RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Algunas obras desconocidas de José Benito de Churriguera y su intervención en otras ajenas A1 Cruz Yábar, Juan María A2 Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid K1 Arte AB We regain José Benito de Churriguera’s authorship in the doorway of the Madrilenian palace of the Count of Oñate, disappeared but known by photographies, and in the main altarpiece of the Dosbarrios parish church (Toledo), where he made a monstrance and an organ case, too. We also clarify the effect of his intervention in the designs of the altarpieces in Mascaraque and Yuncidlos, both in the province of Toledo. SN 1888-9751 YR 2015 FD 2015 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/22749 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/22749 LA spa NO BSAA Arte, 2015, N.81, pags.163-178 DS UVaDOC RD 31-ene-2025