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Ecosystem services of mixed stands of scots pine and maritime pine: biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration
Otros títulos
Servicios ecosistémicos de masas mixtas de pino albar y pino resinero: conservación de la biodiversidad y secuestro de carbono
Director o Tutor
Año del Documento
Doctorado en Conservación y Uso Sostenible de Sistemas Forestales
Many studies highlight the role of mixed vs monospecific forests to supply ecosystem services.
Most reports of positive mixture effects focus on mixtures that combine tree species with
contrasting traits, but little is known on the effect of mixing species that are expected to behave
quite similarly as they belong to the same genus. This thesis assessed the effect of mixed vs
monospecific stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton.) (I)
on the carbon storage and exchangeable cations along the soil profile; (II) on the understory
richness and life-forms composition and its relationship with the soil status; (III) on the main tree
species regeneration and understory species composition; and (IV) on the overstory productivity
at two spatial scales (small-scale and stand-level), its relationship with soil moisture and fertility,
and its repercussion on the understory.
Materias (normalizadas)
Pinus sylvestris
Pinus pinaster
Materias Unesco
31 Ciencias Agrarias
Tipo de versión
Aparece en las colecciones
- Tesis doctorales UVa [2328]
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