RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Non-Rigid Groupwise Registration for Motion Estimation and Compensation in Compressed Sensing Reconstruc- tion of Breath-Hold Cardiac Cine MRI A1 Royuela del Val, Javier A1 Cordero Grande, Lucilio A1 Simmross Wattenberg, Federico Jesús A1 Martín Fernández, Marcos Antonio A1 Alberola López, Carlos K1 dynamic MRI reconstruction, compressive sensing, groupwise registration AB Purpose: Compressed sensing methods with motion estimation and compensation techniqueshave been proposed for the reconstruction of accelerated dynamic MRI. However, artifacts thatnaturally arise in compressed sensing reconstruction procedures hinder the estimation of motionfrom reconstructed images, especially at high acceleration factors. This work introduces a robustgroupwise non-rigid motion estimation technique applied to the compressed sensing reconstructionof dynamic cardiac cine MRI sequences.Theory and Methods: A spatio-temporal regularized, groupwise, non-rigid registration methodbased on a B-splines deformation model and a least squares metric is used to estimate and tocompensate the movement of the heart in breath-hold cine acquisitions and to obtain a quasi-staticsequence with highly sparse representation in temporally transformed domains.Results: Short axis in vivo datasets are used for validation, both original multi-coil as well asDICOM data. Fully sampled data were retrospectively undersampled with various accelerationfactors and reconstructions were compared with the two well-known methods k-t FOCUSS andMASTeR. The proposed method achieves higher signal to error ratio and structure similarity indexfor medium to high acceleration factors.Conclusions: Reconstruction methods based on groupwise registration show higher quality recon-structions for cardiac cine images than the pairwise counterparts tested. YR 2015 FD 2015 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/15154 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/15154 LA spa NO Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (aceptado para su publicación) DS UVaDOC RD 19-oct-2024