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Accurate experimental (p, ρ, T) data of natural gas mixtures for the assessment of reference equations of state when dealing with hydrogen-enriched natural gas
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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Volume 43, Issue 49, 6 December 2018, Pages 21983-21998
The GERG-2008 equation of state is the approved ISO standard (ISO 20765-2) for the calculation of thermophysical properties of natural gas mixtures. The composition of natural gas can vary considerably due to the diversity of origin. Further diversification was generated by adding hydrogen, biogas, or other non-conventional energy gases. In this work, high-precision experimental (p, ρ, T) data for two gravimetrically prepared synthetic natural gas mixtures are reported. One mixture resembled a conventional natural gas of 11 components (11 M) with a nominal mixture composition (amount-of-substance fraction) of 0.8845 for methane as the matrix compound with the other compounds being 0.005 for oxygen, 0.04 for nitrogen, 0.015 for carbon dioxide, 0.04 for ethane, 0.01 for propane, 0.002 each for n- and isobutane, and ultimately 0.0005 each for isopentane, n-pentane, and n-hexane. The other mixture was a 13-component hydrogen-enriched natural gas with a low calorific value featuring a nominal composition of 0.7885 for methane, 0.03 for hydrogen, 0.005 for helium, 0.12 for nitrogen, 0.04 for carbon dioxide, 0.0075 for ethane, 0.003 for propane, 0.002 each for n- and isobutane, and 0.0005 each for neopentane, isopentane, n-pentane, and n-hexane. Density measurements were performed in an isothermal operational mode at temperatures between 260 and 350 K and at pressures up to 20 MPa by using a single-sinker densimeter with magnetic suspension coupling. The data were compared with the corresponding densities calculated from both GERG-2008 and AGA8-DC92 equations of state to test their performance on real mixtures. The average absolute deviation from GERG-2008 (AGA8-DC92) is 0.027% (0.078%) for 11 M and 0.095% (0.062%) for the 13-component H2-enriched mixture, respectively. The corresponding maximum relative deviation from GERG-2008 (AGA8-DC92) amounts to 0.095% (0.127%) for 11 M and 0.291% (0.193%) for the H2-enriched mixture.
Palabras Clave
Hydrogen-enriched natural gas; Gravimetric preparation; Single-sinker densimeter; Reference equations of state; GERG-2008; AGA8-DC92
Revisión por pares
Support for this work came from the projects ‘Caracterizacion de gases energeticos sostenibles (biogas e hidrogeno), producidos con recursos renovables biomásicos y eólicos, para su incorporación a la red de gas natural’, ENE2017-88474-R, funded by the Spanish Government and ‘Revalorización de recursos renovables regionales biomásicos y eólicos para la producción de gases energéticos sostenibles (biogás e hidrógeno) y su incorporación en la red de gas natural’, VA035U16 and ‘UIC-114’ from the Junta de Castilla y León.
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