RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart T1 Chapter 9 - New approaches to Spain’s industrial heritage A1 Benito del Pozo, Paz A1 Pascual Ruiz-Valdepeñas, María del Henar K1 Geografía K1 Cultura K1 Patrimonio Territorial K1 Patrimonio territorial K1 Patrimonio industrial K1 Plan Nacional K1 54 Geografía K1 5403.01 Geografía Cultural AB Over the last few decades, the complex and broad concept of cultural heritage has come to include the more specific, delimited concept of industrial heritage. This type of heritage has only lately been recognised in Spain if we compare it with other countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Belgium or Germany. This is connected with the intensity of the historic process of industrialisation, with its impact on the territory and social awareness of industrial ruins. The old factories were undesirable elements in the landscape, ugly buildings with no artistic or monumental value: they could not compete with cathedrals, palaces, monasteries or other constructions considered artistic and enlightened architecture. In the mid-twentieth century, Spanish society was not prepared to recognise the cultural and identity value of factories, railway stations, iron bridges, etc. This was because, until that moment, the dominant discourse had excluded such elements from the category of historic and artistic heritage. Consequently, the legislation in this respect tookno notice of them. Neither was there a positive social perception of theindustrial legacy (intellectual and artistic voices, citizens’ collectives…).For their part, the public and private agents involved in the protection,conservation and renovation of singular urban, rural or port buildingspaid no heed to derelict buildings situated in unattractive areas, eventhough they may be interesting from the point of view of the real estatebusiness. In short, everything at that time favoured the denigration ofthe old factories, their machinery and the documentation hidden in thecompanies’ archives. It could be said that the general feeling was oneof permissiveness as regards the abandonment and destruction of thelegacy of industrial history. PB Thomson Reuters Aranzadi SN 978-84-9152-760-2 YR 2017 FD 2017 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/36888 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/36888 LA eng NO Manero Miguel, F.; García Cuesta, J. L. (Coords.) (2017): Territorial Heritage & Spatial Planning. A Geographical Perspective. Ed. Thomson Reuters. The Global Law Collection. Navarra. 327 págs. ISBN – 978-84-9152-762-6 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 30-ene-2025