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Nuovi formati commerciali e polaritá interregionali: Lombardía, Piemonte, Emilia Romagna
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Ciudades: Revista del Instituto Universitario de Urbanística de la Universidad de Valladolid, 2007, N.10, pags.203-212
In this article we present the research "The assessement of the territorial impact of commercial poles: factory outlet centre, multiplex, shopping malls. An interregional approach" realized between 2005 and 2007 by the Departments Architettura e Pianificazione of the Polytechnic of Milan, Interateneo Territorio of the Polytechnic and University of Turin and Department of Economy of the University of Parma. The research project has taken in account the goal of the Regions Lombardia, Piemonte and Emilia Romagna, sponsors of the work, to develop a common approach both for the analysis of the phenomenon and for the experimentation of guidelines for its management. The starting point of the research project is related to the observation of the innovation of the commercial formats and to the way how the Regions have passed specific Acts for its regulation. By means of a research methodology which has allowed to integrate and to represent the territorial characters and the localization of the principal new formats in the three regions, we have found out the sites which can be defined "interregional commercial poles" and have proposed common guidelines for their governance. En este artículo presentamos la investigación "Evaluación del impacto territorial de los polos comerciales: factory outlets, multicines, centros comerciales. Una aproximación interregional", realizada entre 2005 y 2007 por los Departamentos de Architettura e Pianificazione del Politécnico de Milán, el Interateneo del Territorio del Politécnico de Turín y el Departamento de Economia de la Universidad de Parma. La investigación ha sido promovida por las Regiones de Lombardía, Piamonte y Emilia Romagna, con el fin de desarrollar un enfoque común tanto para el estudio de los fenómenos como para el desarrollo de directrices de gestión. A partir de la observación de la innovación en formatos comerciales y de las vías de su regulación por las Regiones, se ha prestado especial atención a la formación de "polos comerciales interregionales".
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