RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 The inflammatory response to colloids and crystalloids used for pump priming during cardiopulmonary bypass A1 Tamayo Gómez, Eduardo A1 Álvarez González, Francisco Javier A1 Alonso, Oscar A1 Castrodeza Sanz, José Javier A1 Bustamante, Rosa A1 Gómez Herreras, José Ignacio A1 Flórez, Santiago A1 Rodríguez, Roberto K1 Cardiovascular, Aparato - Cirugía AB Background: Systemic inflammatory response frequentlyoccurs after coronary artery bypass surgery and is stronglycorrelated with the risk of postoperative morbidity andmortality. This study tests the hypothesis that the primingof the extracorporeal circuit with colloid solutions resultsin less inflammation in patients undergoing cardiac surgerythan priming with crystalloid solutions.Methods: A prospective, randomized studywas designed.Forty-four patients undergoing elective coronary arterybypass grafting were randomly allocated to one of twogroups: 22 patients primed with Ringer’s lactate (RL)solution and 22 patients primed with gelatin-containingsolution during the surgery. Plasma levels of interleukin(IL)-6, IL-8, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, C-reactiveprotein (CRP) and, complement 4 were measured duringthe surgical intervention and over the following 48postoperative hours. Cytokine levels were measured byenzyme-linked assays from plasma samples obtained atspecific time points pre- and post-operatively.Results: In both groups the serum levels of the pro-inflammatorycytokines (IL-6, IL-8, TNF-a), CRP, complement 4, andleukocytes increased significantly over the baseline, although nosignificant differences were observed between the two groups.The operation time, blood loss, need for inotropic support,extubation time, and length of intensive care unit stay did notdiffer significantly between the two groups.Conclusion: Priming with gelatin vs. RL produces nosignificant differences in the inflammatory response inpatients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting withcardiopulmonary bypass. PB Wiley SN 0001-5172 YR 2008 FD 2008 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/15623 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/15623 LA eng NO Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica,2008; 52(9): 1204–1212 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 19-sep-2024