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Anglicisms in the Field of IT (GitHub and 3D Slicer): Multilingual Evidence from European Languages (French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish)
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ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies; No 41 (2020) pags. 143-171
This paper provides evidence of the noticeable adoption of Anglicisms in the professional field of IT by different European languages (French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish). Two different domains, GitHub and 3D Slicer, have been examined, and a multilingual glossary has been created with the contributions of European and African engineers and technicians cooperating in the European project MACbioIDi. This multilingual glossary is a useful tool for engineers, as it provides equivalent terminology in these five languages. The use of the studied Anglicisms is documented with interviews to different engineers to verify the oral uses, and the written uses are recorded with examples in context taken from different Internet websites and forums. This is an interdisciplinary research that involves people from different areas of knowledge (linguists, engineers and technicians), and from different continents (Africa, America and Europe).
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