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An OpenMP Extension that Supports Thread-Level Speculation
Año del Documento
IEEE Press
Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 27(1), pp. 78-91, January 2016, ISSN 1045-9219
OpenMP directives are the de-facto standard for shared-memory parallel programming. However, OpenMP does not guarantee the correctness of the parallel execution of a given loop if runtime data dependences arise. Consequently, many highly-parallel regions cannot be safely parallelized with OpenMP due to the possibility of a dependence violation. In this paper, we propose to augment OpenMP capabilities, by adding thread-level speculation (TLS) support. Our contribution is threefold. First, we have defined a new speculative clause for variables inside parallel loops. This clause ensures that all accesses to these variables will be carried out according to sequential semantics. Second, we have created a new, software-based TLS runtime library to ensure correctness in the parallel execution of OpenMP loops that include speculative variables. Third, we have developed a new GCC plugin, which seamlessly translates our OpenMP speculative clause into calls to our TLS runtime engine. The result is the ATLaS C Compiler framework, which takes advantage of TLS techniques to expand OpenMP functionalities, and guarantees the sequential semantics of any parallelized loop.
Revisión por pares
Castilla-Leon Regional Government (VA172A12-2, PIRTU); Ministerio de Industria, Spain (CENIT OCEANLIDER); MICINN (Spain) and the European Union FEDER (MOGECOPP project TIN2011- 25639, CAPAP-H3 network TIN2010-12011-E, CAPAPH4 network TIN2011-15734-E).
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IEEE Press
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