RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 Cuantificación de la evolución de la disfagia en el paciente con daño cerebral mediante la escala EDMUR A1 Murciego Rubio, Patricia A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Rehabilitación - Daño cerebral K1 Dysphagia K1 Disfagia K1 Brain damage K1 Daño cerebral K1 Logopeda K1 32 Ciencias Médicas AB IntroductionAcquired brain damage is a serious public health problem that requires multidisciplinary rehabilitation to improve quality of life, and the speech therapist is part of this team. This health professional treats various sequelae, including swallowing problems. Dysphagia is a frequent and serious symptom in people with neurological damage and a tool is needed to quantify and objectify its evolution.In the introduction of the doctoral thesis, a review is made of general or conceptual aspects of brain damage, the central axis of the thesis, later the most used scales are presented to assess neurological problems and swallowing disorders, and finally the anatomophysiology of brain damage is presented in normal swallowing process.ObjectiveThe main objective of this thesis was to develop and validate a tool that measures the evolution of dysphagia in a patient with acquired brain injury, in order to facilitate decision-making during multidisciplinary treatment.MethodsThis work is divided into several phases.1. Descriptive statistical analysis to find out the most prevalent sequela treated in speech therapy and create an evolution scale from there.2. Analysis of the modifiable parameters within the therapy thanks to the existing evaluations and screening, for the creation of the scale.3. Longitudinal cross-sectional study applying the scale to 83 patients, evaluating its psychometric properties, content validity, convergent validity, validity of known groups, reliability and sensitivity to change.ResultsThe results are divided into four sections:1. Study of the patients in the descriptive statistical analysis. Obtaining dysphagia as the most prevalent symptom, followed by language problems.2. Examination of dysphagia evaluation tests.3. Creation of the scale based on the items supported by the bibliography. Obtaining an instrument composed of 5 domains and 46 items, the EDMUR scale (Evolution of Dysphagia Murciego Rubio).4. Validation of the scale.ConclusionsThe most prevalent symptom in the speech therapy field is dysphagia, with hardly any scales that evaluate the evolution of a patient in rehabilitation with this symptom, creating within this thesis a tool, the EDMUR scale, reliable, valid and sensitive for the quantification of evolution of dysphagia, improving the quality of treatments YR 2021 FD 2021 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/59861 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/59861 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 14-oct-2024