RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart T1 El espacio escenográfico en las instalaciones artísticas de algunas pioneras del contexto ibérico A1 Zaparaín Hernández, Fernando A1 Ramos Jular, Jorge Eduardo K1 Arquitectura K1 Arte K1 Escultura K1 Categorías espaciales K1 Espacio arquitectónico K1 Instalaciones artísticas K1 Interdisciplinariedad K1 Mujeres artistas K1 6201 Arquitectura K1 6203 Teoría, Análisis y Critica de las Bellas Artes AB The art installations could well be characterized as a hybrid audiovisual montage, between sculpture, architecture, narration or image, that involves the viewer. Such amalgamation, immediately refers to a predominance of the scenographic, recognized by various studies.It may be appropriate to rely on that common scenic inclination, to compare and relate seemingly so particular works. This would allow a synthetic interpretation of the facilities to be proposed. Among the abundant examples, an area with a certain identity of its own, such as the Iberian Peninsula, has been chosen during the founding stage of the format, which was the last quarter of the 20th century.Analyzing the installations through their scenographic character, provides an effective framework to highlight the peculiar role that some spatial components such as the object, the image or the action have in them.Through this prism, an attempt will be made to recognize the categories mentioned in some more significant examples, appreciating their similarities and differences. PB EdUVa-ESPACIar-IUAV SN 978-84-1320-168-9 YR 2021 FD 2021 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/51246 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/51246 LA spa NO Zaparaín, F. y Ramos, J. El espacio escenográfico en las instalaciones artísticas de algunas pioneras del contexto ibérico en el libro Zaparaín, F.; Ramos, J.; Bocchi, R. Art installations: spacial and scenographic analysis. Valladolid: EdUVa-ESPACIar-IUAV, 2021, p. 18-35 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 14-oct-2024