RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Sobre repetición léxica y sintaxis prepositiva A1 García Medall Villanueva, Joaquín Amadeo K1 Lengua coloquial K1 Español (Lengua) - Locuciones prepositivas K1 Español (lengua) - Modismos K1 Español (Lengua) - Sustantivo K1 Español (Lengua) - Sintaxis K1 5701.07 Lengua y Literatura K1 57 Lingüística AB This study intends to describe the functions of the Spanish structures whose nouns appear repeated and integrated by means of some connecting preposition, for example de casa en casa (Pr+N+Pr+N), entre cigarro y cigarro (Pr+N+cop.+N) or codo con codo (N+Pr+N). Far for confirming fixed schemes, we propose to defend here that there exist very concrete choices of nouns sensitive to this syntactic configuration. They include numerals and continuous nouns referring to parts of the human body, parts of a whole, and place references. Despite the repetition of signs the referential distinction is maintained. In accord with the changes of the next the focus is the number limited to 2, or else an unlimited or presupposed number. But in whatever way indetermined, the said prepositive structures are opposed functionally and semantically to other repetitive structures that are not prepositive. These latter will not be treated in this analysis but nevertheless need a syntax of paratactic coordination and of juxtaposition. PB Universidad de Alicante SN 0212-7636 YR 1992 FD 1992 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/57494 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/57494 LA spa NO ELUA: Estudios de Lingüística. Universidad de Alicante, Nº 8, 1992, págs. 67-83 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 12-mar-2025