RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart T1 Implementation of cell biology online practices using virtual microscopes in different degrees A1 Gallego Muñoz, Patricia A1 Agudo Bernal, Francisco Javier A1 Martínez García, María del Carmen A1 Gómez Niño, María Ángeles A1 Fernández Gómez, José María Fidel A1 Fernández Martínez, Itziar K1 Biología celular K1 Microscopios K1 Cell biology AB In December 2019, Wuhan City in China officially declared the presence of an unknown virus (now called SARS-Cov-2) that soon gained pandemic status. The SARS-Cov-2 or COVID-19pandemic quickly led to the closure of Universities and colleges following the advice of public Health officials to maintain social distancing (Murphy, 2020). Consequently, educational institutionsquickly adopted e-learning under the distance education mode (Morgan, 2020).At University of Valladolid (Spain), two of the degrees with the highest number of new studentsare the Bachelor’s Degree (BD) in Medicine and the BD in Nursing, which also have subjects with a very important practical part. Two of these subjects are Medical Biology and Biology, in the first year of both degrees.The use of the optical microscope is essential to carry out the practical work in these subjects during which students not only manipulate and observe materials using the microscope, but also engage intellectually, using and applying theoretical concepts. SN 978-84-1319-521-6 YR 2023 FD 2023 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/60179 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/60179 LA eng NO Patricia Gallego-Muñoz, Francisco Javier Agudo-Bernal, M. Carmen Martínez-García, M. Ángeles Gómez-Niño, José María Fidel Fernández-Gómez and Itziar Fernández Martínez. Implementation of cell biology online practices using virtual microscopes in different degrees. En: Innovación educativa en Enseñanza Superior. Ana Urrutia, Nahia Idoiaga, Monike Gezuraga, Naiara Berasategi, Israel Alonso, Asier Romero. Universidad del País Vasco, 2023, p. 170-175 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 05-feb-2025