RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Modelling and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Methodology (2009–2018) on Debris Cones in Temperate High Mountains A1 Sanjosé Blasco, José Juan de A1 López González, Mariló A1 Alonso Pérez, Estrella A1 Serrano Cañadas, Enrique K1 Geomorfología - España - Picos de Europa K1 Surface dynamic K1 Dinámica superficial K1 Debris cones K1 Conos de derrubios K1 Terrestrial laser scanning K1 Láser escáner terrestre AB Debris cones are a very common landform in temperate high mountains. They are themost representative examples of the periglacial and nival processes. This work studies the dynamicbehavior of two debris cones (Cone A and Cone B) in the Picos de Europa, in the north of theIberian Peninsula. Their evolution was measured uninterruptedly throughout each August for10 years (2009–2018) using the Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) technique. The observations andcalculations of the two debris cones were treated independently, but both showed the same behavior.Therefore, if these results are extrapolated to other debris cones in similar environments (temperatehigh mountain), they should show behavior similar to that of the two debris cones analyzed. Materialfalls onto the cones from the walls, and transfer of sediments follows linear trajectories according tothe maximum slope. In order to understand the linear evolution of the two debris cones, profiles werecreated along the maximum slope lines of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of 2009, and these profilelines were extrapolated to the remaining years of measurement. In order to determine volumetricsurface behavior in the DEMs, each year for the period 2009–2018 was compared. In addition,the statistical predictive value for position (Z) in year 2018 was calculated for the same planimetricposition (X,Y) throughout the profiles of maximum slopes. To do so, the real field data from 2009–2017were interpolated and used to form a sample of curves. These curves are interpreted as the realizationof a functional random variable that can be predicted using statistical techniques. The predictivecurve obtained was compared with the 2018 field data. The results of both coordinates (Z), the realfield data, and the statistical data are coherent within the margin of error of the data collection. PB MPDI SN 2072-4292 YR 2020 FD 2020 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/40631 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/40631 LA eng NO Remote Sensing, 2020, vol. 12, n. 4. 21 p. NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 21-feb-2025