RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 La Formación en ética como herramienta de transformación de las personas y organizaciones: La empresa como escuela de valores y virtudes A1 López de San Román Alves, Ana María A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Ética filosófica K1 Ethics K1 Ética K1 Business K1 Empresa K1 72 Filosofía AB The doctoral thesis is structured in two large blocks of content. The first large block is theoretical and includes the first eight chapters. This first part addresses, from the research and literature review, the major issues that are addressed in the doctoral thesis, structured in different chapters. The first chapter sets out, in a general way, the theoretical foundations of the Doctoral Thesis and the ARETAI Program starting from a diagnostic analysis of today's society and the main challenges and problems of our world. The second chapter focuses on organizations and companies and their role in society. In a society of organizations like ours, their character is decisive in contributing to building a fairer society. The third chapter deals with research on corporate responsibility and a new business paradigm, that of the humanistic company. The fourth chapter of the thesis exposes the relationship between ethics and business, making a brief introduction to the concept of ethics and its application to the business environment. The fifth chapter focuses on the person as the center of the organization. To do this, we present a brief overview of the concept of human dignity throughout history in order to justify the importance of the person always being an end in itself and never a resource. The sixth chapter addresses the ethics of responsibility and the four principles of bioethics as the basis of a new imperative for business ethics. In the seventh chapter we address the issue of education and its purpose by analyzing the transforming power that education can have on people, companies and society. The last of the chapters, the eighth, tries to argue that the company can become a school of values ​​and virtues for its people through training in these matters and its integration into the organizational culture.The second block of content of the thesis is the practical part and, in it, we expose the "Fundamentals for a proposal for the application of a Training Program in values ​​and virtues in the company". It is a methodological proposal for a training program to transform the company from its people and from the promotion of virtues as a daily practice in the company. This Program is based on the research and bibliographic review that occupy the first eight chapters of the thesis. We have called this proposal the Aretai Program. YR 2021 FD 2021 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/59836 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/59836 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 12-mar-2025