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dc.contributor.authorOrtego Antón, María Teresa
dc.identifier.citationPeñuelas Gil, Isabel y Ortego Antón, María Teresa. Interpreting and Translation for Agri-food Professionals in the Global Marketplace. Berlín: De Gruyter, 2024, p.
dc.descriptionProducción Científicaes
dc.description.abstractThe internationalization of the agri-food sector in Spain has led to an ex-ponential increase in writing and translation services from Spanish to English. Inthis socio-economic context, the methodology used to build TorreznoTRAD is de-scribed. TorreznoTRAD is a corpus-based tool that assists in the writing and transla-tion from Spanish to English oftorreznoproduct cards. TorreznoTRAD relies in theresults of exploiting a virtual comparable (Spanish-English) corpus (C-MARMEAT).This corpus was compiled, annotated, and exploited following the protocol proposedby Seghiri (2017) and Ortego Antón (2019). Once C-MARMEAT was compiled, theSpanish subcorpus as well as the English subcorpus were rhetorically tagged withthe help of OpenTagger (Sanjurjo-González & Andaluz–Pinedo, 2021) to determinethe rhetorical structure composed of moves and steps (Biber et al., 2007, p. 23-24).Next, model lines, defined as typical sentences where the content and format arestandard (Pérez Blanco & Izquierdo, 2021), were established and enriched with a bi-lingual Spanish-English terminological database with different categories such as ad-ditives, allergens, nutritional elements, packaging, ingredients, materials, origin, etc.Finally, the semiautomatic writing aid tool was developed to guide Spanish speakersthrough the writing process in English.Thus, it will automatically generatetorreznoproduct cards to satisfy the needs of translators and writers who draft specialisedtexts about this product for the agri-food
dc.publisherDe Gruyteres
dc.subjectcomparable corporaes
dc.subjectsemi-automatic tooles
dc.subject.classificationTranslation, comparable corpora, semi-automatic tool, English, Spanishes
dc.titleThe design of TorreznoTRAD: The semiautomatic Spanish-English writing and translation aid tooles
dc.rights.holderDe Gruyteres
dc.identifier.publicationtitleInterpreting and Translation for Agri-food Professionals in the Global Marketplacees
dc.description.projectThis work has been carried out in the framework of the national R&D projectentitled“Controlled natural languages, collaborative communication, and bilingual textual produc-tion in 3.0 environments”(PID2020-114064RB-I00), coordinated by Dr. Noelia Ramón García (Univer-sity of Leon), and partially within the following projects:“TorreznoTRAD”(PROYEMER-2021-028),coordinated by Dr. María Teresa Ortego Antón and funded by the Emerging Projects Grants (Call2021) of the University of Valladolid,“Multi-lingual and Multi-domain Adaptation for the Optimisationof the VIP system”(VIP II) (Ref. PID2020-112818GB-I00, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation), ledby Prof. Gloria Corpas Pastor (University of Malaga) and“App para entrenar en posedición de traducciónautomática neuronal mediante la gamificación en entornos profesionales”(GAMETRAPP) (TED2021-129789B-I00, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation), led by Prof. Cristina Toledo Baez (University ofMalaga).es
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subject.unesco5701.09 Traducción Automáticaes
dc.subject.unesco5701.12 Traducciónes
dc.subject.unesco5701.13 Lingüística Aplicada a la Traducción E Interpretaciónes

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