RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 The Spanish pictogram on medicines and driving: The population's comprehension of and attitudes towards its use on medication packaging. A1 Fierro Lorenzo, María Inmaculada A1 Gómez Talegón, Trinidad A1 Álvarez González, Francisco Javier K1 Accidentes de tráfico - Prevención K1 Uso de drogas AB The Spanish pictogram on medicines and driving is legally binding since 2011. We have evaluatedpatients’ comprehension, change in driving frequency and the perceived usefulness, information, comprehensibility,and simplicity of this pictogram on 1385 Spaniards users of the National Health Service(pharmacies, primary care and hospital centres). Most, 85.7%, correctly related the symbol with the possibleeffects of the medicine on driving and the 83.9% of the drivers would reduce the frequency withwhich they drive when prescribed a medicine with such pictogram. The pictogram was found, in a 10-point Likert, useful (8.3±1.7), informative (7.7±1.9), comprehensible (7.8±1.9) and simple (7.8±1.9).The Spanish pictogram on medicines and driving is understood by the great majority of those interviewed;is well considered by the users of the National Health Service; and offers good prospects forreinforce the awareness of health care professionals and patients on the effects of medicines on driving. PB Elsevier YR 2013 FD 2013 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/15294 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/15294 LA eng NO Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2013; 50 : 1056-61. NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 06-oct-2024