RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 El Paisaje Patrimonial de Clunia. Estrategias, mecanismos y proyectos de intervención arquitectónica A1 Lázaro San José, Laura María A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Arquitectura K1 Heritage landscape K1 Paisaje patrimonial K1 6201.02 Jardines y Parques AB The research presented below is an approach to knowledge about the concept ofheritage landscape, its recognition and identification, as well as the meaning it arousesin collective and individual memory. Heritage landscapes are true containers of materialremains of the cultural past of human beings, which have lasted until the presentmoment, despite their inexorable submission to the passage of time. However, theyare also spaces that bring together experiences, feelings, memories and views, thusgenerating an intangible and intrinsic component of the concept of heritage landscape.This dual combination gives them an incalculable value, signifying them as redoubtsof readings and legacies of the past that have determined the current context. Thatis why its protection and recovery in the present is necessary, through research andintervention for its conservation and dissemination in the future.In this sense, numerous values of the landscape are analyzed: historical, archaeological,environmental, ethnographic, intangible, etc., to unravel the interweaving thathas generated the superimposition of layers over time, giving rise to complex andinteresting cultural palimpsests that need to be displayed and understood by visitors.These landscapes and heritage elements, from different eras, present peculiarities andcomplexities that cause diverse problems and strategies to arise in their architecturalintervention processes for their protection, restoration and, ultimately, enjoyment,contemplation and public visit. The analysis and critical study of different notablecases of interventions in heritage landscapes of Castilla y León, as examples of theexperience of the LAB/PAP, as well as other cases of heritage landscapes resulting fromthe investigation and own knowledge inside and outside the national territory , allowsto classify the different ways of facing the problem from the architecture.Specifically, ultimately, the proactive methodologies that have been studied andestablished to intervene architecturally in different cases of heritage landscapes, serve asa substrate in the identification and critical analysis of the tools, procedures and projectstrategies carried out in the history of the intervention process that constitutes thePatrimonial Landscape of Clunia. With this, the archaeological site expands its meaning,becoming a true laboratory for contemporary research and accepting approaches to therelationship with the territory. YR 2021 FD 2021 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/60769 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/60769 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 16-sep-2024