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Effect of surfactant type and concentration on the gas-liquid mass transfer in biotrickling filters used for air pollution control
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Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
Journal of Environmental Management, septiembre 2024, vol. 367, 121968
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted into the atmosphere negatively affect the environment and human health. Biotrickling filtration, an effective technology for treating VOC-laden waste gases, faces challenges in removing hydrophobic VOCs due to their low water solubility and therefore limited bioavailability to microorganisms. Consequently, the addition of (bio)surfactants has proven to be a promising strategy to enhance the removal of hydrophobic VOCs in biotrickling filters (BTFs). Yet, up to now, no single study has ever performed a mass transfer characterization of a BTF under (bio)surfactants addition. In this study, the effect of (bio)surfactant addition on the gas-liquid mass transfer characteristics of two BTFs was measured by using oxygen (O2) as a model gas. Through an empirical correlation, the mass transfer coefficients (kLa) of two hydrophobic VOCs, toluene and hexane, which are of industrial and environmental significance, were estimated. One BTF was filled with expanded perlite, while the other with a mixture of compost and wood chips (C + WC). Both BTFs were operated under different liquid velocities (UL: 0.95 and 1.53 m h−1). Saponin, a biological surfactant, and Tween 80, a synthetic surfactant, were added to the recirculating liquid at different critical micelle concentrations (CMCs: 0–3 CMC). The higher interfacial and surface area of the perlite BTF compared to the C + WC BTF led to higher kLaO2 values regardless of the operational condition: 308 ± 18–612 ± 19 h−1 versus 42 ± 4–177 ± 24 h−1, respectively. Saponin addition at 0.5 and 1 CMC had positive effects on the perlite BTF, with kLaO2 values two times higher compared to those at 0 CMC. Tween 80 exhibited a neutral or slightly positive effect on the mass transfer of both BTFs under all conditions. Overall, the CMC, along with the physical characteristics of the packing materials and the operational conditions evaluated explained the results obtained. This study provides fundamental data essential to improve the performance and design of BTFs for hydrophobic VOCs abatement.
Palabras Clave
Biotrickling filtration
Critical micelle concentration
Gas treatment
Hydrophobic VOCs
Oxygen transfer rate
Revisión por pares
Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO) (V410823N)
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (TED 2021-129340B-I00)
Unión Europea-NextGenerationEU (Margarita Salas)
Ghent University (BOFSTG2019005701)
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (TED 2021-129340B-I00)
Unión Europea-NextGenerationEU (Margarita Salas)
Ghent University (BOFSTG2019005701)
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