RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Social capital, knowledge integration and learning in project-based organizations: a CEO-based study A1 Prieto Pastor, Isabel María A1 Martín Pérez, Víctor Manuel A1 Martín Cruz, Teresa Natalia K1 Ciencias sociales - Investigación K1 Capital social K1 Social capital K1 Capital social K1 Knowledge integration K1 Ambidextrous learning K1 Aprendizaje ambidextro K1 R&D Organizations K1 Organización I + D K1 Integración del conocimiento K1 5311 Organización y Dirección de Empresas AB Purpose – This paper aims to examine how the different dimensions of project members’ intraorganizational social capital – cognitive, affective and relational – facilitate knowledge integration inproject-based organizations, and how knowledge integration, in turn, impacts explorative andexploitative learning.Design/methodology/approach – Based on an analysis of 129 R&D Spanish organizations, the studyanalyzes the interconnections between the different dimensions of social capital and how they affect toknowledge integration as antecedent of explorative and exploitative learning in project-basedorganizations.Findings – Results confirm that knowledge integration is beneficial for both exploratory and exploitivelearning and thus that R&D organizations may be thus ambidextrous in their knowledge management.Related to the three dimensions of social capital, only the cognitive dimension (shared vision) has asignificant impact on knowledge integration. However, the analysis confirms the interconnectionsbetween the three dimensions of social capital: the relational dimension (social interaction ties) and thecognitive dimension (shared vision) have significant effect on the relational one (trust), and the relationaldimension also has an influence on the cognitive dimension. The model proposed in this study thusshows an acceptable capacity to discern the different influence of the dimensions of internal socialcapital on knowledge integration and, subsequently, ambidextrous learning.Originality/value – This paper examines the importance of intra-organizational social capital, in terms oftheir cognitive (shared vision), relational (trust) and structural (social interaction ties) dimensions, forexplorative and exploitative learning in project-based organizations. The analysis takes the baton ofprevious literature where is suggested that the three dimensions of social capital are interlocked and notjust need to be considered simultaneously PB Emerald publishing limited SN 1367-3270 YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/45463 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/45463 LA spa NO Journal of knowledge management, 2018, vol. 22, n. 8. p. 1803-1825. NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 14-oct-2024