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SCOPE model applied for rapeseed in Spain
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Science of the Total Environment 627 2018 417–426
The integrated SCOPE (Soil, Canopy Observation, Photochemistry and Energy balance) model, coupling radiative transfer theory and biochemistry, was applied to a biodiesel crop grown in a Spanish agricultural area. Energy fluxes and CO2 exchange were simulated with this model for the period spanning January 2008 to October 2008. Resultswere compared to experimentalmeasurements performed using eddy covariance and meteorological
instrumentation. The reliability of the model was proven by simulating latent (LE) and sensible (H) heat fluxes, soil heat flux (G), and CO2 exchanges (NEE and GPP). LAI data used as input in the model were retrieved from the MODIS and MERIS sensors. SCOPE was able to reproduce similar seasonal trends to those measured for NEE, GPP and LE. When considering H, the modelled values were underestimated for the period covering July
2008 to mid-September 2008. The modelled fluxes reproduced the observed seasonal evolution with determination coefficients of over 0.77 when LE and H were evaluated. The modelled results offered good agreement with observed data for NEE and GPP, regardless of whether LAI data belonged to MODIS or MERIS, showing slopes of 0.87 and 0.91 for NEE-MODIS and NEE-MERIS, and 0.91 and 0.94 for GPP-MODIS and GPP-MERIS, respectively.
Moreover, SCOPE was able to reproduce similar seasonal behaviou s to those observed for the experimental carbón fluxes, clearly showing the CO2 sink/source behaviour for the whole period studied.
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