RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Renal transplantation in the modern immunosuppressive era in Spain: four-year results from a multicenter database focus on post-transplant cardiovascular disease A1 Morales Cerdán, Jose Maria A1 Marcén Letosa, Roberto A1 Andrés Belmonte, Amado A1 Gonzalez-Molina Alcaide, Miguel A1 Castillo Caba, Domingo del A1 Cabello Díaz, Mercedes A1 Capdevila Plaza, Luis A1 Campistol Plana, Josep María A1 Oppenheimer Salinas, Federico A1 Serón Micas, Daniel A1 Gil Vernet, Salvador A1 Lampreave Gaztelu, Ildefonso A1 Valdés Cañedo, Francisco Antonio A1 Anaya Fernández-Lomana, Fernando A1 Escuín Sancho, Fernando A1 Arias Rodríguez, Manuel A1 Pallardó Mateu, Luis A1 Bustamante Bustamante, Jesús K1 Riñones - Trasplante K1 Mortalidad K1 Cardiovascular, Aparato - Enfermedades K1 Isquemia K1 3205.06 Nefrología K1 3205.01 Cardiología AB To evaluate cardiovascular disease (CVD) after renal transplantation we established a CVD database(no-intervention) including all patients transplanted among 2000–2002 in 14 hospitals from Spain (Renal Forum Group) (n¼2600). They were prospective followed annually thereafter and we present herein the most important results concerning survival figures and CVD at four years. Mean recipient age was 49.7±13.7 years: 16% retransplanted and 12.5% hyperimmunized. Tacrolimus, mycophenolatemofetil, and steroids was used in 63%. Acute rejection (AR) rate at 1 year was 14.8%. Graft and patient survival at 48 months were 85.6% (death censored) and 91.7% respectively. The first cause of graft loss was vascular in the first year, death with function during the 2–3 years, and chronic allograft nephropathy at the 4th year. Donor age, time on dialysis, acute tubular necrosis (ATN), AR, SCr at 6months, the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers in the first year, and systolic blood pressure at 24 months were independent risk factors for graft loss at 4th year. The first cause of death was CVD (predominantly ischemic heart disease (IHD) in the first year). Recipient age, ATN, and SCr at 6 months were independent predictors of mortality. Despiteworsening of donor age, comorbidity, and advanced age of recipients, survival figures at four years are considered good in our Spanish non-selected population. Cardiovascular mortality is the most important cause of death and graft loss particularly, IHD in the first year. Therefore, to decrease post-transplant mortality a careful cardiovascular evaluation and treatment in the waiting list and a close follow-up of patients after transplantation is mandatory. PB International Society of Nephrology SN 0085-2538 YR 2008 FD 2008 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/50957 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/50957 LA eng NO Kidney International, 2008, vol. 74, supl. 111, p. S94-S99 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 12-mar-2025