RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Griegos en la mitad Norte Central de Hispania romana A1 Crespo Ortiz de Zárate, Santos A2 Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid K1 España-Historia K1 Historia antigua AB This researching work studies the greek personal names found in the epigraphical sources of the northern middle of roman Spain. It deals with the quantitative proportions, the relationship with roman nomina and the territorial distribution according to the population settlements. It also introduces a gender point of view. SN 1130-0515 YR 2015 FD 2015 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/23248 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/23248 LA spa NO Hispania antiqua, 2015, N.39, pags.243-256 DS UVaDOC RD 11-mar-2025