RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Antibiofilm coatings based on protein-engineered polymers and antimicrobial peptides for preventing implant-associated infections A1 Acosta Rodríguez, Sergio A1 Ibáñez Fonseca, Arturo A1 Aparicio, Conrado A1 Rodríguez Cabello, José Carlos AB Implant-associated infections (IAIs) are one of the leading concerns in orthopedics and dentistry as theycommonly lead to implant failure. The presence of biofilms and, increasingly frequently, drug-resistantbacteria further impairs the efficacy of conventional antibiotics. Immobilization of antimicrobial peptides(AMPs) on implant surfaces is a promising alternative to antibiotics for prevention of IAIs. In addition, theuse of functional linkers for the AMP tethering enables to increase the antimicrobial potential and thebioactivities of the coating. In this study, an extracellular-matrix-mimicking system based on elastin-likerecombinamers (ELRs) has been developed for the covalent anchoring of AMPs and investigated for useas a hybrid antibiofilm coating. A drip-flow biofilm reactor was used to simulate in vivo environmentaldynamic conditions, thus showing that the presence of the AMPs in the hybrid coatings provided strongantibiofilm activity against monospecies and microcosm biofilm models of clinical relevance. Theseresults, together with an excellent cytocompatibility towards primary gingival fibroblasts, encourage theuse of ELRs as multivalent platforms for AMPs and open up a wide range of possibilities in the biofabricationof advanced coatings combining the antibiofilm potential of AMPs and the outstanding tunability andbiomechanical properties of the ELRs. PB The Royal Society of Chemistry YR 2020 FD 2020 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/47855 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/47855 LA eng NO Biomater. Sci., 2020, 8, 2866–2877 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 11-mar-2025