [2;04] Siri: [hort]. Father: Og Papa sier? (And Papa says?) Siri: [hort]. Father: Hva sier Mama? (What does Mama say?) Siri: horse.(1) Father: Hva sier Papa? Siri: Ku! (cow!). Father: Kua. Det var den der. Hva sier Papa? Hva er det for no´? (The cow. That was that there. What does Papa say? What is that?) Siri: hest? (horse?) Father: Hest, ja. Flink jente! (Horse, yes. Good girl!) SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-NOR / IN-PA-Com L FA / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / BMI (17) [2;06] Father: Husker du hva Papa kaller chicken? (Do you remember what Papa calls chicken?) Siri: hønen (the chicken). Father: hønen, ja. SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / EN-NOR / IN-PA-Com L FA / OTHER-ADULT / SPONT / 1 / BMI (18) [2;07] Mother: What does she use to make the pancakes? Siri: chickens, eggs. Mother: eggs. And- Siri: mel, flour. SIR / COMPL / PAIRING / NOR-EN / OI/ AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / BMI (19) [2;07] Siri (playing with a toy pig): Her er grisen (here is the pig). Mother: Daddy calls it a ´gris´. What does Mother call it? Siri: Pig. Mother: Yes, Mother says ´pig´ and Daddy says ´gris´. Siri: I say ´gris´. SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (no CN) / NOR-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / BMI (20) [2;07] Mother: The cow! What´s the cow doing right there? Siri: spis (eat). Mother: Hm? Siri: eat. SIR / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING (CN) / NOR-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / BMI (21) [2;07] Leyendo un libro Mother: What did she do with the syrup? Siri: There. Mother: Yeah, what did she do it? Siri: tømmet ut (emptied out). Mother: Huh? Siri: tømmet ut. Mother: What does Mama say? Siri: ikke [not] syrup now. Mother: She doesn´t have any syrup because she dropped it. SIR / INCOMPL / NON EQ-EXP/ NOR-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / BMI 1