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Urban Ssrawl in inner medium-sized cities: The behaviour in some Spanish cases since the beginning of the 21st Century
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Cebrián Abellán, F., & Sánchez Ondoño, I. (2019). Urban Sprawl in Inner Medium-Sized Cities: The Behaviour in Some Spanish Cases Since the Beginning of the 21st Century. Urban Science, 3(1), 10. https://doi.org/10.3390/urbansci3010010
The processes of urban sprawl that have been present over the past two decades in the different strata of the urban hierarchy have also affected, as a whole, medium-sized cities. The urban sprawl has been particularly pronounced during the period of expansive Spanish urbanism, in which many of the municipalities situated in the vicinities of large cities have been affected by major demographic dynamics and (sub)urbanisation development outside the traditional city limits. Sometimes, these processes have been greater than the nearby cities in the urban area where they are inserted. In this study, we examine the general mechanisms identified within an urban crown size (within a radius of 30 km) and at the scale of the municipality, based on an analysis of two distinct periods: one linked to a strong growth dynamic (2000–2008), and another related to subsequent crisis (2009–2016). A group of 23 inner medium-sized Spanish cities has been analysed, taking into account the trends of the population, the surface of unbuilt plots, the built surface, and the amount of housing. We have identified the typologies of their respective urban areas over the two periods considered.
Revisión por pares
Dinámicas de urbanización y políticas urbanísticas en ciudades medias interiores. De expansión y dispersión a reformulación: ¿Hacia un urbanismo más ¿urbano? (Dynamics of urbanisation and urban planning policies in inner medium-sized cities. From expansion and dispersion to reformulation: towards a more urban urbanism?) subsidised by the State Research Programme of Development and Innovation Aimed to the challenges of society, 2015 Summon, Mode 1: ‘R &D Projects» of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with reference CSO2015-63970-R (MINECO/FEDER)
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