RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 First study on the root endophytic fungus Trichoderma hamatum as an entomopathogen: development of a fungal bioinsecticide against cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis) A1 Lana, Maite A1 Oihane, Simón A1 Velasco, Pablo A1 Rodríguez, Víctor M. A1 Caballero, Primitivo A1 Poveda Arias, Jorge K1 Ingeniería Agrícola K1 Trichoderma K1 Fungi entomopathogen K1 Rhizoferrin K1 Trichoderma K1 Hongos entomopatógenos K1 Rizoferrina K1 3102 Ingeniería Agrícola AB Cotton leaf worm (Spodoptera littoralis) is a pest that produces important losses in horticultural and ornamental crops in greenhouse, being classified as quarantine pest A2 by EPPO. One of the strategies proposed to control agricultural pests in a health and environmentally friendly way is biological control with entomopathogenic fungi. The genus of filamentous fungi Trichoderma includes different species with direct (infection, antibiosis, anti-feeding, etc.) and indirect (systemic activation of plant defenses) insecticidal capacity, however, the species T. hamatum has never been described previously as entomopathogenic. In this work, the entomopathogenic capacity of T. hamatum on S. littoralis L3 larvae was analyzed by applying spores and fungal filtrates (topically and orally). Infection by spores was compared with the commercial entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana, obtaining similar results with respect to the production of larval mortality. Oral application of spores reported high mortality and fungal colonization of larvae, however, T. hamatum did not show chitinase activity when grown in the presence of S. littoralis tissues. Therefore, infection of S. littoralis larvae by T. hamatum is through natural openings such as mouth, anus or spiracles. With respect to the application of filtrates, only those obtained from the liquid culture of T. hamatum in contact with S. littoralis tissues reported a significant reduction in larval growth. Metabolomic analysis of the filtrates determined that the filtrate with insecticidal capacity presented the siderophore rhizoferrin in large quantities, which could be responsible for this activity. However, the production of this siderophore had never been previously described in Trichoderma and its insecticidal capacity was unknown. In conclusion, T. hamatum presents entomopathogenic capacity against S. littoralis larvae through the application of spores and filtrates, and both ways could be the basis for the development of efficient bioinsecticides against the pest. PB Elsevier SN 0944-5013 YR 2023 FD 2023 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/58683 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/58683 LA spa NO Microbiological Research, Volume 270, 2023, 127334 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 14-oct-2024