RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Evaluation of the potential migration of acaricides from stamped beeswax to honey simulating beehive conditions: a pilot study A1 De La Fuente Ballesteros, Adrián A1 Nozal Nalda, María Jesús del A1 Ares Sacristán, Ana María A1 Bernal del Nozal, José K1 Apicultura K1 Química analítica K1 Acaricides K1 Beeswax K1 Food safety K1 Acaricidas K1 Cera de abejas K1 Seguridad alimenticia K1 2301 Química Analítica AB There is an issue concerning the migration of pesticides from stamped beeswax to other bee products, mainly, honey. This implies that honey and other beehive-based products could be contaminated, which would represent a potential risk to consumers and food safety. To determine the degree to which acaricides can be transferred from the stamped beeswax to the honey, a pilot experiment was designed consisting of placing beeswax that contained acaricides (endogenous content, τ-fluvalinate, chlorfenvinphos, and coumaphos; spiked samples, coumaphos) in contact with multifloral honey in an incubator. Temperature and shaking conditions were settled simulating beehive conditions. The isolation of the analytes from beeswax involved the use of a QuEChERS (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged & safe) method, and honey was analyzed through a solvent extraction procedure. Acaricides were determined in the resulting extracts by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry detection. Coumaphos was the only acaricide transferred into honey in beeswaxes with endogenous acaricide content; meanwhile, results of the experiments with spiked beeswax samples showed that the initial concentration present in the contaminated beeswax significantly influences the transfer to honey, as it was observed that in the spiked beeswax sheets with high levels of coumaphos, the migration from beeswax to honey arose. PB Elsevier SN 0889-1575 YR 2023 FD 2023 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/60656 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/60656 LA eng NO Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2023, vol. 123, 105542 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 07-mar-2025