RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 Educación intercultural inclusiva en contexto Mapuche - Lafkenche en Chile A1 Bravo Villa, Ninosca Carmen A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Educación intercultural K1 Interculturality K1 Interculturalidad K1 Inclusive education K1 Educación inclusiva K1 58 Pedagogía AB The text presented corresponds to a doctoral thesis by compilation of articles. Thetitle is Inclusive intercultural education in a Mapuche-Lafkenche school context in Chile.Inclusion and interculturality are concepts studied by the academic world in aseparately, and, at the same time, the educational policies of the States address it through non-public channels.convergent. The problem is related to the consequences of the encounter/disagreementculture experienced by the Mapuche People and the State of Chile in the schooling processescivilizational. The exclusion of indigenous knowledge and educational practices of the Mapuche from thecosta (lafkenches) at school is a pedagogical, ethical, cultural and biopolitical problem. I knowvisualizes a dilemmatic relationship between Mapuche education and school education sincethat seeks to assimilate the student to Western culture, excluding knowledgeacquired in Mapuche community environments. The method used is qualitative withdense descriptive scopes, guided by a hermeneutic paradigm and study designof cases. The context of the problem was the Costa Araucanía territory in south-central Chile,inhabited mainly by the Lafkenche Mapuche people. interviews were appliedsemi-structured, non-intrusive community conversations, document analysiswriting and classroom observations. It was concluded that the Chilean State assumed a charactermonocultural, homogenizing and colonizing, through the spread of the Spanish languagein the school system. Mapunzugun was made invisible, revealing racism, exclusionand segregation of Mapuche students based on the denial of the language. rural schoolsof the studied territory called "Costa Araucanía" promote educational projects thatthey “formally” include intercultural education, but in practice they remain practicesmonocultural schoolchildren. Mapuche knowledge is made invisible, denying the dimensionsocial and historical of his being, which generates an asymmetrical relationship of knowledge in the classroom.It is concluded that the role that Traditional Educators develop in school classroomsMapuche is essential for the transmission of the ancestral knowledge of the peoplesoriginating. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/59787 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/59787 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 04-mar-2025