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Deployment of a GPON-SDN solution in a server using Docker
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Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Específicas de Telecomunicación
The research carried out in this Project focuses on the transformation of a GPON network to an SDN network using the OpenFlow protocol (SDN-GPON). With this we achieve a dissociation between the control plane in charge of routing the packets and the data plane in the access network. For this, a Linux-based router has been implemented in the central computer and several OVS (Open Virtual Switch) virtual switches have been installed that can use the OpenFlow protocol and communicate with an OpenFlow central controller, in our case OpenDayLight and ONOS located in the backbone. Through this new SDN network scenario we will be able to configure and manage services and subscriber profiles in the access network through OpenFlow. During the project we tried to virtualize most of the applications we needed using the Docker technology, some of the virtualizations were forced upon us because of the unforeseen circumstances (Covid-19, unable to access the labs) but in the end we managed to make it work as much the circumstances allowed us to.
Palabras Clave
SDN (Software-designed networks)
GPON (Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks)
OLT (Optical Line Termination)
ONU (Optical Network Unit)
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