RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Recent developments in technology-enhanced learning: a critical assessment T2 Avances en el aprendizaje enriquecido con la tecnología: una evaluación crítica A1 Steffens, Karl A1 Bannan, Brenda A1 Dalgarno, Barney A1 Bartolomé Pina, Antonio Ramón A1 Esteve González, Vanessa A1 Cela Ranilla, José María K1 Educational Technology K1 Tecnología educativa K1 Diseño - Investigación - Metodología K1 Learning K1 Enseñanza - Evaluación K1 5312.04 Educación K1 58 Pedagogía AB Our societies are considered knowledge societies in which lifelong learning is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, digital technologies are entering almost every aspect of our lives and now play an important role in education. The last decade has seen numerous new developments in the field of technology-enhanced learning. In 2004, George Siemens presented connectivism as a learning theory for the digital age. His ideas inspired the creation of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which have recently received a great deal of attention. Theoretical works on the use of digital devices for learning have focused on the affordances users perceive in these devices. Design research has also shown us that learning environments enriched by digital technologies are extremely complex and should be viewed as learning ecologies. The discussions on connectivism and MOOCs, affordances of digital devices, and design research have taken place in different discourses that have paid hardly any attention to each other. It is important to point out, however, that the developments in technology-enhanced learning not only can but need to be related to each other. PB Universitat Oberta de Catalunya SN 1698-580X YR 2015 FD 2015 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/55773 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/55773 LA eng NO RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, Vol. 12, Nº. Extra 2, 2015 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Número especial: nous escenaris d'aprenentatge des d'una visió transformadora), págs. 73-86 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 14-mar-2025