RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart T1 The Construction and Deconstruction of English Catholicism in Spain: Fake News or White Legend? A1 Cano Echevarría, Berta AB In the turbulent years of the Anglo-Spanish war (1585-1604) state propaganda was stillunderdeveloped but the contenders understood the paramount importance of shaping publicopinion to support the righteousness of their cause. Much has been written about the BlackLegend that was built around the Spanish character and publicised through pamphlets andbroadsheets among the English people, but little to examine what sort of news were publicized inSpain about the English position in this conflict. Lack of interest and lack of information were thedefault position, but the few texts that saw the light in Spain were not intended to malign theimage of the English and create a counter Black Legend, instead they were aimed at promotingthe idea that England was primarily a Catholic country. The Spanish were led to believe that mostEnglish people were subjected by a tyrant regime that persecuted them and prevented theirnatural inclination to Catholic worship. The mission of Spain was therefore to liberate them. Thisessay explores a number of texts in which misleading and manipulated information wasdisseminated to promote this image of an English mostly Catholic population. PB Brill YR 2020 FD 2020 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/45268 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/45268 LA spa NO Exile, Diplomacy and Texts:Saez-Hidalgo, Ana & Berta Cano-Echevarría, Exchanges between Iberia and the British Isles, 1500-1767. ISBN 978-90-04-27365-8 (hardback) ISBN 978-90-04-43804-0 (e-book) DS UVaDOC RD 17-jul-2024