RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Statistical analysis of energy performance certificates of maltese offices A1 Martín Rojo, Diego A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales K1 analysis K1 office K1 clusters K1 energy K1 EPC K1 1209.01 Estadística Analítica AB The number of energy performance certificates (EPCs) of offices in Malta representaround 18.60% of the total stock of EPCs for non-dwellings between the period 2010and 2018, which is significant. Consequently, this dissertation aims to analyse thesecertificates in order to determine the overall statistical distribution and to identify theworst performing categories, in accordance with the updated EU Energy Performanceof Buildings Directive (EU) 2018/844, and to propose pathways to improve theirperformance through deep renovation to near zero-energy status.Office buildings were categorised into four different groups based on total floor areawhich is in line with the National Cost Optimal Study of 2018 (≤250, ≤500, ≤1500 and>1500 m²). Results have shown that the primary energy rating and its correspondingEnergy Class Rating of these office clusters are different in value, which justifies thecategorisation by floor area. Statistical analysis has also revealed that most offices hadEnergy Class C or D, with the larger offices exhibiting more efficient tendencies(Classes B and C). A number of offices have been considered as outliers because theyhad EPC rating that were beyond the acceptable limits of statistical tests such as Boxand Whiskers Plot, Residual Plots, One-Way ANOVA and Regression Analyses.The study on energy efficiency measures was divided into three main parts, namely thebuilding envelope, the building energy systems and renewables (solar photovoltaics).It was found that the implementation of the optimum building envelope and buildingenergy system measures have yielded an improvement ranging from 28% to 46% forthe four office clusters, which is significant and in line with the EU “Energy EfficiencyFirst” Principle, whereby one needs to reduce energy demand before applyingrenewable energy. With the addition of solar photovoltaics at roof level, all officeclusters demonstrated a high potential of achieving a positive renewable energybuilding, which means that the office becomes a net energy producer.In conclusion, it was recommended that stronger control is needed to ensure qualityEPCs. Results that are far from reasonable should clearly be justified or reviewed.Moreover, this study has identified the potential available for the office building sectorto contribute towards its decarbonisation with clear and well defined stepped approach,which should help the policy maker to take informed decisions on the deep renovationapproaches to be considered for office buildings. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/54497 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/54497 LA eng NO Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y Fluidomecánica DS UVaDOC RD 14-mar-2025