Publications using this dataset (or any part of it) should cite this dataset as follows: Álvarez de la Fuente, E., R. Fernández Fuertes, and Ó. Arratia García (2019) Bilingual children as interpreters in everyday life: how natural interpreting reinforces minority languages. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40 (4): 338-355. NIC_FERFULICE corpus 1A. *LEO: [% reaching towards Simon's tray] uh@i, goo@b . *MEL: [% to Leo] what ? %com: Leo continues to reach for an object on Simon's tray *MEL: you want the water ? *LEO: uh@i . *MEL: can you say water ? *MEL: [% holding up the cup of water] what is this ? *LEO: [% reaching for the cup] ah@i ! *MEL: water ? *LEO: ah@i [% getting frustrated] ! %com: Melanie puts the cup on Leo's tray *MEL: mommy's going to take this zucchini away, ok [% taking the zucchini off Simon's tray] ? *LEO: awa@sp [: agua] . [1;02.07] / 2EN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 1B. *SIM: ba:@o [% señala un hueco del puzle] ! *RAQ: ese cuál es ? *RAQ: ah@i esa es la oveja ? *SIM: sheep@en . [1;10.22] / 12SP_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1C. *MEL: a spider right ? *LEO: yeah sí@sp [% asiente] . [1;10.22] / 12SP_01 [LEO / COMP / EQ-PAIRING/ EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 1D. *SIM: ot(r)o@sp ot(r)o@sp [% pointing to his plate again] . *MEL: another one ? *SIM: es@sp mine . *MEL: S +/. *SIM: gum [: gone] . *MEL: +, can you say &an [//] another ? *SIM: ot(r)o@sp ot(r)o@sp . %com: Melanie and Raquel laugh *MEL: [% patting Simon on the head] I didn't ask you to translate it . [1;10.29] / 13EN_01 [SIM / COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / IN-PA-Min L MO/ AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 1E. *IVO: ese es papá ? *LEO: wow@o wow@o [% imitando el sonido de un perro] . *LEO: guau@o guau@o ! *RAQ: el perro ? *RAQ: sí ? *LEO: sí: ! [1;11.20] / 14SP_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 1F. *RAQ: ahora están diciendo adiós adiós ! *LEO: bei@i ! *SIM: bye@en ! [1;11.20] / 14SP_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1. *MEL: go choose a book . *SIM: [% going off camera] voy por esto sí . [2;01.28] / 17EN_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / OI / OTHER/ SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 2. *MEL: which one S ? *LEO: (1)(3)ese@sp . *SIM: (2)(4)ese@sp ! *MEL: what´s ese@sp ? *LEO: (1)ese@sp . *MEL: which one´s ese@sp ? *SIM: (2)ese@sp . *LEO: (3)ese@sp . *SIM: (4)[% returning with a book] ese@sp . [2;01.28] / 17EN_01 (1) y (3) [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) y (4) [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 3. *MEL: you wanna book ? *MEL: or a puzzle ? *LEO: ese@sp . *MEL: I don´t know what ese@sp means . *LEO: 0 . *ELI: (doe)s he wants a [/] a [/] a record ? *MEL: I don´t know . [2;01.28] / 17EN_01 [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 4. *MEL: you wanna make something with the blocks ? *SIM: sí@sp . *MEL: what would you like to make ? *SIM: douse [: house] . *MEL: a house ? *SIM: douse [: house] ! *MEL: two ? *SIM: # casa@sp ! *MEL: a house ? *SIM: sí@sp . [2;01.28] / 17EN_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 5. *MEL: where ? *MEL: where are you going ? *SIM: down . *MEL: down ? *SIM: ahí@sp . [2;01.28] / 17EN_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 6. *MEL: who´s in the bed ? *MEL: is that a mouse ? *MEL: no:, what is that ? *SIM: wow@o wow@o . *MEL: what´s a wow@o wow@o ? *SIM: piro@sp [: perro] . *MEL: a doggy ? [2;01.28 ] / 17EN_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 7. *MEL: [% picking up the cow] and what is this one ? *LEO: vaca@sp . %com: Melanie laughs *SIM: cow . [2;02.07] / 18EN_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 8. %com: Melanie starts spooning strawberries into their cups *MEL: here one for S . *LEO: me yo@sp yo@sp . [2;02.21] / 19EN_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS/ SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 9. *MEL: look, what's that ? *LEO: (ov)eja@sp . *MEL: uhhuh@i how do you say that in English do you know ? *MEL: how do you say oveja@sp in English ? *MEL: how does mommy say oveja@sp ? *MEL: do you know ? *LEO: s(h)eep . [2;02.21] / 19EN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 10. *MEL: what's that ? *SIM: pavo@sp . *MEL: what's that honey ? *LEO: tu(r)key . [2;02.21] / 19EN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 11. *MEL: let's see maybe we could look at these pictures and we could +/. *SIM: cai@sp [: cae] . *MEL: they're gone ? *MEL: S S how does mommy say cae@sp ? *LEO: fall . [2;02.21] / 19EN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 12. *LEO: (1)(2)ot(r)o@sp otro@sp . *MEL: uh@fp what [///] how do you say otro@sp in English ? *LEO: (1)ot(ro) +//. *SIM: (2)(a)nothe(r) . [2;02.21] / 19EN_02 (1) [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [SIM / COMPL /EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 13. *SIM: (1)(2)otro@sp, otra@sp hat . *MEL: S, how do you say otro@sp in English ? *MEL: how do you say otro@sp in English ? *SIM: (1)no ! *MEL: maybe L knows, L +... *MEL: L, how do you say otro@sp in English ? *LEO: (2)do n(o)t know [% quietly, and walking away] . *MEL: you told me the other day . [2;03.25] / 20EN_01 (1) [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [LEO / NULL / LONG(1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 14. *LEO: (1)(2)cae@sp nose . *MEL: the nose fell ? *MEL: yeah ? *MEL: L how do you say cae@sp in English ? *LEO: (1)fall . *SIM: (2)fall . [2;04.30] / 22EN_01 (1) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 15. *MEL: nose, there's a nose . *SIM: no, otro@sp naus [: nose] . *MEL: another nose ? *SIM: sí@sp . *MEL: S, how do you say otro@sp in English ? *LEO: out . *SIM: nice ! [2;04.30] / 22EN_01 [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 16. *MEL: this guy is red and he has a goldfish . *SIM: [% getting up] yo@sp . *MEL: who has a goldfish ? *SIM: ma [: me] . [2;04.30] / 22EN_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 17. *LEO: (1)(2)no peyo@sp [: puedo] . *MEL: you can't pick them out ? *LEO: no: . *MEL: let's [/] let's [/] let's see [///] how do you say no@sp puedo@sp in English ? *MEL: Juana's gonna like this one . *MEL: how do you say no@sp puedo@sp in English ? *LEO: (1)no@sp puedo@sp . *MEL: no@sp puedo@sp ? *MEL: I +... *LEO: (2)yo@sp can't . [2;05.12] / 23EN_01 (1) [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SS / ES(-IN) / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS/ SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [LEO / INCOMPL /EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 18. *RAQ: es un monkey@en ? *SIM: sí . *LEO: monkey@en . *SIM: mono . [2;05;27] / 24ASP_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 19. *RAQ: (1)(2)cómo se dice nariz en inglés ? *LEO: (1)nariz ! *RAQ: en inglés ? *SIM: (2)nose@en ! [2;05;27] / 24ASP_02 (1) [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / IN-INV-Com L INV / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER-Com L INV / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 20. *IVO: cómo se dice the@en bunnie@en o el bunnie@en ? *LEO: nejo [: conejo] . [2;05;27] / 24ASP_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 21. *MEL: the stem wasn't there when I bought it . *MEL: it was all [//] it +/. *SIM: ese@sp tem [: stem] no@sp está@sp . [2;05;27] / 24AEN_01 [SIM / INCOMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 22. *MEL: where do you put socks ? *SIM: [% holding his foot] aquí@sp . *MEL: aquí@sp what's that ? *SIM: foot . [2;05;27] / 24AEN_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / OI / AUTROTRAD / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 23. *MEL: does the big bad wolf like cherries you think ? *LEO: yeah sí@sp . [2;05;27] / 24AEN_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 24. *SIM: no@sp puedo@sp no@sp puedo@sp . *MEL: how do you say no@sp puedo@sp in English ? *SIM: (h)elp . [2;05;27] / 24AEN_02 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 25. %com: Simon continues trying to make his toy make noise *SIM: está@sp loto@sp [: roto] . *MEL: mi@sp schoolbus . *SIM: está@sp loto@sp [: roto] .(…) *SIM: b(r)eak b(r)eak . *MEL: how about +/. *SIM: b(r)eak mommy b(r)eak . [2;05;27] / 24AEN_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 26. *MEL: what, sweet ? *LEO: qué@sp llama@sp ? *MEL: can you say that in English ? *LEO: [% camera pans over to him] qué@sp ca(ll) ? *MEL: who's calling ? *LEO: sí@sp . [2;07.02] / 24BEN_01 [LEO / INCOMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 27. *MEL: [% pointing to the elephant] look look show me that animal, what's it called ? *LEO: elefante@sp . *MEL: can you say that in English ? *LEO: [% with a trace of tears in his voice] no, elefante@sp . [2;07.02] / 24BEN_01 [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 28. *LEO: [% turning to reach Melanie, he drops his pen to the floor] ma:má@sp ! *MEL: oopie@i . *MEL: it fell . *MEL: what's that ? *LEO: ma:má@sp . *MEL: can you say that in English ? *LEO: no, mamá@sp . [2;07.02] / 24BEN_02 [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 29. *MEL: maybe they're getting off the seesaw . *MEL: where do you think they are ? *LEO: there [% pointing at the book] . *MEL: Tigger ? *LEO: no . *MEL: tail ? *LEO: aquí@sp, E(r)nie Be(r)t aquí@sp . *MEL: they're there, uhhuh@i . [2;07.02] / 24BEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 30. *MEL: what are they riding ? *LEO: bici(cleta)@sp . *MEL: how do you say bici(cleta)@sp in English, do you remember ? *LEO: bai::hle [: bicycle] . [2;07.02] / 24BEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 31. *MEL: how do you say ahora@sp yo@sp in English [% speaking from behind camera] ? *LEO: ahora@sp yo@sp +… *LEO: my turn . *MEL: your turn . [2;07.02] / 24BEN_03 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 32. *LEO: ok all the pieces, toma@sp estas@sp pieces, some othe(r) pieces toma@sp pieces todo@sp vaya@sp vaya@sp toma@sp . *MEL: how do you say toma@sp pieces in English ? *LEO: [% kicking the pieces towards Melanie] here here . *MEL: here are the pieces, here are the pieces . *LEO: here here pieces . [2;07.02] / 24BEN_03 [LEO / COMPL /FL NO EQ.-ECO / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 33. *MEL: ay@i don't step on the camera no . *LEO: (1)lo@sp quiero@sp sí@sp . *MEL: can you say that in English ? *LEO: (1)(2)lo@sp quiero@sp hold it that . *MEL: can you say that in English ? *LEO: (2)I want hold it that . *MEL: you want to hold that ? [2;07.02] / 24BEN_03 (1) [LEO / INCOMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 34. *MEL: do you ever break things L ? *LEO: yo@sp no@sp . *MEL: you no ? *MEL: how do you say yo@sp no@sp in English ? *LEO: yo@sp no@sp . *MEL: do you remember how we say it in English ? *LEO: yo@sp no@sp . [2;07.02] / 24BEN_03 [LEO / NULL/ LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SS / ES(-IN) /IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 35. *MEL: here, you want to put this away hon ? *LEO: yeah . *MEL: yeah, ok . *LEO: ese@sp mío@sp, tú@sp este@sp . *MEL: can you tell me that in English ? *LEO: yeah . *LEO: me that you that . [2;07.02] / 24BEN_03 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 36. *MEL: who wants milk ? *LEO: yo@sp sí@sp . *MEL: how do you say yo@sp sí@sp in English ? *MEL: how do you say yo@sp sí@sp in English ? *LEO: I # do . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_01 [LEO / COMPL /EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 37. *SIM: quiero@sp más@sp . *MEL: can you tell that [//] me that in English ? *SIM: want more please . [2;07.09)/24CEN_01] [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 38. *LEO: quiero@sp c(l)ose [?] . *MEL: can you say that in English ? *LEO: I want close please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 39. *SIM: quiero@sp see Muzzy . *MEL: can you say that in English ? *SIM: can I see Muzzy please ? [2;07.09] / 24CEN_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 40. *LEO: quiero@sp that . *MEL: English . *LEO: I want that please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS/ SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 41. *SIM: (1)I [///](1)(2)quiero@sp peanut . *MEL: English ? *SIM: (2)I want peanut please [% drumming on the table in rhythm to this] . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 (1) [SIM / COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS/ SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] (2) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 42. *LEO: [% getting off his chair] (1)(2)(3)(4)quiero@sp tha:t . *MEL: English ? *LEO: (1)quiero@sp that . *MEL: English ? *LEO: (2)dame@sp that ? *MEL: what ? *LEO: (3)[% sighing] quiero@sp that one . *MEL: English ? *LEO: (4)I want that please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 (1), (2) y (3) [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SS / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (4) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 43. *MEL: what's that ? *LEO: cabeza@sp ! *MEL: cabeza@sp, how do you say that in English ? *LEO: head ! [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 44. *MEL: and what happened ? *LEO: why ? *MEL: what ? *LEO: cae no aquí [?] no noise . *MEL: [% to Leo] can you say that in English ? *LEO: no, esto no ruido . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 45. *SIM: quiero@sp atrás@sp the(re) . *MEL: what sweetie ? *SIM: back the(re) . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 46. *LEO: quiero@sp peanuts . *MEL: can you tell me in English ? *LEO: I want peanuts please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 47. *SIM: quiero@sp [//] want the(re) . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [SIM / COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 48. *LEO: quiero@sp peanuts . *MEL: can you tell me in English ? *LEO: I want peanuts please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 49. *SIM: no@sp, yo@sp solo@sp . *MEL: how do you say yo@sp solo@sp in English ? *SIM: by myself . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 50. *MEL: aha@i you're scared . *SIM: yo@sp no@sp, yo@sp no@sp . *MEL: how do you say yo@sp no@sp in English ? *SIM: I do n(o)t . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 51. *LEO: quiero@sp apple . *MEL: English ? *LEO: apple please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 52. *LEO: quiero@sp milk . *MEL: can you tell me in English ? *LEO: I want milk please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 53. *SAF: you were playing with the kitchen ? *SIM: (1)(2)yo@sp no@sp . *MEL: how do you say yo@sp no@sp in English ? *LEO: (1)do n(o)t . *SIM: (2)I do n(o)t . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 (1) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 54. *LEO: quiero@sp see Sesame Stweet [: Street] . *MEL: can you say that in English ? *LEO: I want see Sesame sweet [: Street] please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 55. *MEL: yes, you want to play, ok . *SIM: toma@sp . *MEL: how do you say toma@sp ? *SIM: he(re) . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 56. *LEO: [% getting off his chair] quiero@sp see tetme tweet [: Sesame Street] . *MEL: English . *LEO: I want see tetme [: Sesame] tweet [: Street] please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 57. *MEL: what sweetie ? *SIM: yo@sp no finish . *MEL: how do you say yo@sp no finished in English ? *SIM: I (am) not finish . *LEO: I want that . *MEL: I'm not finished, very good . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 58. *LEO: quiero@sp tetme tweet [: Sesame Street] please . *MEL: huh ? *LEO: I want tetme tweet [: Sesame Street] please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 59. *LEO: quiero papás@f . *MEL: English ? *LEO: no . *LEO: quiero papás@f . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SS / ES(-IN) / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 60. *MEL: we have to wait for S . *LEO: yo@sp sí@sp finished . *MEL: how do you say yo@sp sí@sp finished in English ? *LEO: I do . *MEL: no, I am finished . *LEO: I am finished . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 61. *SIM: quiero@sp see tetme [: Sesame] tweet [: Street] . *MEL: English *SIM: I want tee [: see] tetme tweet [: Sesame Street] please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 62. *MEL: [% touching the glass next to the cup] what's this ? *LEO: azúcar@sp . *MEL: azúcar@sp ? *MEL: do you know how to say that in English ? *LEO: yeah . *MEL: what is the word for azúcar@sp in English ? *LEO: mmm@i . *MEL: it's what mommy puts in your yoghourt . *MEL: do you know what that is ? *MEL: what ? *LEO: shua [: sugar] . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_03 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 63. *MEL: L likes yoghourt with a little bit of sugar in it . *SIM: yo@sp no@sp yo@sp no@sp . *MEL: how do you say yo@sp no@sp ? *SIM: I don't . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_03 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 64. *MEL: but you do eat Petit Suisse though don't you ? *LEO: quiero@sp please . *MEL: huh@i ? *LEO: I want Petit Suisse please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_03 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 65. *LEO: quiero nana@f [: teta]. *MEL: I +... *LEO: I want nana@f [: teta] please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_03 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 66. *SIM: quiero@sp apple . *MEL: what ? *SIM: apple . *MEL: huh ? *SIM: apple . *MEL: can you tell me in English ? *SIM: I want apple please . [2;07.09] / 24CEN_03 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1G. *SIM: quiero@sp see . *MEL: don't turn it off . *MEL: how do you say quiero@sp see in English . *SIM: I want see please . *MEL: you don't have to say please . [2;07.11] / 24DEN_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1H. *SIM: quiero@sp see what (i)s that . *MEL: can you say [///] how do you say quiero@sp see in English ? *SIM: what (i)s that ? *MEL: how do you say quiero@sp in English ? *SIM: what (i)s that ? *MEL: what's what ? *SIM: what (i)s that ? *MEL: that's the little blinking light and it tells you that you're recording . [2;07.11] / 24DEN_01 [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SS / ES(-IN) / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1I. *SIM: quiero@sp see . *MEL: how do you say quiero@sp +/. *SIM: (1) I want see please . *LEO: (2) [% simultaneously with Simon] I want see please . *MEL: you don't have to say please . [2;07.11] / 24DEN_01 (1) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1J. *SIM: a cuna@sp . *MEL: how do you say a cuna@sp [/] in English ? *LEO: crib . [2;07.11] / 24DEN_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1K. *LEO: (1) quiero@sp otro@sp blanket please . *MEL: can you tell me in +/. *LEO: (1) want another blanket please . *MEL: you want another blanket please ? *LEO: yeah . *SIM: (2) yo@sp no@sp . *LEO: I do . *LEO: quiero@sp otro@sp blanket please . *MEL: how do you say yo@sp no@sp in +/. *LEO: I want another blanket please . *MEL: S, how do you say yo@sp no@sp ? *LEO: I want +... *SIM: (2) I yes . [2;07.13] / 24EEN_01 (1) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 67. *LEO: taklit [: chocolate] . *MEL: where ? *LEO: taklit [: chocolate] . *MEL: where's that ? *SIM: taklit [: chocolate] . *LEO: taklit [: chocolate] . *SIM: takilit [: chocolate] . *LEO: I xxx takilit house . *SIM: chocolate@sp . *MEL: chocolate ! [2;08.04] / 24HEN_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 68. *SAF: tell me what chocolate@sp is ! *SIM: chocolate ! [2;08.04] / 24HEN_02 [SIM / COMPL / FL EQ (CN) / SP-EN / IN-PA Com L FA / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 69. *SIM: mira Paco Pico ! *RAQ: Paco Pico ? *SIM: sí . *RAQ: así se llama ese ? *IVO: y en inglés cómo se llama Paco Pico ? *SIM: Big@en Bird@en . [2;10.21] / 25SP_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1L. *SIM: qué estás hac(i)endo ? *MEL: let's see if you know how to translate . *MEL: let's see if you know how to translate . *MEL: out of my curiosity how do you say qué@sp estás@sp haciendo@sp in English ? *MEL: do you know ? *MEL: how do you say +/. *LEO: cockadoodledoo@o [% to his rooster made out of food] . *MEL: how do you say that ? *MEL: do you know how to translate ? *SIM: no . [2;10.21] / 25EN_01 [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SS / ES(-IN) / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1M. *SIM: qué estás hac(i)endo ? (...) *MEL: how do you say qué@sp estás@sp haciendo@sp in English ? *LEO: what are you doing ? *MEL: oh@i # ok . [2;10.21] / 25EN_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1N. *LEO: I see other wolf mommy I see a other wolf [///] I see a rinoceronte@sp I see +/. (...) *MEL: how do you say rinoceronte@sp in English ? *MEL: remember ? *LEO: hmm@i ? (...) *MEL: do you remember how to say rinoceronte@sp in English ? *LEO: uhhuh@i . *MEL: how ? *LEO: rhinoceros . [2;11.19] / 27EN_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 70. *LEO: hay@sp [///] there's a pea in too . [3;00.23] / 28EN_01 [LEO / COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1O. *IVO: a ver qué haces ? *IVO: el semáforo está en rojo +... *IVO: andas o te quedas parado ? *LEO: parrado [: parado] .(…) *IVO: y qué haces cuando está verde ? *LEO: eh@fp eh@fp +... *SIM: &sa eh@fp +... *LEO: vas . *SIM: vas . *IVO: vas # vas para a(de)lante verdad ? *IVO: andas . *LEO: andas . *MEL: you guys you wanna [: want to] tell (th)em in English ? *MEL: (be)cause you went the first in English . *RAQ: ahá@i . *MEL: what do you do when the light is green ? *SIM: go . [3;01.06 / 29SP_01] [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTROS-HERMANO / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1P. *IVO: le [///] com [///] pero le agarra al lobo no ? *LEO: sí . *SIM: le (a)garra . *IVO: con qué ? *SIM: con +/. *LEO: con una cosita .(…) *IVO: cómo se llama esa cosita ? *LEO: (1) un rope@en .(…) *SIM: (2) con el [= la] co:rda@cm [=? cuerda] . [3;01.06 / 29SP_01] (1) [LEO / INCOMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [SIM / INCOMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / OTROS-HERMANO / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1Q. *LEO: [% slapping the water] bad bad malo@sp bad . [3;02.22 / 31AEN_01] [LEO / COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 71. *IVO: L, S, le habéis explicado a Raquel cómo se dice Peter Pan en español y en inglés ? *RAQ: ah@i . *IVO: es que yo creo que no lo sabe . *RAQ: no, no, yo no lo sé, a ver cómo es ? *RAQ: cómo es en español ? *SIM: Peter Pan . *RAQ: y en inglés ? *SIM: Peter@en Pan@en . [3;05.12] / 34ASP_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Com L FA / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 72. *MEL: no ? *SIM: yo@sp [///] I'll give you one . [3;05.12] / 34AEN_02 [SIM / COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1R. *SIM: coge coge get@en it@en ! [3;08.14] / 36ASP_01 [SIM / COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 1S. *LEO: mira cómo yo lo hago ! *LEO: ah@i ah@ no, mira cómo yo lo hago ! *LEO: a ver, mira . *SIM: I want to yyy you I want to yyy you . *LEO: how I do it . *SIM: that (i)s +//. *LEO: look how I do it again . [3;08.14] / 36ASP_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1T. *RAQ: pero te sabes el abecedario ? (...) *IVO: p@en . *SIM: pig . *IVO: q@en . *SIM: q@sp . [3;08.25] / 37SP_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 1U. *LEO: mira qué guapo estoy ! *RAQ: estás guapísimo L !(…) *LEO: mira qué guapo papá mira qué guapo ! *IVO: espera un momento [% a la persona con la que hablaba por teléfono en ese momento] . *IVO: oye qué bien ! *IVO: vaya collares que llevas jo@i ! (…) *LEO: look how beautiful I am [% a Melanie que está en la cocina] ! [3;08.25] / 37SP_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1V. *LEO: [% pointing to the illustration] these ones named [= are named] corjos@sp [: cuernos] . *MEL: yes you know what they're called ? *LEO: no . *SIM: (1) horns . *LEO: horns . *MEL: no those aren't horns no . *SIM: (2) tusks . *MEL: tusks right so +/. *LEO: these corjos@sp [: cuernos] too . [3;09.07] / 38CEN_01 (1) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 73. *SIM: (1)mommy I wan(t) my lollipop . *SIM: I want to suck my lollipop . *MEL: after breakfast . *LEO: (2)my lollipo(p) +... %com: the boys go off camera with their father *IVO: nunca desayunan bien y los sábados no desayunan xxx porque desayunan muy tarde . *LEO: (2)[% to Ivo] yo quiero mi chupa chuns [: chups] . (…) *MEL: after breakfast you can eat it . *IVO: qué memoria tienes ! *SIM: (1)yo quiero mi chupa chuns [: chups] . [3;09.26] / 38EEN_01 (1) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] (2) [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 74. *RAQ: qué de estrellitas verdad ? *SIM: mira hay +//. *LEO: there@en [% señalando la página de un libro] . *LEO: aquí . [3;09.30] / 39SP_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 75. *SIM: [% repitiendo lo que dice el juguete] hot ! *RAQ: ah@i eso qué significa ? *SIM: caliente ! [3;09.30] / 39SP_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / IN-INV-Com L INV / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 76. *SIM: look how many I have left one two tree [: three] . (…) *SIM: [% to Raquel] mira lo que me queda . [3;09.30] / 39EN_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 77. *MEL: [% whispering to Simon and pointing to Raquel] ask her if she wants some chocolate let's go ask her if she wants some chocolate . *MEL: very yummy . *SIM: 0 . [3;09.30] / 39EN_01 [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SS / IN(-ES) / OI / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M) / OTHER] 78. *MEL: and now what are you going to say to Raquel when I give you the chocolate ? *LEO: sank [: thank] # you . *MEL: thank you . *MEL: [% to Simon] now what are you going to say to Raquel ? *LEO: thank you . *MEL: [% to Simon] you say thank you to Raquel ? *MEL: what do you say to Raquel ? *SIM: [% puts out his hand towards the chocolate] thank you . *MEL: thank you gimme, right ? *MEL: [% whispering] no, you say gracias@sp . [3;09.30] / 39EN_01 [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES) / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 79. *LEO: yo@sp [///] I was chasin(g) the # yo@sp +... [3;10.27] / 41EN_02 [LEO / COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 80. *MEL: a &t which is the letter +... *SIM: ++ te@sp ! [3;10.27] / 41EN_02 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 81. *SIM: y luego hay [//] una abeja allí . *RAQ: un mosquito ? *SIM: sí un mosquito . [3;10.27] / 41SP_01 [SIM / COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 82. *SIM: I have to put something in the camera . *MEL: in the camera . *MEL: the tape ? *SIM: umhm@i . *SIM: de [: the] tape . *LEO: [% pronouncing it for Melanie] no the tape the tape . *MEL: I think it's in there though . *SIM: no . *MEL: ask Raquel . *SIM: what is a tape in Spanish ? *MEL: what ? *MEL: cinta@sp . *SIM: [% to Raquel off camera] has ponida [= puesto] [///] está la cinta adentro ? [4;03.30] / 50BEN_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 1W. *RAQ: ahá@i lo que pasa es que eso es inglés no ? *RAQ: claro y en español no es lo mismo . *RAQ: porque esto qué es en español ? *LEO: (1) árbol . *RAQ: y en inglés ? *RAQ: cómo se dice árbol en inglés ? *SIM: mhm@i [% moviendo la cabeza] . *RAQ: no sabéis ? *LEO: mira el toro [= ?loro] . *RAQ: y este ! *RAQ: (2) [//] este qué es ? *LEO: yyy . *SIM: mira si hace [% a Raquel] +//. *RAQ: y en inglés [% a Leo] ? *LEO: mira mira aquí mira ! [4;00.22] / 44SP_02 (1) [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / IN-INV-Com L INV / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] (2) [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEJ -SS / ES(-IN) / IN-INV-Com L INV / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1X. *RAQ: y esto qué es ? *SIM: un pajarillo ! *RAQ: un pajarito ! *LEO: a ver qué yo quiero a ver qué yo quiero ! *RAQ: [/] y cómo dice esto mamá ? *LEO: yo quiero este . *RAQ: cómo dice esto mamá ? *LEO: yo quiero esto [% sin prestar atención a la pregunta de Raquel] . [4;00.22] / 44SP_02 [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEJ -SS / ES(-IN) / IN-INV-Com L INV / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1Y. %com: Leo and Ivo are heard speaking indistinctly *LEO: [% bringing Ivo on camera] no voy a dormir con ese tiburón .(...) *LEO: I (a)m not going to sleep with that old shark alright [% to Melanie] ? [4;00.29] / 45BEN_01 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 83. *MEL: ok well I'll do it in English and then you say it in Spanish ok ? *MEL: three little mice sat +/. (…) *MEL: ok tres@sp that's the first word . *SIM: tres@sp &raton [//] ratoncitos@sp +... (…) *SIM: [% mumbling] tres@sp ratoncitos@sp sat down to spin . (…) [4;03.30] / 50BEN_02 [SIM / INCOMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / IN-PA-Min L MO / OTHER / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 84. *SIM: mirad que voy a contar una histo [% se va hacia la cocina mientras se dirige a su madre] mummy I'm gonna tell you a story xxx [% sale de la habitación] . [4;04.28] / 51SP_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 85. *RAQ: entonces qué puede ser ? *RAQ: un pez . *SIM: no . *RAQ: no ? *RAQ: y lo sabéis en inglés o tampoco lo sabéis en inglés ? *SIM: sí . *RAQ: cómo es en inglés ? *SIM: eh@fp seal@en . *RAQ: claro y cómo se dice seal@en en español ? *EST: ah@i . *RAQ: [/] no os acordáis de eso ? *RAQ: se dice foca . [4;05.25] / 53SP_01 [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 1Z. *SIM: uno@sp one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve sirteen [: thirteen] fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineen [: nineteen] twen(t)y twen(t)y one twen(t)y two . [4;05.19] / 52EN_02 [SIM / COMP / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 86. %com: fuera de plano Raquel y los niños escogen un juego diferente al del fragmento anterior y regresan a la mesa *SIM: no sé cómo se llama en español pero sí sé como se llama en inglés . *LEO: voy a recoger . *EST: ah@i ! *RAQ: y cómo se llama en inglés ? *SIM: Chutes@en and@en Ladders@en . *EST: ah@i . *RAQ: eh@i y eso [///] y cómo [/] [//] [//] y cómo se dicen esas dos palabras en español ? *SIM: no sé . [4;05.25] / 53SP_02 [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEJ-SC / IN(-ES) / IN-INV-Com L INV / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 1AA. *MEL: [% Simon hands her a small toy] what's it [///] wow what is this ? *MEL: huh ? *SIM: it (i)s a floating &ch &ch . *MEL: it's a floater ? *SIM: yeah . *MEL: a floating thing ? *MEL: yeah ? *MEL: what do you do with it ? *SIM: you have to put it in so(me) wate(r) so it floats . *SIM: this it ha(s) [//] the water haves [= has] to move this because then this moves too . *MEL: so how do you make the propeller move ? *SIM: well the water moves it [% miming] &ch . *MEL: oh . *MEL: wait a minute, there's a rubber band here . *SIM: but it has to be dere [: there] . *MEL: oh really ? *SIM: yeah do n(o)t take it out . *MEL: I won't ! *MEL: I was just thinking maybe you have to wind it up like this . *MEL: right ? *MEL: wind wind wind wind wind and then let it go . *MEL: foom@o in the water . *SIM: oh yeah . *MEL: yeah . *SIM: oh here I know where that goes . *LEO: [% to Simon] sabes cóm(o) +//. %com: Leo grabs for Simon's float (...) *SIM: [% to Esther] sabes que ? *SIM: que no [/] que no tiene que flotar solito . *SIM: tienes que haser [: hacer] eso para luego cuando haya agua te enseño que hase [: hace] . *SIM: mira luego se [///] (a)sí y ya no está . *SIM: [% winding the float] cho@o cho@o chi@o chi@o . *SIM: y hago (a)sí y tiene que flotar en el agua así . (...) *SIM: Raquel, es que no tiene que flotar con esto moviéndose . *MEL: [% to Leo] you know what it was about ? *SIM: [% going off camera] mira que tienes que tener uestas [: estas] primero y está así y lo +/. *RAQ: ah@i . *MEL: who's gonna miss Go Fish ? *SIM: +, esto luego se tiene que moves [: mover] . [4;10.19] / 56AEN_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / OI / OTHER-SITUA / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 1AB. %com: Simon shows the card to Esther *SIM: x for fox . *EST: qué es esto ? *SIM: oh@i pues es un sorro [: zorro] . [4;10.19] / 56AEN_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / IN-INV-Com L INV / AUTOTRANS / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] EXPERIMENTAL 87. %com: Simon y Leo están enseñándole a Esther un rifle de juguete lleno de caramelos *EST: ah@i pero Susana no sabe lo que es . *EST: se lo decís lo que es ? *SIM: (1)(2)una pistola ! *EST: pero no sabe +... *SUS: what's that ? *SIM: (1)una pistola . *EST: pero no sabe español . *SIM: (2)[% a Susana] eh@fp es@sp un@sp riffle . *SUS: okey a riffle right. [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / INCOMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 88. *SIM: [/] it's not a real riffle it's for playing . *SUS: ah@i it's for playing okey . *EST: [% a Simon] qué ha dicho que no la he entendido ? *SUS: candy, whose candies are these ? *LEO: [% a Esther] es es +... *SUS: [% Simon se señala a si mismo] yours okey . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [LEO: NULL/ EN-SP /INDUCIDA; INVESTIGADOR/ EXPERIM / OTHER//3//OS] 89. *SUS: so do you know your numbers ? *SIM: yeah . *SUS: [% a Simon] but do you know how to write them ? *SIM: not yet . *SUS: not yet, but you're gonna learn right ? *SIM: yeah . *SUS: yeah okey so . *EST: [/] qué está diciendo que no me entero ? *SUS: [% a Esther] okey, you have to learn . *SUS: poor Esther right ? *EST: qué ha dicho ? *SUS: you have [/] to help her . *SIM: (1)[% a Esther] that [/] that if you don't know the numbers yet but we know how to count them to me . *SUS: but you [/] you're helping her in English ! *EST: yeah@en [///] sí, no sé no sé . *SIM: (2)[% a Esther] mhm@fp one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve . *EST: pero [/] pero no sé lo que ha dicho en español no lo sé . *SIM: mhm@fp . *EST: qué ha dicho ? *EST: qué es eso ? *SIM: (3)no me acuerdo muy bien . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1), (2) y (3) [SIM / NULL / LONG (+14) / COMPLEJ-OC / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] 90. *SIM: and I'm gonna eat when I'm a +/. *SUS: are you gonna eat them all ? *SIM: when I'm a grown up . *SUS: okey okey when he's a grown up . *EST: qué has dicho S que no lo sé no lo entiendo . *LEO: que va a comer cuando es [= sea] eh@fp mayor . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 91. *SUS: [% enseñándoles un póster donde aparece un reloj en el que pueden dibujar las manecillas] when you learn how to write them, and mom is gonna help you, this is for you to learn how to say the time right ? *SUS: there's a big clock and you can use a pen I've got one somewhere, okey ? (…) *EST: qué es ? *EST: para qué es ? *SUS: but we have to help Esther okey ? *EST: para qué es ? *SUS: you can +/. *SIM: [//] para saber el tiempo [//] de recloj [: reloj] . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 92. *SUS: okey same with this you're gonna learn . *SUS: we need, what do we need ? *SUS: some cloth or a handkerchief a paper one or something . *EST: qué dice ? *EST: es que no sé lo que dice . (…) *LEO: papel y pañuelos tenemos que coger . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 93. *SUS: that's the clock but it doesn't have any xxx right ? *SUS: we're gonna mark the time here +... *EST: qué hay que hacer ? *SUS: +, and here . *EST: qué hay que hacer ? *EST: qué hay que hacer chicos ? *SUS: finish it because it's not finished . *SUS: we can't know the time with this clock right ? *SUS: now we can . *LEO: tenemos que mascarlo [: marcarlo] . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 94. *SUS: [% se dirige a Simon para que le dé un pañuelo de papel para poder borrar las manecillas dibujadas] and can I have one please ? *SUS: okey the whole lot . *SUS: (1)we want these because it's not very nice it's not a very nice game if you use it just once right ? *SUS: so when we're practicing and we're learning we'll mark different times right ? *EST: qué es eso ? *SUS: this is why you can use this pen but not the others you've got, right ? *SUS: (1)this one cause we can erase things okey ? *EST: qué ha dicho qué ha dicho ? *SIM: que +... *EST: qué ha dicho que hay que hacer ? *SIM: (2)mascar [: marcar] la hora . *EST: [//] marcar la hora ? *SIM: sí . *EST: ah@i y qué más ? *EST: y [/] por qué ha hecho eso con el pañuelo ? *SIM: po(r)que [/] po(r)que se mueve y tienes que saber qué hora es cuando se mueve . *EST: ah@i vale, pero y por qué ha utilizado el pañuelo ? *SIM: (1)para limpiaslo [: limpiarlo] cuando queremos haserla [: hacerla] cuando queremos. [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] 95. *EST: pregúntale a Susana cómo se hace por favor . *SIM: [% como si estuviese pensando] mhm@fp . *EST: pregúntale cómo se hace anda . *SIM: how do you do it ? [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 96. *SUS: (1)(2)just write one line, a small one and a longer one . *SUS: (2)one for the hour and the longer one for the minutes . *SIM: (1)tienes que haser [: hacer] uno pequeño y uno grande . *EST: uno pequeño uno grande qué ? *SIM: (2)si [/] para que se puede y luego cuando está en los números tienes que saber qué hora es y entonses [: entonces] tienes que haser [: hacer] uno pequeño y uno grande . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 97. *EST: dile que si lo he dicho bien . *EST: lo he hecho bien ? *SIM: did she do it well ? [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 98. *SIM: did she do it well ? *SUS: very well yeah of course she did ! *SIM: (1)[% a Esther] sí@sp you did do it well . *EST: perdona ? *SIM: (2)que sí lo has hecho bien ha dicho ! [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / INCOMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / EXPERIM] 99. *EST: ahora sí que lo he entendido y Susana sabrá leer los [///] el reloj sin números ? *SIM: sí . *EST: se lo puedes preguntar por favor ? *SUS: what what ? *SIM: do you know how to [///] do you know the time without the numbers on the clock ? [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 100. *SUS: it's very difficult you've got to learn with number first okey ? *EST: L qué ha dicho Susana que yo no lo sé ? *SIM: que lo tienes que aprender primero con númberos [: números] . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 101. *EST: (1)el número tres . *SIM: sí el número +/. *LEO: (1)t(h)ree . *SIM: (2)t(h)ree . *RAQ: mhm@i . *EST: ah@i así se dice ? *SIM: (3) [/] y el uno se dise [: dice] one@en y (4)el four@en se dise [: dice] four@en y (5)el five@en se dise [: dice] eh@fp se dise [: dice] [/] se dise [: dice] cinco y (6)el siete se dise [: dice] seis y (7)el dos se dise [: dice] two@en y el (8)eight@en se dise [: dice] ocho . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / OTHER / EXPERIM] (3) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (4) [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES)/ OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (5) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (6) [SIM/ NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (7) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (8) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 102. *SUS: it's more colourful it's a calendar ! *RAQ: mhm@i ! *SUS: and it says the name [///] (1)the days of the week in +//. *SUS: again I unders [///] there're two words but I just understand one . *SUS: (2)it says Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday right ? *EST: qué ha dicho qué ha dicho qué ha dicho ? *SIM: (2)eh@i no sé cómo se llaman esos días en español . *EST: no sabes cómo se dicen esos días en español ? *SIM: no . *EST: pero qué son días de qué ? *SIM: (1)días de la semana . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / NULL / LONG (7-14) / COMPLEJ-SC / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER/ / EXPERIM] 103. *EST: eh@fp dile a Susana que qué es esto . *LEO: [% a Esther] a bear . *SIM: [% a Esther] a bear . *EST: se lo podéis preguntar por favor ? *SIM: [% a Susana] this is a bear right ? [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 104. *SUS: one +... *SIM: [>] . *LEO: [<] . *SUS: six one is a bit smaller but six . *EST: [/] y en español ? *EST: qué es eso en español ? *SIM: uno dos tres cuatro sinco [: cinco] seis ! [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 105. *SIM: (1)(2)(3) [<] . *EST: [% señalando una viñeta en la que aparecen dos árboles y una nube] eh@fp cómo es en español esto ? *SIM: (1)pues [/] pues eso son árboles . *LEO: (2)pinos ! *SIM: pinos . *EST: ah@i pinos ! *EST: pero [/] pero el tiempo ? *EST: cómo es el tiempo aquí ? *SIM: (3)el tiempo no hay ningún tiempo aquí ! %com: mientras responde, Simon mira la parte superior del póster donde estaba el reloj en el primer póster [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (2) [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (3) [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 106. *SIM: pues eso es cuando sale eh@fp todo el sol . *EST: el sol . *SUS: and in English ? *SIM: sunny . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 107. *SIM: [% a Esther y señalando una viñeta diferente] (1)(2)esto es cuando está lloviendo . *EST: ah@i cuando está lloviendo . *SIM: (3)(4)y esto es cuando hay tormenta . *EST: y en inglés cómo es esto ? *LEO: (1) [>] . *SIM: (2) [<] rainny . *EST: ah@i y esto ? *SIM: pues +... *LEO: (3)storm . *SIM: (4)storm . *EST: ah@i ! *SIM: snow cloudy [//] and [/] and (5)windy . *EST: y qué es windy@en en [/] en español ? *SIM: (5)eh@i pues eh@fp es [/] es cuando hay frío . *EST: cuando hay frío ? *EST: windy@en [//] cuando hay frío . *SIM: sí . *EST: ah@i vale . *EST: (6)y cuando hace calor ? *SIM: (6) [//] cuando hace calor [/] sale el sol . *EST: ah@i vale vale . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) y (3) [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) y (4) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (5) [SIM / COMPL / FL NO EQ. EXP / EN-SP / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (6) [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SS / ES(-IN) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 108. *SUS: which one do we mark today ? *SIM: eh@i . *SUS: how is [///] what's the weather today ? *SUS: which one ? %com: Simon y Leo miran por la ventana *SIM: eh@fp sunny . *LEO: cold . *SUS: looks very sunny ? *SIM: mhm@i . *EST: de qué estáis hablando ahora ? *SUS: it's like this right ? *SUS: you've got the sun but there's [/] there's some clouds as well right ? *SUS: can we mark one then ? *LEO: yeah . *SIM: yeah . *SUS: L which one ? *SIM: [% señalando uno de los dibujos] this one !(…) *EST: de qué estáis hablando ahora ? *EST: por favor me lo decís ? *SIM: pues es:tamos hablando de mascarlo [: marcarlo] po(r)que [/] po(r)que no sabemos si es [///] si sale el sol [/] o si no sabemos si hay sol o si es viento . *EST: ah@i vale vale vale . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] 109. *SUS: so each one marks [///] let's [///] L L right ? *SUS: yeah mark one the one you think is the weather today [///] this ? *SUS: this ? *SUS: put a cross here . *SUS: [% a Leo] or (1)(2)(3)(4)ask Esther to do it . *SUS: explain what you've got to do but you've got to tell her what she's got to do . *LEO: (1)[% a Esther] you do it . *EST: qué ? *LEO: (2)marcarlo tienes que marcarlo . *EST: ah@i marcar eh@fp el qué ? *SIM: (3)tienes que mascar [: marcar] +/. *SUS: but [/] she's got to mark the ones you want . *LEO: (4)+, marcar este . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [LEO/ NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SS / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) y (4) [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] (3) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] (4) [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] 110. *EST: [% a Leo] pregúntale a Susana qué más tengo que hacer por favor . *LEO: what do you need to do now ? [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 111. *SUS: (1)(2)you can mark one two three four . *EST: qué hago ? *SUS: ask her don't look at me L . *EST: qué hago L qué hago ? *LEO: (1)mark this one . (…) *EST: qué tengo que hacer a ver L qué tengo que hacer ? *LEO: (2)eh@fp marcar uno que crees . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [LEO / NULL / LONG (7-14) / COMPLEX-SS / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 112. *EST: +, qué hace hoy ? *LEO: sí . *EST: [% mirando por la ventana] ah@i eh@fp pues nublado . *EST: nublado con muchas nubes mhm@i . *EST: ah@i también nubes y sol . *SUS: she's gonna mark them all ! *EST: qué qué ? *SIM: que no tienes que mascar [: marcar] todos ! [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 113. *SIM: and this weather is hot this weather is eh@fp warm this weather is (1)(2)warm and this one is (3)cold. *EST: pero qué es warm@en qué es cold@en ? *SIM: (1)eh@fp pues aquí está al calor aquí eh@fp ah@fp es +//. %com: Simon deja de hablar porque Leo le está poniendo una pelota pequeña en el cuello e intentando metérsela por la camiseta *SIM: y +//. *SUS: [% a Leo] what are you doing ? *EST: calor ? *EST: esto ? *SIM: eh@fp es donde hay sol . *EST: donde hay sol . *SIM: (2)esto es cuando hay sol y (3)esto cuando hay frío . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1), (2) y (3) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SP / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 114. *EST: no sé qué ha dicho qué pena qué pena . *EST: le puedes decir a Susana que lo siento que no entiendo inglés ? *SIM: that she +/. %com: durante unas décimas de segundo la grabación se interrumpe por fallo técnico *SUS: all right okey what does she want to do ? *SUS: what's she asking ? *SIM: she wants to learn . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 115. *EST: qué tengo que hacer ? *SIM: you@en have@en [///] tienes que mascar [: marcar] este . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMP / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 116. *SUS: (1)(2)[% a Simon] oh@i ask her tell her you wanted to mark this perhaps she wants to mark this as well. *LEO: (1)[% a Esther] quieres marcar esto ? *EST: marcar esto ? *EST: por qué ? *SIM: si quieres . *SIM: (2)si quieres puedes . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 117. *SUS: what's the day today ? *SIM: eh@fp mhm@fp summer . *SUS: summer ? *SUS: no the day of the week as Monday Tuesday Wednesday +... *SIM: Wednesday ! *SUS: is it Wednesday today ? *SUS: I should be working in Valladolid if it were Wednesday ! *SUS: are you sure ? *EST: [% a Leo] qué está diciendo ? *RAQ: tendríais que ir al cole si es miércoles no ? *SIM: [% a Susana] Tuesday +... *LEO: [% mirando al suelo] sé muy bien . *SIM: +, [% a Susana] Tuesday . *EST: [/] qué está diciendo ? *RAQ: tú qué crees L ? *LEO: (1)[% mirando al suelo] sé muy bien . *EST: no sabes muy bien lo que están diciendo ? (…) *EST: qué está diciendo ? *SIM: (2)mhm@fp está disiendo [: diciendo] qué día es . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [LEO / NULL / LONG (+14) / COMPLEJ-OC / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] 118. SIM: mhm@fp está disiendo [: diciendo] qué día es . *EST: qué día es ? *EST: pues hoy es domingo no ? *SIM: sí . *RAQ: (1)(2)mhm@fp y cómo es domingo en inglés ? *SIM: (1)no sé . *RAQ: no sabemos ? *RAQ: se lo preguntamos a Susana a ver si lo sabe ella ? *EST: [% a Simon] pregúntaselo . *EST: [% a Leo] pregúntaselo . *SIM: (2)what day is it today ? *SUS: today ? *SUS: Sunday . *RAQ: aha@i ! *EST: ah@i y en inglés entonces es ? *SIM: Sunday ! [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / ES(-IN) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 119. *SUS: you can ask Esther to write it in Spanish here cause I can't right ? *LEO: [% dándole el rotulador a Esther] lo hases [: haces] en español ? 4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 120. SUS: you [/] you don't read now but when you learn how to read you've got [///] ah@i no the days of the week are here but months are here all the months January and +... *LEO: Feb +... *SIM: +, ruary . *SUS: February +... *RAQ: guau@i ! *LEO: March . *SIM: (Mar)ch . *SUS: March +... *RAQ: guau@i ! *LEO: [>] . *SIM: [<] . *SUS: April +... *RAQ: ah@i ! *LEO: [>] . *SIM: [<] . *SUS: May +... *LEO: [>] . *SIM: [<] . *SUS: June +... (…) *SIM: [>] . *LEO: [<] . *RAQ: oh@i guau@i ! *RAQ: eso sí que no me lo sabía yo ! *SUS: are you sure you don't know how to read and you're reading them ? *SUS: do you know them by heart ? *RAQ: [% riéndose] qué chicos más listos ! *SUS: great ! *EST: qué ha pasado qué ha pasado ? *SUS: okey ! *EST: qué ha pasado ? *SIM: estamos leyendo los días . *EST: los días ? *EST: [% señalando el póster] los días o [/] o los meses ? *SIM: los meses . *EST: ah@i vale ! [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] 121. *SUS: (1)(4)tell her to [/] to write the month xxx [% susurrando a Simon] here . *SIM: (1)tienes que mascar [: marcar] el month@en . *EST: tengo que [//] marcar el month@en ? *EST: y el qué ? *SIM: (2)(3)el month@en . *EST: el month@en ? *RAQ: cómo se dice eso en español ? *SIM: (2)no sé . *RAQ: L tú sabes cómo se dice month@en en español ? *LEO: (3)no . *RAQ: [% susurrándole a Leo] mes . *LEO: mes ! *EST: ah@i mes ! *EST: vale ! *SIM: [//](4)tienes que escribir el mes . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / INCOMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (3) [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (4) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 122. *EST: (1)(2)[% a Simon] dile a Susana que ahora le toca a ella escribir el [/] el mes en inglés . *LEO: (1)now it's your [>] . *SIM: (2) [<] to write the +... *SUS: my turn ? *SIM: yeah . *SUS: to [/] to do what ? *SIM: (2)to [/] to write a day . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 123. *SUS: no there's something wrong here ! *EST: qué pasa ? *EST: qué ha pasado ? *LEO: que hamos [= hemos] confundido . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 124. *SUS: so what do I write ? *SIM: you have to write the month . *SUS: oh@i the month okey ! *SUS: oh@i which is the month ? *SUS: if you [///] if [///] so this is the month in Spanish . *SIM: you have to write the month in English ! *SUS: and which is this month ? *SUS: (1)what's the name of this month in English ? *EST: qué está diciendo ? *SIM: eh@i +... *EST: no sabe hacerlo ? *EST: o [/] qué está preguntando ? *EST: qué está preguntando Susana a ver ? *SIM: (1)está preguntando +... *EST: sabes cuál +... *EST: qué ha dicho sabes cuál +... *SIM: (2)sí tienes que decir el mes . *EST: tengo que decir el mes ? *SIM: (2)tienes que escribir . *EST: ah@i escribir el mes . [4;10.19] / 56B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / NULL /LONG (7-14) / COMPLEX-SS / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] 125. *MEL: Raquel watch out ! *MEL: (1)there's a really fierce dragon behind you . *MEL: (2)it's gonna chop your head off . %com: everyone giggles *MEL: well I guess she doesn't . *MEL: otherwise she would've jumped a mile huh ? *RAQ: de qué os reís ? *MEL: nada, nada, de nada . *MEL: [% to the boys] you guys gonna tell her ? *MEL: huh@i ? *RAQ: de qué os reís ? *RAQ: qué os ha contado mamá ? *RAQ: os ha contado un chiste mamá ? *SIM: [% laughing] (1)mamá te ha dicho que había un dragón eh@fp detrás de tu espalda . *RAQ: no me digas no +/. *LEO: (2)te iba a cortar tu [= la] cabeza ! [5;03.21] / 59EN_01 (1) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] (2) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / SPONT / 1 / OPOL(M)] 126. *RAQ: qué te pregunta Todd ? *SIM: (1)una oveja . *RAQ: cómo se dice ? *RAQ: pero él no sabe español . *RAQ: tendrás que decírselo en inglés . *RAQ: cómo se dice oveja en inglés ? *RAQ: lo sabéis ? *EST: sí que lo sabéis no ? *LEO: sí . *RAQ: no sé . *EST: y cómo es ? *LEO: (1)bee@en . *RAQ: no, eso es abeja . *RAQ: cómo es oveja ? *RAQ: las ovejas qué es lo que hacen ? *RAQ: las ovejas no son las que hacen be:@o ? *RAQ: preguntadle a Todd cómo se dice . *RAQ: (2)decidle a Todd que es un animal . *RAQ: pero tendréis que decírselo en inglés porque en español +... *SIM: (2)it´s a(n) animal . [5;05.29] / 61ASP_01 (1) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / IN-INV-Com L INV / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M) / SP-EN] (2) LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / SP-EN / IN-INV-Com L INV / OTHER / SPONT / 2 / OPOL(M)] 127. *SIM: (1)+, tienes que rebis [: recibir] # sinco [: cinco] para ganar uno nuevo +/. *RAQ: sí . *SIM: (2)+, pon estas otras aquí y di que si parejas . *SIM: (3)si alguien dise [: dice] toro a alguien y lo tiene so@en tiene que dar eso [/] eso tú no lo sabes (4)o si no lo tiene y los otros no tienen y +/. *RAQ: sí . *SIM: (5)+, pues tiene que pescar . *SIM: y si +/. *RAQ: a pescar . *SIM: [/] y si +/. *RAQ: vale vete a pescar me acuerdo de eso . *SIM: [/] y si yo lo tengo pongo [//] y cuando es mi turno se lo pido y luego ya me lo tiene que dar eh@i y es mi turno es otra vez . *RAQ: ah@i vale o sea que es pareja es decir caballo con caballo +... *SIM: sí . *RAQ: y vale . *TOD: what ? *RAQ: vale vamos a explicárselo a Susana [/] y a Todd ? *TOD: what do I have to do ? *RAQ: vale # S ? *RAQ: ok so # we have five cards yeah ? *SIM: (1)you [/] you have to deal five howds [//] cowds [: cards] to everybody (2)and den [: then] you have to put other ones there +... *SIM: (3)i:f somebody in to sabe@sp to give him one animal one who that's a cat and then a fox and [/] and he have [= has] them she [///] the [///] then you get him and den [: then] you have to do again until you don't have any (4)but if you don't and another one haves [= has] them you can get (h)im and if you don't have him you don't and if da [: the] odder [: other] one doesn't have him dat [: that] (5)you're forced [?] to you have to pick from dere [:there]. %com: Simon points to the deck of cards [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 (1) y (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (3) [SIM / INCOMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (4) y (5) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 128. *TOD: [% to Leo] I have to deal five cards ? *LEO: yep . *RAQ: sí . *EST: Raquel qué ha dicho Todd ? *RAQ: eh@fp qué es lo que ha dicho Todd ? *RAQ: que [///] cuántas cartas necesitamos ? *SIM: sinco [: cinco] cada uno . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 129. *LEO: [% to Todd] do you have a pig ? *TOD: yep we have a pig . *SIM: [% squealing] eeee@i . *EST: qué le has preguntado ? *EST: qué le has preguntado L ? *LEO: sedo [: cerdo] . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 130. *TOD: uh@i do you have a bear ? *LEO: hmm@fp yeah . *EST: ok espera espera. *LEO: [% squealing] eeee@i ! *EST: qué ha dicho ? *LEO: ha dicho que tiene unos ositos . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 131. *TOD: we win . *SIM: yeah . *SUS: ay@i . *SIM: que u [///] en que han +/. *RAQ: qué pasa L ? *SIM: tengo +/. *RAQ: dile [///] cuéntale a Esther . *SIM: tengo pero +/. *EST: qué ha pasado que no me he enterado qué ha pasado ? *LEO: mira [>] que xxx tienen una carta porque han tirado todos [/] y ya que está # ahí . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SS / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTRO-ADULT / EXPERIM] 132. *LEO: [% to Todd] eh@fp tienes un zorro ? *TOD: what ? *LEO: do you have a fox ? [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / SP-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 133. *EST: [% to Todd] eh@fp um@fp tenéis un jaguar ? *EST: ay@i . *TOD: what ? *EST: eh@i . *SUS: sorry ? *SIM: jaguau [: jaguar] . *TOD: do we have a jaguar ? *TOD: yeah . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 134. *SIM: [% to Raquel] it's@en not@en [///] no puede ser ! [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMP / EQ-PAIRING / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 135. *SIM: we don't have payus [: pairs] ! *LEO: [% to Esther] que no tienen +/. *RAQ: son tontos . *LEO: [?] que no tienen parejas . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / EXPERIM] 136. *SIM: [% to Todd] vamos a pedirte esto . *TOD: what ? *TOD: what do you want? *SIM: alagayto [: alligator] . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 137. *RAQ: [//] (1)les dices que hemos cogido del montón esta y que como teníamos otra en la mano hemos hecho pareja . *RAQ: [% whispering] tienes que decírselo en inglés . *SIM: (1)we got a lion and sin(ce) we get a li:on and we don't want to u(se) and we didn't have it and we had to go fis(h) and we get a beao [: bear] . *SUS: ok you fished a bear . *TOD: you fished a bear out of the pile oh@i ok alright . *LEO: [% to Esther] ha dicho una mentira . *EST: por qué es una mentira ? *LEO: que [/] que te han [//] dan petsidido [?] un leyón [: león] a ellos y luego lo han pescado otra vez y es una mentira . *SIM: no ! *SIM: (2)hamos [: hemos] [/] hamos [: hemos] dicho que tú tenías un leyón [: león] y [/] y la [//] y [//] y lo hamos [: hemos] pedido a ellos y como un cocod(r)ilo y como no lo tenemos lo tenemos que pescar y nos hamos [= ha] salido una pareja . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] 138. *TOD: [% to Simon] do you have an umbrella bird ? *SIM: no . *RAQ: a ver a ver . *LEO: let's see it let's see it . *LEO: ahá@i ! [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING / SP-EN / OI / OTHER / EXPERIM] 139. *SIM: [% to Todd] I knew you had it . *TOD: you did ? *TOD: how did you know ? *SIM: because I saw it . *TOD: you saw it ? *SUS: S ! *SUS: [% to Todd] careful with S . *RAQ: [% to Todd] no, it's your fault . *SUS: careful with S . *TOD: Susana [/] we gotta be careful of him lookin(g) at our cards . *RAQ: [% to Simon] it's their fault . *LEO: [% to Esther] ha dicho que eran unos tramposos . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / OI / SITUA / EXPERIM] 140. %com: Simon leans over and looks at Todd's cards *SIM: [% to Raquel] tienen un (r)atón ahí . *RAQ: tienen un ratón vale . *TOD: what ? *RAQ: nada nada . *SUS: huh@i ? *SIM: nada . *RAQ: nada . *TOD: [/] what do you mean nada ? *LEO: dey [: they] said dat [: that] you have a mouse . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / OI / OTHER / EXPERIM] 141. *SIM: no valen muros . *RAQ: no valen muros eso . *SUS: what ? *SUS: sorry ? *LEO: a mí además yo no puedo ver nada y él no puede ver nada y ellos no pueden ver nada y luego no todos los sabamos [: sabemos] y luego ellos no saben a quién estamos juntando . *RAQ: (1)S hay que decirles [/] hay que decirles cuáles son las normas hay que decirles que no valen muros . *RAQ: tienes que decírselo en inglés ok . *SIM: (1)you can't do that . *TOD: you can't do that ? *TOD: what ? *SIM: (2)you can't put things there because then you can't see anythin(g) +... [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / SP-EN / IN-INV / SITUA / EXPERIM] 142. *SIM: [% pointing at Leo and Esther] theow [: their] turn . *EST: qué ? *EST: el qué ? *SIM: it's still your turn . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 143. *EST: sí pues # decirles que vamos a ganar . *EST: (1)díselo L, vamos a ganar . *LEO: va +/. *EST: (1)vosotros vais a perder . *LEO: +, sí . *EST: [% pointing to Todd and Susana] díselo ha@i . *LEO: (2)nosotros vamos a [///] (1)we (a)re going to win you (a)re going to lose . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 (1) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [LEO / COMP / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / SP-EN / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 144. *SIM: (1)you never know who: wins . *TOD: that's right . *EST: el qué ? *TOD: (2)that's because we're gonna win . *EST: qué ? *TOD: mmmh@i I think so . *EST: qué ha dicho L ? *EST: qué le respondo ? *EST: qué ha dicho ? %com: Leo whispers to Esther *EST: (2)[% repitiendo lo que le ha susurrado Leo] que ellos van a ganar ? *SIM: (1)no, hamos [: hemos] dicho que nunca sabes quién gana . 5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / OI / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] (2) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 145. *TOD: [% to Leo] do you have a mouse ? *SIM: no . *TOD: [% picking a card from the pile] ah@i . %com: Leo starts whispering in Esther's ear *EST: qué ? *LEO: [% whispering] han dicho que nosotros tenemos un ratón y que ellos han +/. *EST: han dicho que nosotros tenemos un ratón ? *LEO: +, y tenemos porque vamos pescando y ellos se alegra [?] que han dicho que tenemos un ratón y ahora ellos están diciendo que tenemos um ratón son unos tramposos . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-EXP / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / EXPERIM] 146. *SUS: what happens ? *EST: que sois unos tramposos . *SUS: what ? *EST: [% to Leo] díselo . *EST: o no ? *EST: es un poco fuerte decírselo eh@i ? [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SS / ES(-IN) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 147. *EST: (1)(2)[% to Susana] ah@i # tenéis un caballo ? *TOD: a what ? *SIM: (1)a [>] hoasie [: horsie] . *LEO: (2)a [<] hoasie [: horsie] . [5;05.29] / 61B(TR)_01 (1) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / SP-EN / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 148. *EST: qué significa eso +”/. *EST: +” but that´s awful ? *SIM: es terrible . [6;03.22] / 74(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 149. *EST: (1)+” you could help by asking your friends (2)if they have the sled, suggested [/] suggested Sam . *EST: y qué ha dicho ? *SIM: (1)pues le dice que [/] que pregunte a sus ami:gos y que [/] que pregunte a Sam primero . *EST: que le pregunte qué ? *SIM: (2)que si lo ha visto . [6;03.22] / 74(TR)_01 (1) y (2) [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 150. *EST: (1)(2)the@en icing@en qué es eso ? *LEO: (1)esto es icing@en . *EST: pero qué es ? *SIM: (2)se lo preguntas a M . [6;03.22] / 74(TR)_01 (1) [LEO/ NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 151. *EST: es que no me [//] no lo entiendo eso . *EST: +" Helen jumped, and the icing jumped . *EST: (1)(2)y qué es eso de icing@en ? *LEO: (1)pues esto, y se acaba ! *EST: pero esto qué es ! *EST: es que no sé qué es esto para hacer galletas . *LEO: (2)icing@en, eso es icing@en ! [6;03.22] / 74(TR)_01 (1) y (2) [LEO / NULL / LONG (1-4) / COMPLEX-SP / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 152. *EST: bueno y el premio para el ganador ? *LEO: pues no hay premios . *EST: no hay premios ? *MEL: you could give her a hug and a kiss or something . *EST: qué ? %com: Leo kisses Esther [6;03.22] / 74(TR)_01 [LEO / NULL / LONG (7-14) / COMPLEX-SS / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 153. *MEL: (1)when you hold a seashell to your ear, what are you hearing ? *MEL: the sea, the air blowing through it, or your blood ? *EST: cómo es la pregunta a ver ? *LEO: pues +... *MEL: when you hold a seashell to your ear +... *LEO: (1)cuando: eh@fp cogemos +... *LEO: [% to Melanie] what is it called ? *MEL: una@sp concha@sp . *LEO: (1)una concha y lo pones a tu oído qué oyas [= oyes] el mhm@fp +... *MEL: [% prompting Leo] the sea +... *LEO: and what (i)s el@sp sea in Spanish ? *MEL: ocean +... *LEO: (1)el mar +... *MEL: the air blowing through it +... *LEO: (1)+, el aire [//] por soplando por allí +... *MEL: or your blood . *LEO: (1)+, o tu +... *SIM: (2)[% filling in for Leo] sangre . *LEO: (1)sangre . *EST: buf@i pues el [/] el mar . *SIM: no ! *EST: no ? *SIM: la sangre . *EST: mhm@i la sangre ? *EST: cómo vas a oír la sangre ? *MEL: (3)the shape of the shell sends the sound of your blood circulating back into your ear . *LEO: (3)mira la sangra [: sangre] te lleva allí pero luego el aire lo empuja para allá y oyes tu sangre moviéndose . [6;03.22] / 74(TR)_01 (1) [LEO / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] (2) [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / OI / OTHER / EXPERIM] (3) [LEO / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 154. *SIM: how long does your large intestine@sp let food hang around before you [/] you poop it out ? *SIM: two minutes, two hours, or two days ? *LEO: [% whispering to Esther] sabes qué pasa si comes mucho espárrago ? *MEL: [% to Leo] ok, you tell Esther, you tell Esther . *EST: sabes qué pasa qué cuándo &co ? *LEO: si comes mucho espárrago ? *EST: ah@i qué pasa ? *LEO: que, bueno tu caca se vuelve [//] un poco verde . *EST: la [///] mi caca se vuelve un poco verde ? *LEO: como el espárrago . [6;03.22] / 74(TR)_01 [LEO / NULL / LONG (+14) / COMPLEJ-OC / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 155. *MEL: how long [//] if you [/] if you eat something, how long does it hang around in your large intestine, down here, before you poop it out ? *MEL: two minutes ? *MEL: two hours or two days [% asking Simon for confirmation] ? *SIM: yeah . *MEL: [% back to Leo] are you going to tell her ? *SIM: no . *SIM: well yes . *SIM: but you do it this time . [6;03.22] / 74(TR)_01 [SIM / NULL / LONG (+14) / COMPLEJ-OC / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 156. *SIM: +" turn to the player to your left and look into his or her throat . *EST: cómo cómo cómo a ver a ver a ver . *RAQ: ah@i . *LEO: I already did that . *EST: qué [/] qué tienes que hacer a ver a ver a ver a ver . *SIM: mirar [/] [//] en [/] [//] en una garganta . [6;03.22] / 74(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / NON EQ-ECO / EN-SP / IN- INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 157. *EST: [/] [//] qué pasa con ese pez ? *MEL: just [///] if you do [//] if you explain [//] the question to her I'll explain the answer ok ? *MEL: (1)(2)(3)(4)+" what does the African longfish like to do in mucus, sleep bathe or vomit ? *LEO: (1)[% to Esther] dormir . *MEL: yeah but she doesn't know the question . %com: (2)Leo groans *EST: dormir . *MEL: S can you help him with the question ? *LEO: (3)[% whining] you do it I do n(o)t want [///] leave me alone I (a)m not doing it . *SIM: what was the question ? *MEL: well S can do it ok . *MEL: +" what does the African longfish like to do in mucus, sleep bathe or vomit ? *SIM: (4)con esos no . *EST: qué ? *MEL: what ? *SIM: (4)que con esos no ! *MEL: yourself no ? *MEL: ok African longfish we [///] I think we gonna just say African longfish . *MEL: we don't have to translate that because we don't know the translation . [6;03.22] / 74(TR)_01 (1), (2) y (3) [LEO / NULL / LONG (+14) / COMPLEJ-OC / IN(-ES) / IN-INV /OTHER/EXPERIM] (4) [SIM / NULL / LONG (7-14) / COMPLEJ-OC / IN(-ES) / IN-INV / OTHER / EXPERIM] 158. *SIM: +" see how many times you can blink in twenty seconds . *RAQ: okey . *SIM: what (i)s blink ? *EST: qué tengo que hacer ? *SIM: what (i)s blink ? *MEL: parpadear o pestañear, pestañear . *SIM: [/] a ver qué eh@i +... *SIM: cuántas veces puedes pestañear en veinte segundos ? [6;03.22] / 74(TR)_01 [SIM / COMPL / EQ-PAIRING(CN) / EN-SP / IN-INV / AUTOTRANS / EXPERIM] 1