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Os mesteirais e o poder concelhio nas cidades medievais portuguesas (séculos XIV e XV)
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Edad Media: revista de historia, 2013, N.14, pags.149-170
This paper aims to characterize the several ways of interaction between artisans and the municipal authorities in medieval Portuguese towns of the 14th and 15th centuries. The analysis focuses on the forms adopted by the artisans' relations with the municipal power, their modes of representation and the several ways in which craftsmen became associated, while at the same time addressing specific issues of contestation and resistance. The overarching goal of this paper is to shed some light on the construction of political power by artisan groups in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and more generally to trace an overall picture of medieval Portuguese towns, so that it primarily draws on a number of sources concerning several Portuguese cities, particularly Porto, Lisbon and Evora. Este articulo busca caracterizar las formas de interacción de los artesanos con las autoridades concejiles en las ciudades medievales portuguesas. Se presentan las formas de relación con el poder concejil, las modalidades de representación y las formas de asociación de los oficios, abordando así mismo las dimensiones de contestación y resistencia. Además, se pretende arrojar luz sobre la construcción del poder político de los artesanos. El trabajo busca trazar un cuadro global de las ciudades portuguesas de los siglos XIV y XV, por lo que se basa fundamentalmente en bibliografía sobre diferentes ciudades portuguesas, en particular Oporto, Lisboa y Evora.
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Edad Media
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