RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Setting up of a method of pervaporation for improving alcohol-free beer A1 Olmo, A. del A1 Blanco Fuentes, Carlos Antonio A1 Palacio Martínez, Laura A1 Prádanos del Pico, Pedro Lourdes A1 Hernández Giménez, Antonio A1 Olmo de la Fuente, Alvaro K1 Beer K1 Cerveza - Microbiología K1 Brewing K1 Cerveza - Fabricación K1 Sabor K1 Pervaporation K1 3309 Tecnología de Los Alimentos AB In recent years in Spain has witnessed a rise in the demand and consumption of alcohol-free due to driving restrictions, health reasons, etc. In 2010, 13% of the beer consumed in Spain (6,3 L per person) belonged to this variety (Cerveceros de España, 2011) and thus the country became a major produced and consumer of alcohol-free whitin the EU. However, the quality of alcohol-free beer cannot be highly rated since many flavours are lost during the manufacturing process. As a contribution to this sector, in this work we develop a method for recovering flavours from regular beer by pervaporation in order to incorpórate them later to the non-alcoholic beer. [Texto extraído del artículo de Carlos Antonio Blanco Fuentes]. PB Elsevier SN 1877-7058 YR 2012 FD 2012 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/55534 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/55534 LA eng NO Procedia Engineering, 2012, Vol. 44, págs. 1005-1006 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 14-oct-2024