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dc.contributor.authorGabana Molina, Pedro 
dc.contributor.authorGiménez Olavarría, Blanca 
dc.contributor.authorMartín Herreros, José
dc.contributor.authorTsolakis, Athanasios
dc.identifier.citationFuel, febrero 2025, vol. 381(C), 133563es
dc.descriptionProducción Científicaes
dc.description.abstractThe use of hydrogen in internal combustion engines is a promising solution for the decarbonisation of the transport sector. The current transition scenario is marked by the unavailability and storage challenges of hydrogen. Dual fuel combustion of hydrogen and gasoline in current spark ignition engines is a feasible solution in the short and medium term as it can improve engine efficiency, reduce pollutant emissions and contribute significantly in tank to wheel decarbonisation without major engine modification. However, new research is needed to understand how the incorporation of hydrogen affects existing engines to effectively implement gasoline-hydrogen dual fuel option. Understanding the impact of hydrogen on the combustion process (e.g. combustion speed) will guide and optimize the operation of engines under dual fuel combustion conditions. In this work, a commercial gasoline direct injection engine has been modified to operate with gasoline-hydrogen fuels. The experiments have been carried out at various air–fuel ratios ranging from stoichiometric to lean combustion conditions at constant engine speed and torque. At each one of the 14 experimental points, 200-cycle in-cylinder pressure traces were recorded and processed with a quasi-dimensional diagnostic model and a combustion speed analysis was then carried out. It has been understood that hydrogen mainly reduces the duration of the first combustion phase. Hydrogen also enables to increase air excess ratios (lean in fuel combustion) without significantly increasing combustion duration. Furthermore, a correlation is proposed to predict combustion speed as a function of the fuel and air mixture properties. This correlation can be incorporated to calculate combustion duration in predictive models of engines operating under different fuel mixtures and different geometries of the combustion chamber with pent-roof cylinder head and flat piston
dc.subject.classificationHydrogen-Gasoline combustiones
dc.subject.classificationQuasi-dimensional combustion diagnosises
dc.subject.classificationTurbulent combustion speedes
dc.subject.classificationPremixed combustiones
dc.subject.classificationCombustion speed analysises
dc.subject.classificationExpansion speedes
dc.titleAnalysis of the combustion speed in a spark ignition engine fuelled with hydrogen and gasoline blends at different air fuel ratioses
dc.rights.holder© 2024 The Authorses
dc.description.projectMinistero de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019-106957RB-C22)es
dc.description.projectEngineer and Physical Sciencies Research Council (EPSRC) (EP/W016656/1)es
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subject.unesco3322.05 Fuentes no Convencionales de Energíaes
dc.subject.unesco3313.13 Motores de Combustión Interna (General)es

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