RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Dawai: an R Package for Discriminant Analysis With Additional Information A1 Conde del Río, David A1 Fernández Temprano, Miguel Alejandro A1 Salvador González, Bonifacio A1 Rueda Sabater, María Cristina AB The incorporation of additional information into discriminant rules is receiving in-creasing attention as the rules including this information perform better than the usualrules. In this paper we introduce an R package called dawai, which provides the functionsthat allow to de ne the rules that take into account this additional information expressedin terms of restrictions on the means, to classify the samples and to evaluate the accuracyof the results. Moreover, in this paper we extend the results and de nitions given inprevious papers (Fern andez, Rueda, and Salvador 2006, Conde, Fern andez, Rueda, andSalvador 2012, Conde, Salvador, Rueda, and Fern andez 2013) to the case of unequal co-variances among the populations, and consequently de ne the corresponding restrictedquadratic discriminant rules. We also de ne estimators of the accuracy of the rules forthe general more than two populations case. The wide range of applications of these pro-cedures is illustrated with two data sets from two di erent elds, i.e., biology and patternrecognition. YR 2015 FD 2015 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/22836 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/22836 LA eng NO Journal of Statistical Software. 66(10), pp:1-19 DS UVaDOC RD 14-oct-2024