RT info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject T1 Quality Assurance Methods Assessing Instructional Design in MOOCs that implement Active Learning Pedagogies: An evaluative case study A1 Aloizou, Valeria A1 Villagrá Sobrino, Sara Lorena A1 Martínez Monés, Alejandra A1 Asensio Pérez, Juan Ignacio A1 García Sastre, Sara K1 MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) K1 CEMA (Curso En Línea Masivo y Abierto) K1 Quality Framework K1 Marco de calidad K1 Instructional design K1 Diseño instruccional K1 Active learning K1 Aprendizaje activo K1 Quality assurance K1 Aseguramiento de calidad AB Since more and more Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) appear, constituting an innovative part of online education, they should also undergo quality assurance to assess their pedagogical design similarly to otheronline courses. Recently, new studies have appeared presenting quality assurance methods (QA) for assessing the instructional design in MOOCs with pedagogical innovations, like those implementing active learning pedagogies (e.g.collaboration, gamification), which provide designers and instructors with useful strategies in order to design more interactive MOOCs. However, it is notthat clear how these efforts are being addressed and up to which point are appropriate to assess active learning pedagogies. Therefore, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was conducted to identify the most mature existing MOOCQA methods. Afterwards, an evaluative case study was carried out, based on theEvaluand-oriented Responsive Evaluation Model (EREM), to apply the selectedmethods to a MOOC implementing active learning pedagogies. As the resultssuggest, the instruments of the selected QA methods need enrichment to assesseffectively the instructional design based on active learning pedagogies, byproviding specific questions proper for this kind of MOOCs or, by stating theunderlying pedagogical model clearly so that the designers could consider beforehand if it is appropriate or not for their case. The results of the study are afirst step to define new, enriched quality assessment methods for MOOCs thatapply active learning approaches. PB CEUR Workshop Proceedings SN 1613-0073 YR 2019 FD 2019 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/38662 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/38662 LA eng NO Calise, M. et al. (eds.). EMOOCs 2019: Sixth European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit. CEUR: Napoles, Italy, 2019. p. 14-19 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 04-dic-2024