RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Minimal plane valuations A1 Galindo, Carlos A1 Monserrat, Francisco A1 Moyano Fernández, Julio José K1 Plane valuations K1 Valoración de planos K1 Algebra K1 Álgebra AB We consider the value ˆμ( ) = limm→∞ m−1a(mL), where a(mL) is the lastvalue of the vanishing sequence of H0(mL) along a divisorial or irrational valuation centered at OP2,p, L (respectively, p) being a line (respectively, a point) of the projectiveplane P2 over an algebraically closed field. This value contains, for valuations,similar information as that given by Seshadri constants for points. It is always truethat ˆμ( ) ≥ p1/vol( ) and minimal valuations are those satisfying the equality. Inthis paper, we prove that the Greuel-Lossen-Shustin Conjecture implies a variation ofthe Nagata Conjecture involving minimal valuations (that extends the one stated in [15]to the whole set of divisorial and irrational valuations of the projective plane) whichalso implies the original Nagata’s conjecture. We also provide infinitely many familiesof minimal very general valuations with an arbitrary number of Puiseux exponents, andan asymptotic result that can be considered as evidence in the direction of the abovementioned conjecture. PB American Mathematical Society SN 1534-7486 YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/35952 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/35952 LA eng NO Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 2018, vol. 27. p. 751-783 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 14-mar-2025