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Could standard protection become a problem in it selft? safe guarding historic areas in a context of economically limited resources
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference 2014
Año del Documento
Politecnico di Milano
Descripción Física
11 p.
Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
Preventive and planned conservation conference 2014. Monza & Mantova, 5th-8th May 2014.
Conservation of monumental and architectural ensembles located in sparsely populated areas is a common situation in many European rural areas. It is a situation that requires considering the problems with new approaches and perspectives beyond building intervention.
Communication reflects the case of Grajal de Campos (León, Spain), where currently two universities of Castilla y Leon are collaborating with the aim of improving professional’s education and developing ideas that may be useful in similar cases.
Grajal de Campos is a village with 250 inhabitants -almost half of them are over 65 years old- with a valuable architectural ensemble of the 16th century. The referred ensemble is the result of a unitary project, which now faces the problem of monumental conservation but also the safeguarding of residential buildings in such a Historic Area.
Lacking of resources to deal with the conservation of monuments, and even missing the funds to develop the compulsory instruments designated by the Heritage Protection Act, this situation makes necessary rethinking goals and intervention programs, adapting them to available possibilities, in order not to become an additional problem.
Dealing with the conservation of buildings, both monumental and not, requires a new approach which can be addressed from concepts such as Historic Urban Landscape. Leaded by a long-term vision that aims at the production of synergies through a collaborative regional strategy, we could achieve the preservation of monuments not to be a burden but a contribution to territorial and urban life.
Materias (normalizadas)
Conservación, Conjuntos Históricos, Urbanismo
Version del Editor
Propietario de los Derechos
Politecnico di Milano
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