RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 El periodismo literario de Marta Brunet. Análisis de artículos publicados en diarios y revistas entre 1920 y 1958 A1 Gálvez Velásquez, Karim A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Brunet, Marta K1 Literary journalism K1 Periodismo literario K1 5506.11 Historia del Periodismo AB The present research has as its study subject the journalistic texts of the Chilean-Spanish writer Marta Brunet, National Literature Award in 1961.Born in Chillán as the daughter of Spanish landowners, the writer started in the early 1920s a prolific literary career with novels such as Montaña Adentro, María Nadie and Amasijo, which earned her a prominent place in both the Chilean and Latin American literary and intellectual scenes.Simultaneously, between 1920 and 1958 she developed a more unknown career as a reporter and director of media in Chilean and foreign newspapers and magazines, such as El Día, La Discusión, El Sur, La Hora, Familia, Ecrán, Repertorio Americano and Atenea.The journalistic texts of Marta Brunet correspond with the formats known as chronicles, columns and interviews. Several of them -especially the ones related to cooking duties and the role of the woman in the domestic world- were published under the names of Miriam, Isabel de Santillana, Hermanita Hormiga and Aladina. In others, however, she used her real name and allows evidence of her vision about arts and the Chilean cultural life of the early 20th century, childhood and the Chilean women's demands for a bigger presence in the public world.This study aims to analyze the journalistic works of the author from a corpus retrieved from historical archives and that have been transcribed and processed with text analysis and narratology techniques.I have distinguished four great concerns of the author throughout her career as a journalist, that for the purposes of this study they were established in three stages: "Reporter in formation" (1919-1924), "Prolific journalist" (1926-1939) and "Mature journalist" (1939-1967).During these three periods the writer-journalist consistently touches subjects that were grouped into four categories: "Arts and letters", "Woman in the public and private world", "Infancy" and "Travels and daily life".The analysis revealed that Brunet is predominantly located in an homodiegetic narrator and assumes a leading role in her stories, with the first person as a distinctive characteristic of her journalism.It is possible to point out -as a contribution of the journalism of Marta Brunet- the visibility in the public scene of women and children as another individual that had been ignored by society until then. Through the use of pen- names, Brunet builds and projects female sensibilities that experiment identity tensions throughout the first half of the 20th century, such as the dilemma between the maintenance of domestic roles and the breaking into the salaried world.On the other hand, her journalistic writing reveals that the author uses the description of environments and characters, use of text blocks and dialogues as resources to create her journalistic pieces, just like the literary journalists of the 21st century (Caparrós 2016).Marta Brunet enjoyed the profession. In her chronicles, columns and interviews it is not a mere incorporation of fiction resources that we see, but rather elements that place her as one of the precursors of the modern Chilean literary journalism.ReferencesAmaro, Lorena. “En un país de silencio: narrativa de Marta Brunet”. Obra Narrativa. Novelas. Tomo I. Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2014.Caparrós, Martín. Lacrónica. Editorial Planeta, 2016.Gálvez, Karim. Marta Brunet. Crónicas, columnas y entrevistas. La Pollera Ediciones, 2019.Kholer Riessman, Catherine. Narrative methods for the human sciences. Sage Publications, 2008.Rama, Ángel. “Marta Brunet Premio Nacional de Literatura”. Marcha, 18 de febrero de 1962, pp. 21–22.Rotker, Susana. La invención de la crónica. Ediciones Letra Buena, 1992. YR 2021 FD 2021 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/60786 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/60786 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 11-jul-2024