RT info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject T1 La ciudad del Futuro de Le Corbusier en el género de la Ciencia Ficción A1 Pérez Barreiro, Sara María A1 Rodríguez Llera, Ramón A1 Villalobos Alonso, Daniel K1 Science Fiction Film K1 Le Corbusier K1 Modern Movement K1 Desing K1 Scenografia K1 Arquitectura Moderna K1 Movimiento Moderno K1 6201.01 Diseño Arquitectónico AB Le Corbusier is, without a doubt, one of the mostimportant figures of the twentieth century architecturescene. His ideas changed the basis of architecture.Most of his thoughts were reflected not only in his builtWorks but also in his writings, specially in three ofhis books: “Vers une architecture” (1923) “Urbanisme”(1924), this title has been translated into otherlanguages as “The city of the future” and La Charted’Athènes (1942). Many of the principles advocated inthese texts were very difficult to build in real life. Oneof the great advantages of Cinema is that it allowsus to créate anything we imagine, and if there is agenre in this art that which makes it posible is ScienceFiction. Great films as “Things to Come” producedby Alexander Korda could not be understoodwithout the ideas of Le Corbusier. To mention moreexamples “I Robot” directed by Alex Proyas buildsa modernized “city of three million inhabitants.” “Lecinquième élément” by Luc Besson, manipulatesthe communication system to different strata, whichhad many advantages as the great architect said.Finding building created by Le Corbusier es easy butfinding his urban ideas is much more complicated.Throughout the film we can see Le Corbusier´s ideasrecreated and reinterpreted his thoughts. PB Edições Cine Clube de Avanca. SN 978-989-96858-6-4 YR 2015 FD 2015 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/37232 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/37232 LA spa NO Actas del Congreso Internacional Avanca Cinema. Internacional Conference 2015. Ed.: Edições Cine Clube de Avanca. Avanca-Portugal, 2014. pp. 218 a 227. NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 20-feb-2025