RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Application of chemometrics on Raman spectra from Mars: Recent advances and future perspectives A1 Veneranda ., Marco A1 Manrique Martínez, José Antonio A1 Sanz Arranz, José Aurelio A1 Julve González, Sofia A1 Prieto García, Clara A1 Pascual Sánchez, Elena A1 Konstantinidis, Menelaos A1 Charro Huerga, María Elena A1 López Rodríguez, José Manuel A1 González Delgado, Manuel Ángel A1 Rull Pérez, Fernando A1 López Reyes, Guillermo Eduardo K1 Chemometrics K1 ExoMars K1 Mars K1 Mars2020 K1 Raman K1 25 Ciencias de la Tierra y del Espacio AB The SuperCam and SHERLOC instruments onboard the NASA/Perseverancerover are returning the first Raman spectra to be ever collected from anotherplanet. Similarly, the RLS instrument onboard the ESA/Rosalind Franklinrover will collect Raman spectra from powdered rocks sampled from thesubsurface of Mars. To optimize the scientific exploitation of Raman spectrareturned from planetary exploration missions, tailored chemometric tools arebeing developed that take into account the analytical capability of the men-tioned Raman spectrometers. In this framework, the ERICA research groupis using laboratory simulators of SuperCam and RLS to perform representa-tive laboratory studies that will enhance the scientific outcome of bothMars2020 and ExoMars missions. On one hand, preliminary studies provedthe chemometric analysis of RLS datasets could be used to obtain a reliablesemi-quantitative estimation of the main mineral phases composing Martiangeological samples. On the other hand, it was proved the data fusion ofRaman and LIBS spectra gathered by SuperCam could be used to enhancethe discrimination of mineral phases from remote geological targets. Besidesdescribing the models developed by the ERICA group, this work presents anoverview of the complementary chemometric approaches so far tested in thisfield of study and propose further improvements to be addressed in thefuture. PB Wiley SN 0886-9383 YR 2022 FD 2022 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/57319 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/57319 LA eng NO Journal of Chemometrics, 2022, e3438. NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 23-feb-2025