RT dataset T1 Bilingual acquisition data: cross-sectional corpus_soraUVALAL dataset A1 Mujcinovic, Sonja A1 Fernández Fuertes, Raquel A2 MujcinovicSonja A2 Fernández FuertesRaquel K1 Studies on language K1 Bilingual language acquisition K1 Linguistic theory K1 Comparative grammar K1 Syntactic analysis K1 5701.03 Bilingüismo K1 5704 Teoría Lingüística K1 5705.13 Sintaxis, Análisis Sintáctico AB This corpus contains oral and written experimental production data from a total of 106 sequential bilingual children for whom English was their L2. These children belong to three groups depending on whether their L1 was Spanish (n=33), Bosnian (n=39) or Danish (n=34). Within each language group, two subgroups appear depending on the time of exposure the children have had to the L2 (either 2 or 4 years). The data were collected in the schools the participants attended in the country where they lived (i.e., Spain, Denmark, and Bosnia).The criteria applied when selecting the participants were the following:- both parents and the child had to share the same L1 (Spanish, Bosnian or Danish depending on the group);- the L2 of the participants had to be English (if the participants had an L3 which they started learning as part of the curricula during the 3rd or the 4th year of instruction of the L2, they were not excluded from the study; otherwise, they were excluded);- the participants had only received instruction in the L2 in educational settings;- the participants had received instruction for either 2 or 4 years at their primary school;- the participants who took part in any exchange programs or lived in an English-speaking country for longer than two weeks were excluded from the study. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/53750 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/53750 LA eng NO UVALAL NO 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. Title of dataset 1.2. Author information 1.2.1. PI and co-PI 1.2.2. Labs 1.2.3. People involved in the data collection 1.3. Corpus description 1.4. Funding sources 1.5. Citing information 2. ACCESS INFORMATION 2.1. Licenses or restrictions 2.2. Publications 3. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 3.1. Data elicitation procedure 3.2. Data transcription procedure 4. DATA 4.1. Inventory of data files 4.2. Database 4.3. Last update 5. RELATED DATASETS DS UVaDOC RD 23-feb-2025