RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart T1 Chapter 10 - Decentralised management strategies for heritage in rural areas A1 Molina de la Torre, Ignacio K1 Geografía K1 Cultura K1 Territorio K1 Patrimonio territorial K1 Gestión del territorio K1 Áreas rurales K1 54 Geografía K1 5403.01 Geografía Cultural AB Beyond the different conceptualisations that can be made of heritage or heritage resources, there is a widespread idea of its value in development strategies. This value is even more important, at least in relative terms, when the analysis focuses on rural spaces. This is due to the difficulties in setting up positive dynamics for socio-economic development and in the notion of territorial heritage, as this increases its value due to scarcity and social valuation (Ortega, 1998).However, as shall be seen in this chapter, there is a distance between the theoretical meaning of heritage resources in local development strategies and the practical application. This is basically due to the existing complications in the management of the said resources in the rural setting. Thus, first of all, this work considers the problems that are habitually encountered in heritage enhancement processes in rural settings, with concrete examples from the autonomous region ofCastile & Leon.On the basis of this analysis, some of the measures that have beencarried out through public intervention to enhance the said heritageresources will be considered, stressing the possibilities that arise withregard to the theoretical and practical definitions of the territorialsystems of heritage value, a notion that appears in the Plan PAHIS2020, but which is also found, with slight differences, in other heritagevaluation strategies in Spain.Finally, a pilot initiative is evaluated that has been set up in Castile& Leon, within the framework of the Plan PAHIS 2020, called thePlan Mudejar, to value the Mudejar heritage over a wide area of theautonomous region. This plan take steps towards a more decentralisedmanagement, in which greater weight is given to the local actors inthe design and execution of the heritage valuation initiatives. On thebasis of a cursory diagnosis of the value of the Mudejar in the areaunder study, the objectives of the Plan Mudejar are evaluated andits potential and limitations in valuing these resources in their ruralsphere of reference are explained. PB Thomson Reuters Aranzadi SN 978-84-9152-760-2 YR 2017 FD 2017 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/36889 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/36889 LA eng NO Manero Miguel, F.; García Cuesta, J. L. (Coords.) (2017): Territorial Heritage & Spatial Planning. A Geographical Perspective. Ed. Thomson Reuters. The Global Law Collection. Navarra. 327 págs. ISBN – 978-84-9152-762-6 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 30-ene-2025