Publications using this dataset (or any part of it) should cite this dataset as follows: Álvarez de la Fuente, E., R. Fernández Fuertes, and Ó. Arratia García (2019) Bilingual children as interpreters in everyday life: how natural interpreting reinforces minority languages. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40 (4): 338-355. NIC_COSSATO (2008) BIRGITTA (4;10) (1) Elizabeth what what does he study “Simon”? can you ask him? Birgitta am I don’t know what study is in Swedish NULL / LONG (1_4) / COMPLEX_SS / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (2) Elizabeth ok what does Simon do then? what does he do? Birgitta am vad gör du? am what do you do? COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (3) Simon vad jag gör? jag går på universitetet och där studerar jag italienska och historia e::: what do I do? I go to university and there I study Italian and history e::: Elizabeth what what did he say? Birgitta it’s a (.) it’s a little bit different in Swedish Elizabeth ((laughs)) ok Birgitta and I don’t know what he said really NULL / LONG (7_14) / COMPLEX_CS/ SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (4) Elizabeth oh ok maybe could you explain that to Simon because he doesn’t understand English Birgitta no NULL / LONG (14) / COMPLEX_CS / EN-SWE / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (5) Simon är det röt eller är det grön eller gult eller blått kanske eller brunt eller svart is it red or is it green or yellow or blue maybe or brown or black eller vit vilken färg tror du hon tycker om eller kan du fråga henne det? or white which colour do you think she likes or can you ask her that? Birgitta what’s your favourite uh what’s your favourite uh what’s your favourite colour? COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (6) Elizabeth my favourite colour? my favourite colour is pink (.) like this dress it’s beautiful Simon vad sa hon? what did she say? Birgitta hon sa att hon tycker om rosa? she says that she likes pink? COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (7) Simon ok ok vad är vad tycker hon om för mat? ok ok what is what food does she like? Birgitta what do you what is your favourite food? COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (8) Elizabeth my favourite food? (.) a:h (.) I like spaghetti Simon o vad sa hon? what did she say? Birgitta eh hon tycker om spaghetti eh she likes spaghetti COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (9) & (10) Simon aha ok e::h va va vad tycker hon om att läsa för någonting? aha ok e::h wh what does she like to read? Birgitta what what do you like to read? (9) Elizabeth I like reading fairy tales Birgitta ah I don’t know what that is (10) (9) COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (10) NULL LONG (4_7) / COMPLEX_CS / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (11) Elizabeth ah ok I like sleeping beauty Birgitta ah hon tycker om >Törnrosa< ah she likes >sleeping beauty< COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (12) Simon Törnrosa? ok den tycker jag också om aha vad gör Elizabeth för någonting? sleeping beauty? ok I like that too aha what does Elizabeth do? på dagarna? jag vet inte det jag skulle vilja veta det kan du fråga henne vad during the day? I don’t know I would like to know can you ask her what hon gör på dagarna she does during the day Birgitta eh what do you what do you like to do on the days? COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (13) Elizabeth a:: I like (.) walking? and (.) swimming (.) and reading “sleeping beauty” ((laughs)) Birgitta hon tycker om och gå och gå bada och gå och läsa she likes walking and go and have a bath and go and read >Törnrosa <= >sleeping beauty<= COMP / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (14) Elizabeth =what does Simon like doing? what does Simon like to do in the day Birgitta vad tycker du om göra (i) i dagarna what do you like to do during the day COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (15) Simon jag läser också gärna jag lyssna på musik jag träffa mina vänner och läser (.) I like reading too I listen to music I meet my friends and I read (.) och jag arbeter ochså lite I also work a little Birgitta jag vet inte vad arbeta är på engelska I don’t know what work is in English NULL / LONG (4_7) / COMPLEX_SS / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (16) & (17) Simon vad? när du låtsas så trolla vad låtsas du så att du trollar då? What? when you pretend to do magic what do you pretend you conjure up then? Birgitta e:: jag trollar en prins e:: I conjure a prins Simon aha ok Elizabeth what what did Simon say? Birgitta a he said a what do I magic here? ah oh oh ah oh on pretend? (16) Elizabeth ok and what do you magic? Birgitta ah prince here? (17) (16) COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM (17) COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM (18) Birgitta but actually there is a book of of wild things and a man who said I’ll eat you up to to his mother and then he has his his room turned into a forest Elizabeth I know this book (.) this used to be my favourite book when I was when I was your age in fact and it’s is the boy called Max? Birgitta yeah Elizabeth yeah that was my favourite book Simon Birgitta vad säger Elizabeth? Birgitta what does Elizabeth say? Birgitta eh hon sa eh hon sa eh hon sa det bok var en bok som eh som någonting eh she said eh she said eh she said the book was a book eh which something trollar en rum trollar till en rum till en turns a room turns into a room into a COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SWE / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (19) Elizabeth oh that’s a good idea and that you could tell him that that’s my favourite book Birgitta hm Simon Birgitta vad sa Elizabeth nu? vad kommer hända? Birgitta what did Elizabeth say now? what’s happening? Birgitta en favoritbok a favourite book COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (20) Elizabeth oh that’s a good idea and that you could tell him that that’s my favourite book Birgitta hm Simon Birgitta vad sa Elizabeth nu? vad kommer hända? Birgitta what did Elizabeth say now? what’s happening? Birgitta en favoritbok a favourite book Simon aha vad då för bok? aha what book? Birgitta ((looking for the book)) Elizabeth oh Birgitta I found it Birgitta yeah ((to Simon)) det här är boken hon tycker om yeah ((to Simon)) this is the book she likes COMP / NON-EQ-EXP / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (21) Elizabeth when I was when I was the same age as you Birgitta när hon var samma eh gammal som mig when she was the same eh old as me COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (22) Simon vad handlar den boken om? what is the book about? Birgitta jag måste tänka ( ) vänta I have to think wait NULL / LONG (4_7) / COMPLEX_SS / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (23) Simon kan du säga till Elizabeth att jag inte tycker om monster can you tell Elizabeth I don’t like monsters Birgitta ok he doesn’t like monsters COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN/ IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (24) Elizabeth can you ask him to point at the most scary monster Birgitta ah kan du ah visa visa mig var är den eh den läskiga monster är ah can you show me where is the eh the scary monster is COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SWE (25) & (26) Simon ( ) är de här så tycker jag att det är den här för den är så stor och ser väldigt ( ) are they here then I think that this is because it’s so big and it looks läskig ut tycker jag speciellt med den här grejen på näsan terribly scary especially with this thing in his nose Elizabeth what what what did he say Birgitta he thought this was the scariest Elizabeth ok why Birgitta cos he had a stekhorn= (25) Elizabeth =wow ok I think I agree Simon vad sa hon what did she say Birgitta eh hon sa eh hon tror det också (26) eh she said that she thinks so too (25) COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN/ IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (26) COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (27) Simon hur många tår har det monstret? how many toes does the monster have? Birgitta eh Elizabeth what did he say Birgitta eh he said eh how many toes he has COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (28) Elizabeth ok well he has one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Simon hur många var det how many was it Birgitta eh tio eh ten COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (29) Elizabeth this monster has got feet a bit like you cos you have ten toes as well ((laughs)) except I think your feet are nicer ((laughs)) Simon vad säg vad säger Elizabeth? what does what does Elizabeth say? Birgitta hon sa mina fötter var finare she said my feet were nicer COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (30) Simon =har kor har kor fötter? =do cows have do cows have feet? Birgitta ne:::j no Simon det har de inte they don’t Elizabeth what did Simon say? Birgitta eh actually he say ah have a have a cows foot COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (31) Elizabeth ok but cows don’t have toes do they no Simon vad säger Elizabeth? what does Elizabeth say? Birgitta hon sa jag sa till henne vad du sa till mig she said I told her what you told me COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (32) Simon ah ok och vad svarade hon då ah ok and what did she reply Birgitta eh jag vet inte eh I don’t know NULL / LONG (4_7) / COMPLEX_SS / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (33) Simon ok du glömde bort det aha kan du fråga henne igen? ok you forgot it aha can you ask her again? Birgitta ah jag vill inte ah I don’t want to NULL / LONG (4_7) / COMPLEX_SS / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (34) Simon kan du fråga Elizabeth om hon har något arbete can you ask Elizabeth if she has a job Birgitta jag vet inte vad det är på engelska I don’t know what that is in English NULL / LONG (4_7) / COMPLEX_SS / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (35) Simon kan du fråga Elizabeth om hon går i skolan? can you ask Elizabeth if she goes to school? Birgitta Elizabeth do you (.) live in a school? COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (36) Elizabeth do I live in a school? no I live in a (.) flat Birgitta I don’t know what flat is NULL / LONG (4_7) / COMPLEX_SS / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (37) Elizabeth ok you could say I live in a house then Birgitta eh hon bor in en hus she lives in a house COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (38) Simon hon bor i ett hus? ok men går hon i skolan på dagarna? she lives in a house? ok but does she go to school during the day? Birgitta eh do you e::n the school on the on the days? COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (39) Elizabeth I yes I go tu university yeah Birgitta I don’t know what university is in Swedish? Elizabeth I know what university is in Swedish because I go it’s universitetet Birgitta what? NULL / LONG (1_4) / COMPLEX_SS / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (40) Simon ok vad sa hon mer ok what more did she say Birgitta eh nej hon sa inte eh no she didn’t Simon ok Birgitta hon sa eh jag glömde bort vad du sa he said eh I forgot what you said NULL / LONG (4_7) / COMPLEX_SS / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (41) Simon ok kan du jag undrade vad hon gör på universitetet ok can you I was wondering what she does at university Birgitta Elizabeth eh what do you eh what do you do on the on the university? COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (42) Elizabeth =study? I I I do English yeah Birgitta hon gör engelska she does English COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (43) Simon eh kan du fråga Elizabeth vad hon gör på sin fritid? eh can you ask Elizabeth what she does in her spare time? Birgitta jag vet inte vad fritid är på engelska I don’t know what spare time is in English NULL / LONG(4_7) / COMPLEX_SS / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (44) Birgitta jag vet inte vad fritid är på engelska I don’t know what spare time is in English Simon ok den tiden du vet som man är när man inte på arbete eller i skolan eller på dagis utom den tiden som är förövrigt du vet inte vad den tiden heter på engelska? ok the time you know which you when you are not at work or at school or at kindergarten the time that is to spare you don’t know what that is in English? Birgitta eh ja e::h what do you do ah what do you do ah when you are not going to school? COMP / NON EQ-EXP / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (45) Elizabeth when I am not going to school well I listen to music and (.) I read a little bit Birgitta I have I didn’t put on some music= Simon =vad sa hon att hon gjörde på fritiden? =what did she say that she did in her spare time? Birgitta hon sa hon lyssnade på music she said she listened to the music COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (46) Simon vilken musik tycker hon mest om? which music does she like the most? Birgitta which music to you like (.) more? COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (47) Simon eh kan du fråga Elizabeth om hon tycker om idrott eh kan you ask Elizabeth if she likes sport Birgitta idrott? sport? Simon eller sport hur man säger du vet vad det är or sport as you can say you know what it is Birgitta nej? No? Simon ok du vet inte vad det heter på engelska (.) ok ok you don’t know what it is called in English (.) ok NULL / LONG (1_4) / COMPLEX_SS / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (48) Simon kan du fråga om hon tycker om sån sport typ att springa eller att cykla eller att simma eller att hoppa kan du fråga henne om hon tycker om något av dem can you ask her if she likes a sport like running or biking or swimming or jumping can you ask her if she likes any of these Birgitta what do you like to do like ah jump or swim or COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (49) Elizabeth yeah I like swimming and I like running Birgitta and Elizabeth and oh what else more ah I like cycling Birgitta you don’t you don’t need to say more Simon vad säger hon att hon tycker om att göra what did she say that she likes doing Birgitta hon tycker om att cykla och bada och >springa< she likes to bike and take baths and >run< COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (50) Elizabeth what does Simon like doing Birgitta eh ok what does e::h vad tycker du om att göra eh ok what does e::h what do you like doing COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (51) Simon jag tycker om att hoppa hoppa högt och hoppa långt jag tycker om att springa I like to do high jump and to do long jump I like running Birgitta ok Simon =och simma ochså =and swim too Birgitta eh do you know what he said Elizabeth no what did he say Birgitta ah he said he likes to hop a long way and he likes to hop high he likes to swim he likes to hm I don’t remember the rest COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (52) Elizabeth ok do you want to ask him what the rest was Birgitta jag har glömt det andra I forgot the other COMP / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (53) Simon ok jag sa att jag tyckte om att simma springa och hoppa ok I said that I liked swimming running and jumping Birgitta jag sa ah de andra jag sa inte >springa< I said ah the other I didn’t say >running< Simon ok då kan du säga det ok then can you say that Birgitta eh ((sighs)) eh he likes to run that was the rest COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (54) Birgitta =jag jag känner en som heter Dakota och ( ) =I I know one who’s name is Dakota and ( ) Elizabeth what what what does you and Simon say what do you and Simon say? Birgitta I said (.) I know a dog who’s named Dakota and that’s a real dog and he’s my cousin’s dog COMP / NON EQ-EXP / SWE-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (55) Simon katter tycker jag om också de är mycket gosiga I also like cats they are very cuddly Elizabeth what did Simon say? Birgitta he said he likes e::::::h dogs Elizabeth yeah Birgitta and he likes cats COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (56) Elizabeth ok I’m allergic to cats Birgitta aha Simon vad säger vad säger Elizabeth what is what is Elizabeth saying Birgitta hon sa hon sa hon är allergisk av katter she said she said she is allergic to cats COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (57) Simon då kan du säga till henne att då får inte hon leka med kattor then can you tell her that then she is not allowed to play with cats Birgitta jag har en busig katt som är härinne i min rum och älskar mig I have a noisy cat who is here in my room and loves me Simon ok Birgitta en (bad) katt a (bad (in English)) cat Simon ja no Birgitta men ser inte henne någon gang can one see her sometimes Simon du kan du säga till Elizabeth att eftersom hon är allergisk mot katter så får hon inte leka med dem can you tell Elizabeth that because she is allergic to cats she is not allowed to play with them Birgitta Elizabeth if you if you are allergic of cats then you can’t play with them COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM (58) Birgitta so be careful cos there is a cat in here Elizabeth really? well Simon vad sa du till henne? what did you tell her? Birgitta jag sa att det är en katt en ( ) katt härinne I said that there is a can a ( ) cat in here COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SWE / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (59) Birgitta I said that my cat maybe maybe the cat is gonna come here but I don’t want it to come cos you are allergic from cats I don’t want her to come COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM (60) Elizabeth what is it called Birgitta Sofia Simon vad säger Elizabeth? what does Elizabeth say? Birgitta jag sa det någonting och= I said that something and= Simon vad frågade hon dig? what did she ask you? Birgitta hon frågade vad heter min katt (1) she asked what my cat’s name is Simon aha ok Birgitta och hon heter >Sofia< (2) and her name is >Sofia< (1) COMP / EQ-PAIRING /EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (2) COMP / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SWE / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (61) Simon ja kan du fråga Elizabeth om hon tycker om att sova också yes can you ask Elizabeth if she likes sleeping too Birgitta Elizabeth Elizabeth yeah Birgitta do you like to sleep COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (62) Elizabeth do I like to sleep I love to sleep ((laugh)) Simon vad sa hon what did she say Birgitta hon sa att hon älskar att sova she said that she loves sleeping COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (63) Elizabeth what is this Birgitta ( ) and you have to take two beeds and put them together on this rope Elizabeth oh I see so can you make jewellery Birgitta eh no I could make a necklace or ah armband ah bracelet ((in Swedish)) Elizabeth bracelet bracelet Simon vad frågade Elizabeth dig what did Elizabeth ask you Birgitta vad man kan göra med dem här what you can do with this COMP / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (64) Simon kan du fråga var Elizabeth’s föreldrar bor can you ask Elizabeth were her parents live Birgitta ok where do yo where do your pappa and mamma live ok where do yo where do your dad ((in Swedish)) and mum ((in Swedish)) live INCOMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (65) Elizabeth my mum and my dad live near Manchester in England Simon vad svarade hon? what did she reply? Birgitta hon sa de bor i England she said they live in England COMP /NON EQ-ECO / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (66) Elizabeth where do Simon’s parents live Birgitta eh vad är vad är ((sighs)) var bor dina mamma pappa eh what is what is ((sighs)) where do your mum and dad live COMP / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (67) Simon de bor i södra Sverige they live in Southern Sweden Birgitta aha jag vet inte vad jag ska säga aha I don’t know what I should say NULL / LONG (4_7) / COMPLEX_SS / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (68) Simon du kan säga de bor i Sverige då det räcker you can say they live in Sweden then that’s enough Birgitta aha they live (.) here COMP / NON EQ-EXP / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (69) Simon kan du fråga vad Elizabeth:s föreldrar heter can you ask Elizabeth what’s her parents’ name Birgitta what ( ) yeah ( ) Simon ok just Birgitta eh eh eh ah what is you mum and pappa’s name eh eh eh ah what is you mum and pappa’s ((in Swedish)) name INCOMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (70) Elizabeth my dad is called Alister and my mum is called Donna Birgitta aha Simon vad svarade hon what did she answer Birgitta hon eh jag vet inte vad det är på Svenska she eh I don’t know what it is in Swedish NULL / LONG (7_14) / COMPLEX_CS / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (71) Birgitta yeah look through this hole Simon vad vad ska Elizabeth göra nu vad gör Elizabeth what what is Elizabeth going to do what is Elizabeth doing Elizabeth wo:: Birgitta hon tittar in den här holet she looks into this hole COMP/ EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (72) Simon aha Birgitta kan du fråga Elizabeth om hon har någon pojkvän? aha Birgitta can you ask Elizabeth if she has a boyfriend? Birgitta Elizabeth do you have a a boyfriend? COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (73) Birgitta Elizabeth do you have a a boyfriend? Elizabeth no Simon vad svarade hon? what did she say? Birgitta nej no COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (74) Simon ok eh har Elizabeth några bröder eller systrar? ok eh does Elizabeth have brothers or sisters? Birgitta ( ) kan svara det kanske ( ) can answer that maybe Simon kan du fråga henne? can you ask her? Birgitta aha ah do you have a sister or a little sister or COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (75)-(78) Elizabeth I have a little brother Birgitta and do you have a sister? Elizabeth no I don’t have a sister Birgitta are you the big sister Elizabeth I’m the big sister Birgitta hon är en stora syster (75) she is a big sister Simon ok har hon en lillebror eller en lillasyster ok does she have a little brother or a little sister Birgitta hon har en lillabror (76) she has a little brother Simon ok vad heter Elizabeth:s lillebror (77) ok what’s Elizabeth’s brother’s name Birgitta eh jag vet inte eh I don’t know Simon kan du fråga henne? can you ask her? Birgitta what’s your little brother’s name Elizabeth Jamie Birgitta hon heter Jamie (78) his name is Jamie (75) COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (76) COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (77) COMP / NON EQ-EXP / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (78) COMP / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (79) Elizabeth does Simon have any brothers or sisters Birgitta har du en en syster eller en lilla syster eller en stora bror eller en lilla bror do you have a a sister or a little sister or a big brother or a little brother COMP / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (80) Simon ja jag har en storebror och en storasyster och min bror heter Jonas och min yes I have a big brither and a big sister and my brother’s name is Jonas and min syster heter Ulrika my sister’s name is Ulrika Birgitta och jag känner någon som heter Jonas and I know somebody whose name is Jonas Simon ok Birgitta som ( ) på min dagis who ( ) at my kindergarten Elizabeth what did Simon say? Birgitta he has a brother and a sister and his brother’s name is Jonas and her and his sister’s name Ulrika COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (81) Elizabeth ok do they fight? or are they friends Birgitta I don’t know Elizabeth can you ask can you ask Simon for me (.) please Birgitta ehm ehm ehm ehm bråkar dem eller är dem kompisar ehm ehm ehm ehm do they fight or are they friends COMP / EQ-PAIRING /EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (82) Simon för den mesta är de kompisar men ibland bråkar de they are mostly friends but sometimes they fight Birgitta aha Simon says ah they are friends but ah sometimes they fight COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (83) Birgitta ( ) svenska eller engelska ( ) Swedish or English Simon vilket vilket språk är den på? which which language is it in? Birgitta svenska och engelska Swedish and English Simon aha på båda språken två språk i samma bok (.) vad bra då kan flera förstå boken aha in both languages in the same book (.) that’s good then many people can understand the book Birgitta ja yes Simon vad coolt how nice R (E) what is he saying Birgitta I said you could read Bamse in English or in Swedish that COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM (84) Birgitta e::: jag tycker om eh jag tycker om eh Clifford Clifford? e::: I like eh I like eh Clifford Clifford? Simon ok det känner jag inte till ok I don’t know about that Birgitta (det är) på engelska ( ) min favorit (that’s) in English ( ) my favourite Simon ok Elizabeth what are you and Simon talking about Birgitta I I my favourite film is the big the big red dog Elizabeth ok Birgitta Clifford Clifford COMP / NON EQ-EXP / SWE-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (85) R (E) I know which one Clifford is it’s the red dog isn’t it Benedetta watches it too Simon vad säger Diana what is Diana saying Birgitta hon sa hon tittar Benedetta eh Benedetta ochså ( ) Clifford she said she watches Benedetta eh Benedetta too ( ) Clifford COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (86) Elizabeth well should we help her tidy up and then go? R (E) yeah Simon vad säger de? what do they say? Birgitta de sa eh oh de sa att de ska hjälpa och städa och stå och gå they said eh oh they said that they’ll help tidy up and stand up and go COMP / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (87) Simon det ser lite stökigt ut mycket saker som ligger på golvet it looks a bit messy many things lying on the floor Elizabeth what did Simon say? Birgitta ah Simon said if it has to be just a little bit dirty around COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (88) Birgitta you don’t need to clean up I clean up in the night Elizabeth oh ok Simon vad vad sa du? what what did you say? Birgitta jag sa att jag städar upp i natten själv I said that I tidy up at night by myself COMP / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SWE / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (89) Simon du blir som en riktigt prinsessa nu är du en prinsessa eller är du en drottning you are a real princess now are you a princess or are you a queen Birgitta jag vill ha min krona I want to have my crown Elizabeth what did Simon say? Birgitta he asked if I was a princess or (.) a a a queen but I’m a queen COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (90) Birgitta jag tycker om att ha den på mig I like to have it on me Simon aha Elizabeth what did you say? Birgitta what? Elizabeth what did you say Birgitta eh I said I like to take this on me COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM BJÖRN (6;05) (1) R (H) szóval mi is a neved? so what’s you name? Björn Sonja ((Swedish pronunciation)) Sonja (Hungarian pronunciation)) COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (2) R (H) aha ok és hány éves vagy? aha ok and how old are you? Björn hur många (.) år är du how many (.) years are you COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (3) Sonja (Sonja shows six with fingers) Björn enny idős she is this old COMP / NON EQ-EXP / (SWE_non verbal)-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (4) R (H) tehát egyidősek vagytok? so you are the same age? Björn én hat és fél (to Sonja) är du (.) sex och ett halvt me six and a half ((to Sonia)) are you (.) also six and a half Sonja ja yes COMP / NON EQ-EXP / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (5) R (H) aha és akkor te te hova jársz te milyen iskolába jársz aha and then where where do you go which school do you go to Björn hon sa var går du var går du var går du i för skola vad går she said where do you where do you where do you go to school COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (6) Björn hon sa var går du var går du var går du i för skola vad går she said where do you where do you where do you go to school Sonja Fruängen Björn a Fruängben megy she goes to Fruängen COMP / NON EQ-EXP / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (7) R (H) tetszik a magyar nyelv tőle kérdezem do you like the Hungarian language I’m asking her Björn Sonja (.) är det roligt på ungerskt språk sa hon Sonja (.) is it funny in the Hungarian language said she COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (8) Björn hur är din skola ehm mit mondtál how is your school (in Swedish) ehm what did you say (in Hungarian) NULL / LONG (4_7) / COMPLEX_SS / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (9) R (H) hogy miket csinálnak (.) ott what do they do (.) there Björn vad gör du i din skola what do you do in your school COMP / NON EQ-EXP / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (10) & (11) Sonja hm vad jag gör? jag gör rätt så mycket saker vi jobbar med siffror och bokstäver= hm what do I do? I do quite a few things we work with numbers and letters= (…) Björn én mondok valamit nem tudom (10) I say something I don’t know R (H) mit nem tudsz what don’t you know Björn hogy most nu kom jag på hur man säger siffror° ő dolgozik (.) számmal (.) (11) that now (in HUN) now I remember how you say numbers (in SWE) she works (.) with number (.) (10) NULL / LONG (14) / COMPLEX_CS / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (11) NULL / LONG (14) / COMPLEX_CS / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (12) R (H) aha értem (.) és naponta hány órát jársz suliba tehát hánytól hányig aha I see (.) and how many hours a day to you go to school that is from what time to what time Björn naponta a day Sonja naponta a day R (H) tehát minden nap például nyolctól egyig vagy nyolctól háromig so everyday for example from eight to one or from eight to three Björn eh går du (.) från åtta till (.) går du i skolan till från åtta till tre eh do you go (.) from eight to (.) to you go to school from eight to three Sonja nej jag går från tio till jag börjar jag börjar tio och sen så blir det halv fem halv fem fyra (.) tills jag går hem no I go from ten to I start I start at ten and then it becomes half past four half past four four (.) by the time I go home COMP / NON EQ-ECO / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (13) Sonja nej jag går från tio till jag börjar jag börjar tio och sen så blir det halv fem halv fem fyra (.) tills jag går hem no I go from ten to I start I start at ten and then it becomes half past four half past four four (.) by the time I go home Björn eh tízig kezdődik és fél öt és négy (.) fél öt és négy eh until ten it starts and half past four and four (.) half past four and four COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (14) R (H) szombaton is jártok do you also go on Saturdays (…) Björn = går går du på lordagar på skola =do you go do you go to school on Saturdays COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (15) Sonja gör du det nej det gör jag inte do you no I don’t Björn nem no COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (16) R (H) hm hm és a többi nap jársz értem és jársz valami másra iskolán hm hm and the other days you go I see and do you go to something kívül Sonja tehát valami sportra vagy valami más valami másra= else besides school Sonja like some sport or something else to something else= Björn =går du på någon sport Sonja =do you go to some sport Sonja COMP / NON EQ-ECO / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (17) Björn vad är det för sport what sport is that Sonja tennis simskola och friidrott tennis swimming-school and athletics Björn teniszezik she plays tennis R (H) igen? yes? Björn és úszik úsziskola nem tudom a utolsó szót= and she swims swimming-school I don’t know the last word INCOMP / EQ-PAIRING /SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (18) R (H) de tudod hogy hogy néz ki vagy mit csinálnak ott az emberek vagy mi-miből áll but do you know what it looks like or what do people do there or what is it like Björn vad gör du där what do you do there COMP /NON EQ-ECO / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (19) R (H) hm huh? értem (.) és mi a kedvenc hm játékod például hm huh? I see (.) and what is your favourite toy for example Björn vad är din favoritleksak what is your favourite toy COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (20) R (H) ne::m az nem jó de megkérdeznéd a Sonját is hogy mit mit mivel szeret játszani a legszívesebben mivel játszik legszívesebben no that’s not good but will ask Sonja what with what she likes playing with the greatest pleasure what she plays with with the greatest pleasure Björn mivel játszik eh sok (.) mivel játszik sokkal? what she plays with lot (.) what she plays with a lot? INCOMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (21) R (H) nincs neki egy kedvenc doesn’t she have a favourite Björn játéka? toy? R (H) játéka hm hm toy hm hm Björn Sonja har du inte en favoritleksak Sonja don’t you have a favourite toy COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (22) Sonja >jag har det på tungan< >I have it on the tip of my tongue< Björn azt mondta hogy a nyelven van az a she said she has that on her tongue COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (23) Sonja barbie Björn egy ilyen (.) várj mutatom (digs into a box full of toys and takes out an Action Man figure) majdnem mint egy ilyen de lány like this (.) wait I’ll show you it’s almost like this but it’s a girl COMP / NON EQ-EXP / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (24) R (H) értem és olvasni szeretsz? vagy tudsz olvasni egyáltalán? tanultatok már olvasni az iskolába? I see and do you like reading? or can you erad at all? have you already learnt to read at school Björn ah kan du läsa ah can you read COMP / NON EQ-ECO / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (25) Björn ah kan du läsa ah can you read Sonja ja yes Björn igen tud yes she can COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (26) & (27) R (H) hm huh szeretsz hm huh do you like it Björn szeretsz? (26) huh tycker du om det (27) do you like it? (in Hungarian) do you like it (in Swedish) (26) COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (27) COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (28) Sonja ja yes Björn igen yes COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (29) R (H) van egy kedvenc meséd↑ vagy van egy kedvenc könyved amit= have you got a favourite fairy tale↑ have you got a favourite book which= Björn =ah har du en favoritbok =ah have you got a favourite book COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (30) Sonja Harry Potter tre Harry Potter three Björn a a Harry Potter (.) három Harry Potter (.) three COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (31) R (H) megkérdeznéd a Sonjátol ezt az utolsó kérdést would you ask Sonja this last question Björn mi? what? R (H) hogy azért szereti a harmadikat mert nem az a legjobb az összesből that does she like the third because she didn’t because that’s the best of all vagy mert nem olvasta el a többit or because she hasn’t read the other ones Björn tycker du om den (.) den dära trean för att den är ( ) braast do you like (.) that third because it’s the (.) goodest COMP / NON EQ-ECO / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (32) Sonja ((nods)) Björn igen yes COMP / EQ-PAIRING / (SWE-non verbal)-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (33) R (H) mész valahova a nyáron nyaralni (.) vagy nem tudsz még róla are you going to go somewhere on holiday in the summer (.) or you don’t know yet Björn går du på semester på våren någon gang do you go on holiday in the spring sometimes COMP / NON EQ-ECO / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (34) Sonja igen yes (in Hungarian) Björn igen yes COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (35) R (H) és hova and where Sonja vad sa hon what did she say Björn vart går du where do you go COMP / NON EQ-EXP / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (36) R (H) =és hogy hogy Afrikába= =and why Africa= Björn =de Syd Afrika =but South Africa COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (37) R (H) ja értem és nem féltél tőlük right I see and weren’t you scared of them Björn var du inte rädd för de där vithajarna weren’t you scared of those white sharks COMP / NON EQ-EXP / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (38) R (H) tehát Sonja te tudsz angolul is so Sonja you know English too Björn tudsz ang én nem tudom hogy mondják azt svédül do you know Eng I don’t know how you say that in Swedish IMCOMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (39) R (H) kérdezd meg hogy tud –e más nyelveken is a svéden kívül ask her if she knows other languages besides Swedish Björn ah kan du något annat språk Sonja do you know any other language Sonja COMP / NON EQ-ECO / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (40) Sonja jag vet och jag kan prata THAILÄNDSKA I know and I can speak Thai Björn tailandska tud is Thai (in Swedish) she know too INCOMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (41) Björn kan du engelska ochså do you also know English Sonja ja det kan jag yes I do Björn igen tud angolul yes she knows English COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (42) R (H) hm hm és hogy (.) mi volt a másik nyelv? amit a Sonja mondott thai (Hungarian pronunciation) hm hm and how (.) what was the other language that Sonja said Thai ((Hungarian pronunciation)) Björn thai (Swedish pronunciation) azt nem azt elfelejtettem Thai (Swedish pronunciation) no that I forgot COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (43) R (H) és hogy tanultad meg azt a nyelvet and how did you learn that language Björn hur lärde du dig det språket how did you learn that language COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (44) Sonja första gången jag var i Thailand the first time I was in Thailand Björn az először volt amikor a az abba az országba volt that was the first time when she was in that country COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (45) R (H) aha és sok időt töltöttél ott vagy csak nyaraltál ott vagy ott éltél is aha and did you spend a long time there or were only there on holiday or did you live there Björn egy országban van van van (.) van olyan ami nem tudom hogy mondják azt magyarul in a country there is) there is there is (.) something which I don’t know how you say that in Hungarian NULL / LONG (14) / COMPLEX_CS / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (46) Björn hogy ott lakott if she lived there R (H) hm hm Björn bodde du där i Thailand? did you live there in Thailand? COMP / NON EQ-EXP / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (47) Sonja jag bodde I lived Björn igen ott lakott de utána ide jött a Svédországba yes she lived there but then she came here to the Sweden COMP / NON EQ-EXP /SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (48) R (H) mennyi ideig lakott how long did she live (there) Björn erm hur många dagar erm how many days COMP / NON EQ-ECO / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (49) Sonja ungefär hundra dagar approximately a hundred days Björn száz napot a hundred days COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (50) R (H) van –e neki egy kedvenc állata amit szeret a legjobban does she have a favourite animal which she likes the most Björn Sonja har du har du ett favorit djur Sonja do you have do you have a favourite animal COMP / NON EQ-ECO / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (51) Sonja tänker inte jag tala om I won’t tell Björn ő nem mondja meg she won’t tell COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (52) R (H) nem mondod meg titok you don’t tell it is it a secret Björn är det hemlighet it is it a secret COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (53) Björn är det hemlighet it is it a secret Sonja ja yes Björn igen titok azt mondja yes it’s a secret she says COMP / NON EQ-EXP / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (54) R (H) miért titok? why is it secret? Björn varför är det en hemlighet why is it secret COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (55) Sonja jag tycker om det så mycket och det är hemma i mitt rum I like it so much and it’s home in my room Björn azért mert szereti olyan sokat és (1.4) és a (.) szobájában van because she likes it so much and (1.4) and (.) it’s in her room COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (56) R (H) aha akkor lehet hogy az csak nem mondja meg mi (.) és mi az állat neve akkor aha then it might be that but she doesn’t say right (.) and what is the animal’s name van egy neve does it have a name Björn (vad heter han) (what’s its name) COMP / NON EQ-ECO / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (57) Sonja Björn Björn jag kanna stanna en liten stund till bara en liten stund Björn Björn I can stay a little bit longer noly a little bit Björn csak kicsit csak kicsit only a little only a little COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (58) Sonja jag lyssnar ett litet tag I listen for a short time Björn csak kicsit van még itt only a little is she here COMP / NON EQ-ECO / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (59) R (H) ¡jó akkor megkérdeznéd tőle hogy mi az állat neve amit ennyire szeret= right then will you ask her what the animal’s name is that she loves so much= Björn =vad är vad är vad är namnet på djuret =what is what is the name of the animal COMP / NON EQ-ECO / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (60) Sonja det vill jag inte heller säga I don’t want to say that either Björn azt azt se akar megmondani that she won’t say that either COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SWE-HUN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (61) R (H) testvéreid siblings Björn az barát is that friend COMP / EQ-PAIRING / HUN-SWE / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM BARBARA (7;04) (1) Emrick well I received your (.) application and e:r I’m very interested (.) in your project and I would like it if you could (.) expand a little on your idea make it more (.) specific Barbara huh Emrick hm::? R (I) che dice? what is he saying? Barbara ha ha detto che gli piace il tuo progetto penso he he said that he likes your project I think COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (2) R (I) forse glielo puoi chiedere se non hai capito bene perhaps you can ask him if you didn’t understand correctly Barbara NULL / LONG (14) / COMPLEX_CS / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (3) R (I) che dice? what is he saying? Barbara ha detto che che puoi dire che puoi (dirci) qualcosa di ( ) ((laugh)) he said that that you can tell (us) something about ( ) ((laugh)) R (I) se posso dire? if I can say? Barbara e: hhh che: può darsi qualcosa di e: hhh that maybe something about R (I) se posso dirgli? if I can tell him? Barbara ((laugh)) di: e: ( ) ((laugh)) about e: ( ) NULL / LONG (14) / COMPLEX_CS / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (4) R (I) su: e:m: su come viene ins come su come si impara l’italiano in Svezia on e:m on how Italian is lea on how you learn Italian in Sweden Emrick hm? R (I) glielo puoi dire can you tell him Emrick she wants to know (.) how you learn Italian e: COMP / NON EQ-ECO / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (5) Barbara ha detto come ti piacerebbe di (laugh) he said how would you like to (laugh) R (I) come mi piacerebbe how I would like Barbara come ti piacerebbe di (laugh) how would you like to (laugh) R (I) come come (vorrei) how how (I would like) Barbara andare (laugh) in avanti go (laugh) ahead COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (6) R (I) dunque gli dici che: vorrei vedere un gruppo di studenti (.) dell’università so you can tell him that I would like to see a group of university students Barbara she wants to see a group of INCOMP / EQ-PAIRING / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (7) R (I) digli digli che vorrei vedere due gruppi diversi tell him tell him I would like to see two different groups Barbara non so come si dice diverso I don’t know how you say different NULL / LONG (7_24) / COMPLEX_CS / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (8) R (I) allora digli solo due gruppi digli che vorrei vedere due gruppi then say only two groups tell him I would like to see two groups Barbara she ((laugh)) wanted ((laugh)) two groups COMP / NON EQ-ECO / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (9) Emrick m hm two groups that’s good ok that’s fine and next I would like to know (.) if you have any previous (.) experience in the field e:r perhaps you have done previous work on second language acquisition before Barbara ha detto che (mumbles to herself) he said that (mumbles to herself) NULL / LONG (4) / COMPLEX_CS / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (10) Emrick perhaps any any previous work that you have done in in your past when you were younger Barbara delle cose: (.) penso (.) tue ( ) some things (.) I think (.) yours ( ) R (I) che cosa? non ho sentito se puoi ripetere what? I couldn’t hear if you could reapeat NULL / LONG (4) / COMPLEX_CS / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (11) Emrick perhaps any any previous work that you have done in in your past when you were younger (…) Barbara delle cose che (.) le che nessuno deve vedere (.) = some things that (.) nobody has to see them (.) = R (I) delle cose che nessuno deve vedere? some things that nobody has to see?= Barbara =che hai fatto quando (.) eri più piccola =that you did when you were (.) younger COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (12) R (I) ma magari prova a sentire (.) che forse vuole sapere una cosa in particolare? but maybe ask him (.) as maybe he wants to know something in particular? Barbara e: ( ) R (I) dai dai prova a chiederglielo come on come on try and ask him Barbara e: ( ) ((laugh)) NULL / LONG (7_14) / COMPLEX_SS / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (13) Emrick it’s ok we-we’ll move on to the next part cos e:rm more more specifically I would like to know (.) whether you have done (.) any field research (.) collecting real real examples (.) actual examples (.) before Barbara allora ha detto se hai fatto (.) ha detto qualcosa dei exami so he said if you did (.) he said something about exams COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (14) R (I) riesci a dirgli che ho fatto tanti esami? can you tell him I did many exams? Barbara mah e: aspetta:: non so proprio come si dice ((laugh)) e:: mah e: wait I really don’t know how you say it ((laugh)) e:: NULL / LONG (1_4) / COMPLEX_SS / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (15) Emrick because, it would be important we need (.) we need to have someone who is, who is suitable for the job e:r someone who is (.) competent (.) with the work(.) we would have to hire someone who who knew what they were doing which would be important Barbara allora ha detto qualcuno che sa cosa cosa cosa cosa fa qualcuno che sa cosa fa e (laugh) dopo dopo dopo io non so he said someone who knows what what what what they do someone who knows what they do and (laugh) then then then I don’t COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (16) Emrick ok well could I ask e:rm what would be the focus (.) of your project what would be the main point of the (.) the entire project Barbara ha detto cosa e: h ((laugh)) la cosa dell’intero (.) l’intero (.) progetto he said what e:h ((laugh)) the thing of the entire (.) the entire (.) project COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (17) R (I) aha beh io vorrei concentrarmi m: su fonetica (.) e sintassi aha beh I would like to focus m: on phonetics (.) and sintax Barbara e: allora fonetica e sintassi vediamo come ( ) e: so phonetics and syntax let’s see how ( ) NULL / LONG (7_14) / COMPLEX_SS / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (18) Emrick yeah well I’m certainly very interested (.) in your project and (.) I would like to to see something further e:r but I would require something in in writing (.) to to present to the¡ committee erm and perhaps I could get a draft proposal? within a fortnight? Barbara allora ha detto vuole che scrivi che scrivi so he said that he wants you to write to write ( ) che scrivi però vuole che vai un po’ più più non più lontano ( ) that you write but he wants you to go a bit more more not farther COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (19) Emrick because I would need I would need something written on paper or perhaps typed (.) from the computer (.) to to present= Barbara =e gli occorre come si chiamava qualcosa scritto sul computer o ( ) =and he needs what was it called something written on a computer or ( ) COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (20) Emrick hm because we meet we meet together in in two weeks to make decisions (.) so it would have to be by then so so within two weeks (.) if possible Barbara allora e: u: (laugh) due e: hm due ((laugh)) come si dice so e: u: (laugh) two e: hm two ((laugh)) how do you say R (I) due two Barbara e: lo so solo dire in francese e: I can only say it in French R (I) come si dice in francese Barbara seman week (in French) R (I) e: penso (.) forse settimana in italiano?= e: I think (.) maybe week in Italian?= Barbara =sì due settimane allora (devono prendere) dei decisioni =yes two weeks then (they have to take) some decisions COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (21) Emrick hm? ok good good and next could I ask (.) what what are your expectations (.) from the job what do you expect from the work? Barbara cosa: cosa pensi e: del lavoro what what do you think e: about the job COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (22) R (I) =che mi sembra molto interessante lavorare qui sono molto contenta se posso lavorare qui con loro =that I find it very interesting to work here and I am very happy if I can work here with them (…) R (I) non sei sicura di quello che aveva detto lui? you aren’t sure of what he said? Barbara io ho capito che cosa ha detto ma non so come dirlo I understood what he said but I don’t know how to say it NULL / LONG (14) / COMPLEX_CS / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (23) R (I) ma tu diglielo lo stesso lui sarà contento che io sono contenta di lavorare con lui no? tell him anyway he will be happy that I am happy to work with him don’t you think? (…) Barbara (laugh) she will be hm be happy to work cos’era che volevi dire= what was it that you wanted to say R (I) =di lavorare qui (.) con loro =to work here (.) with them Barbara to work here with y con chi con chi to work here with y with whom with whom INCOMP / EQ-PAIRING / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (24) Emrick =yeah e:rm because certainly Stockholm provides a very (.) a very interesting and stimulating environment for research (.) and an important aspect of your job would be that you would you would share an office e:r you would be allocated an office which you share with maybe two or three fellow researchers? (.) your coworkers. Barbara allora ha detto che deve (.) come si dice lo so solo in francese so he said that he has to (.) how you say it I only know in French R (I) che cosa? what? Barbara cosa ha detto lo so solo in francese what he said I only know in French NULL / LONG (14) / COMPLEX_CS / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (25) Emrick =yeah e:rm because certainly Stockholm provides a very (.) a very interesting and stimulating environment for research (.) and an important aspect of your job would be that you would you would share an office e:r you would be allocated an office which you share with maybe two or three fellow researchers? (.) your coworkers. (…) Barbara le cose più importanti ha detto hm: ( ) (una stanza che tre o due gente) e dopo h::m e dopo the most important things he said hm: ( ) (a room that three or two people) and then h::m and then R (I) scusa non ho capito puoi ripetere non ho capito cosa hai detto tu adesso I’m sorry I didn’t understand can you repeat I didn’t understand what you said now Barbara e dopo c’erano state forse due o tre persone dentro e dopo and then maybe there were two or three people inside and then R (I) due o tre persone dentro dove two or three people inside where Barbara in una stanza in a room COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (26) R (I) riesci a chiederglielo can you ask him Barbara cosa ( ) what ( ) R (I) se mi danno una stanza if they give me a room Barbara if she works here then (laugh) e dopo com’era if she works here then ((laugh)) and then how was it R (I) se lavoro qui se mi danno un ufficio una stanza una scrivania una sedia qualcosa se ()mi if I work here if they give me an office a room a desk a chair something if they ( ) me Barbara then she would like to have a room (laugh) COMP / NON EQ-ECO / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (27) Emrick yeah? right well that could be (.) under consideration (.) we can see would there be (.) any further questions Barbara ha detto e: se c’è delle q questioni di più? he said e: if there are further points? COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT (28) R (I) non non c’entra con questo argomento però vorrei chiedere (.) se d’inverno fa tanto freddo qui it hasn’t hasn’t anything to do with this topic but I would like to ask (.) if in the winter it’s very cold here Barbara eh she wants to know if in winter it’s very cold here (laugh) COMP / EQ-PAIRING / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (29) Emrick well actually no it’s it can be quite pleasent and as you can see there is sunshine and it is quite warm so it can be quite nice (.) in the winter Barbara eh è un po’ caldo e c’è del sole eh it’s a bit warm and there is some sun COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (30) & (31) R (I) che volevo volevo volevo sapere che non faceva troppo freddo per stare qui that I wanted I wanted I wanted to know that it’s not to cold to stay here Barbara she wanted to know that it’s not to cold for staying here (30) (…) Emrick too cold well m:::: is that a problem? Barbara yes because she can get come si dice eh hm cosa puoi avere allora la tosse oppure= yes because she can get how do you say eh hm what can you catch then a caugh or= R (I) =tosse raffreddore mal di gola influenza un sacco di malanni =cough cold sore throat flu a lot of ailments Barbara allora so Emrick well I know I know influenza that has the same but I I don’t know too much= Barbara =because she is scared that she will get w a cough or influenza or (laugh) (31) (30) COMP / EQ-PAIRING / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (31) COMP / NON EQ-ECO / IT-EN / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM (32) Emrick I see well I’m not a doctor so I couldn’t be too sure about that Barbara ha detto che lui non è un dottore e allora non può sapere ( ) he said that he is not a doctor so he cannot know COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (33) Emrick but is there anything else about Stockholm that interests you= Barbara =ha detto se c’è qualcos’altro di Stoccolma che ti interessa =he said if there’s something else about Stockholm that interests you COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (34) R (I) ehm beh comunque no digli grazie che no non no c’è nient’altro che voglio sapere ehm well no anyway tell him no thank you and that there’s nothing else I want to know Barbara she doesn’t have any other ( ) COMP / NON EQ-ECO / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (35) R (I) =anzi scusa sì volevo sapere chiedigli quant’è lo stipendio se mi mi prendono =actually sorry yes I would like to know how much my salary is if they take me Barbara cosa hai detto? what did you say? (…) R (I) =quanto mi pagano =how much they pay me Barbara how much do they pay her if if she she stays here COMP / EQ-PAIRING / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (36) Emrick well if you are selected er our Ph.D students receive ten thousand crowns per month (…) Barbara no dieci (.) mila penso all’anno no ten (.) thousand I think a year COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (37) R (I) quanti quanti soldi prendo in un mese (.) volevo sapere how how much money I het a month (.) I wanted to know Barbara ah non mi ricordo allora come si diceva ah I don’t remember so how do you say NULL / LONG (7_14) / COMPLEX_CS / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (38) R (I) hm? glielo puoi chiedere hm?can you ask him Barbara bene gli chiedo che non avevo capito che cosa= well I ask him that I didn’t understand what= R (I) =hm sì digli così gli dici così =hm yes say that tell him that Barbara I don’t understand ((laugh)) what you said ( ) COMP / NON EQ-EXP / IT-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM (39) Emrick yeah hm well the students the Ph. D. students they they are paid ten thousand crowns per month Barbara eh eh ( ) non sono sicura che se è cento o eh eh ( ) I am not sure if it’s a hundred or NULL / LONG (14) / COMPLEX_CS / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (40) R (I) sai come si dice mese in inglese hm? do you know how to say month in English hm? Barbara mese penso che è month month is I think month (in English) COMP / EQ-PAIRING / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (41) R (I) sì sì allora va bene yes yes then that’s fine Emrick thank you Barbara then she is staying COMP / NON EQ-EXP / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (42) Emrick yeah? well could I first ask a a personal question to Diana something something about her something personal could you ask Barbara vuole sapere qualcosa di eh te (laugh) he wants to know something about you (laugh) COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (43) R (I) ma che cosa vuole sapere but what does he want to know Barbara non so di cosa vuole sapere I don’t know abut what he wants to know R (I) chiedigli ask him Barbara e::h what do you want to know about her COMP / EQ-PAIRING / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (44) Emrick well it’s nothing to worry about it’s only a small matter (.) ehm I would like to ask (.) why she chose Sweden? Barbara ah vuole sapere perché hai deciso la Svezia ah he wants to know why you chose Sweden COMP / NON EQ-ECO / EN-IT / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (45) R (I) digli che mi interessava:: vedere come gli svedesi imparano l’italiano tell him that I was interested in seeing how the Swedes learn Italian Barbara she wanted to know how the Swedish eh come si dice imparare she wanted to know how the Swedish eh how do you say learn INCOMP / EQ-PAIRING / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM (46) R (I) hm? digli che mi piaceva la Svezia e basta hm? tell him that I like Sweden and that’s it Barbara (laugh) because she likes Sweden COMP / EQ-PAIRING / IT-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM 1