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La mujer hispanorromana y la actividad socioeconómica: las profesiones
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Documento Fuente
Minerva. Revista de Filología Clásica; Núm. 7 (1993) pags. 111-128
This study deals with the contribution of women to the economic and professional world in Roman Spain. The epigraphical research has shown two main groups. The first one includes those women which be long to the most important families of Roman Spain. They are the owners of factories and large states and take part in profitable bussinesses such as the export trade of the olive oil. Their social prestige and public influence are a reflect of their economic power. The second group consists of women which do humble, manual jobs. They often belong to a slave social status. On the other hand, jobs which need highly preparated people are rarely found among women in Roman Spain. In any case, the participation of Roman-Spanish women in the labour and professional world seems to be strongly joined to an urban environment and a high level of penetration of the Roman socioeconomic structures.
Materias Unesco
5504.01 Historia Antigua
Departamento de Historia Antigua y Medieval
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